Description of the variety of tomatoes Babushkin secret with photos and videos

When growing tomatoes, each gardener selects a variety depending on the goals. Many people put almost the entire crop into canning, so they grow varieties with small fruits. Someone prefers to eat fresh tomatoes, respectively, they prefer crops in which the fruits are characterized by excellent taste. Large-fruited tomatoes are suitable for different purposes, so growing them for gardeners is akin to a hobby. Now there are plenty of such varieties, and the grandmother’s secret tomato is one of those. It is about him that will be discussed in this article: in addition to describing the characteristics of the culture, we will consider the actions when growing this wonderful variety of tomato.


As a rule, all large-fruited tomato varieties are indeterminate, and Grandma’s Secret is no exception, and there is nothing strange that plants grow up to 2 m (average height is 150-170 cm). This is a mid-season variety, ripening occurs in 115-125 days. The fruits are very large – Babushkin’s secret tomatoes gain weight up to 1 kg, so compared to most varieties they can be called very large-fruited. They have a flat-round shape, are painted in a rich red-raspberry color, while they have excellent taste qualities (they taste slightly sweet). The fruits contain a small amount of seeds, which slightly upsets ardent gardeners. The pulp is dense, juicy, perfect for processing into tomato products, but is most often consumed fresh and used to prepare various dishes (mainly salads). In addition, a great option would be to use Grandma’s secret tomatoes for winter harvesting.

Description of the variety of tomatoes Babushkin secret with photos and videos

In terms of culinary use, the variety is worthy of only positive reviews. But as for the stability of the variety, not everything is so smooth here. Since Grandma’s Secret is a relatively new variety, its ability to withstand external factors has not yet been fully revealed. It has been established that it adequately responds to temperature changes, a decrease in the amount of moisture. Also in the reviews sometimes there is information about the defeat of a particular disease, but it has not yet been possible to establish whether this is a single case or a variety really has weak immunity.

Recommendations for growing

Grandma’s secret is quite simple to grow, it does not require special agricultural practices, it is enough to follow the general rules for planting and caring for indeterminate varieties. It is rarely grown in open ground, film shelters are more suitable, and glass greenhouses are a little less common. The temperature in the room at the same time should be at the level of + 23-25 ​​degrees, it is advisable not to allow excessive humidity. Plants are not demanding on the soil, but the soil must be with enough nutrients.

Description of the variety of tomatoes Babushkin secret with photos and videos

Tomatoes Grandma’s secret should be placed no more than three plants per 1 m². Sowing is carried out approximately 50-60 days before transplanting to a new place (weather conditions should be taken into account: it is worth replanting in constantly warm weather, when there is no threat of frost, and the soil warms up normally), most gardeners do this at the end of March – in the first decade of April. Seedlings dive at the age of about 3 weeks, when at least one true leaf appears. Many gardeners immediately use individual containers for each bush when sowing. Over time, the plants are tied up and formed into one trunk.

The main methods of care – watering and top dressing – are carried out if necessary (abundant watering is not necessary, it is enough to maintain a comfortable balance, and top dressing is carried out 2-3 times with mineral and organic fertilizers).

Description of the variety of tomatoes Babushkin secret with photos and videos

Babushkin’s secret tomato is a relatively new variety of tomato, but many gardeners have already managed to like it due to its advantages (high yield, easy to grow).

Video “Harvest varieties of tomatoes”

This video shows the most productive tomato varieties.

Harvest varieties of TOMATOES: in seeds and in reality

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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