Description of the variety of red plum

Description of the variety of red plum

Red plum is actively cultivated in many countries. It has delicious fruits, which is why it is often used in cooking. This variety can also be grown in a small area.

This plum belongs to the mid-early varieties. The tree grows short – no more than 3 m, so harvesting is easy.

Red plum fruits have a pleasant sweet taste


  • lush spreading crown;
  • small fruits of regular oval shape with a barely noticeable seam and a pointed apex;
  • dark red peel;
  • yellowish flesh with a pleasant sweet taste.

The average weight of fruits is 15 g. At least 25 kg of harvest can be removed from an adult tree, but the seedling begins to bear fruit only in the fourth year after planting.

Caring for the red plum variety

The tree prefers fertile soil with neutral acidity. This is the key to plant health and a good harvest. Although the plum is adapted for growing in harsh climates, the place for it should be sunny, sheltered from the winds. It is best if the site is located on a hill.

In the lowlands, a tree can freeze slightly in a cold and snowless winter.

Plum of this variety is best planted in early spring, when the ground melts and warms up well. Annual seedlings take root best of all.

Prepare a planting hole in advance. Its depth should be at least 60 cm. The planting mixture is prepared from earth, rotted manure and peat, which is laid on the bottom. When planting, you need to make sure that the root collar rises above the ground by at least 5-6 cm.

The soil must be tamped, watered well and covered with straw, peat or leaves. Plum loves abundant and regular watering. The main thing is not to overdo it, this has a bad effect on the development of the plant.

Only adult plants need to be fed. This is done in early spring and summer, after flowering, using organic and mineral fertilizers.

Young seedlings do not need to be fed. At this stage, special attention must be paid to the correct formation of the crown in order to get a bountiful harvest in the future. In the first year, the seedling must be shortened to 0,7 m, in the second year, the main trunk must be shortened, in the third year, the side branches must be slightly cut off.

The tree is able to withstand even severe frosts, as it is adapted to life in harsh climatic conditions. The plant is undemanding to pollinators.

The variety has good immunity to various diseases and is practically not susceptible to pest infestations, so there is no particular trouble with it.

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