Description of the potato variety Zhukovsky with a photo
The flowering potato bush “Zhukovsky” in the photo looks like an ornamental plant with beautiful red-purple inflorescences. But the value of this variety is in its nutritional quality. It will be easier to grow a vegetable by learning about its benefits, planting and caring for it.
Description of the potato variety “Zhukovsky”
This is a very early variety of Russian selection. Within 2 months from the moment of planting, the tubers can be eaten. However, at this time, the potatoes have not yet fully formed, therefore, they are rather small and watery. To get a full harvest, you need to wait another 2-3 weeks. From a bush, you can collect up to 12 pink oval root crops weighing up to 150 g.
Zhukovsky potatoes are best suited for frying
The advantage of the variety is long-term tuberization. Its roots grow to the sides, which allows you not to dig out the entire plant, but to select several potatoes at a time, allowing the rest to grow. Up to 5,5 kg can be harvested from one bush. The pulp of the vegetable is white, the starch content is up to 14,7%. Potatoes are well stored and used in the preparation of various dishes. But you shouldn’t delay harvesting. If potatoes are overexposed in the ground, their taste will deteriorate.
This potato is unpretentious to care for, tolerates drought well, but under unfavorable conditions, the tubers are smaller. It tolerates transportation well, does not lose its presentation on impact. The variety is resistant to golden nematode, scab and potato crayfish, but susceptible to late blight.
How to grow potatoes “Zhukovsky”
Planting should be done early, when the ground has already warmed up to 6-7 ° C, but has not lost the moisture accumulated over the winter. Growing has some features:
- Soil preparation. Potatoes are undemanding to the type of soil, but they grow poorly in clay, depleted and acidic soils. The site should be dug up in the fall, humus and ash should be added, and nitrogen-containing fertilizers should be added in the spring.
- Germination. A good harvest can be obtained by planting potatoes directly from the cellar. But germination will be a reason for rejection of tubers with weak sprouts or with signs of disease and will give a guarantee of the quality of the planting material. At the end of March, remove it from the basement, revise it, remove too long shoots, put it in one layer in a box or on the floor and incubate for 2 weeks at temperatures up to + 10 ° C under diffused lighting.
- Landing. Sprinkle the ashes on the tubers and arrange them into holes about 12 cm deep, spaced 30 cm apart and 70 cm from the adjacent row.
Seedlings will appear in 10 days. They must be immediately spud, covered with earth. Further care comes down to loosening the earth, removing weeds and treating the stems with means from the Colorado potato beetle.
Such potatoes allow you to get a high yield with a minimum investment of time and effort. The taste depends on the timing of harvesting, so it is important not to miss them.