Description of the plant Wolf’s bast
Wolf bast, wolfberry, common wolf, deadly wolf – a poisonous bush. It can be found on the outskirts of the forest in Siberia, Europe, the Caucasus and Asia Minor. The shrub is dangerous because all its parts are poisonous. But its use in small doses under the strict supervision of a doctor helps to get rid of many ailments.
Its deep pink flowers appear in late April or early May, before the leaves bloom. They have a rich aroma similar to the smell of lilacs. If you breathe the scent of these flowers for a long time, you can feel a severe headache.
Wolf’s bast is a plant with poisonous leaves, bark, flowers and fruits
The bark of the wolfberry is gray-brown, even on the upper shoots, and wrinkled downward. The fruits of the bush are red. Despite the attractive appearance, the berries are very poisonous.
The first manifestations of fruit poisoning are burning and tingling in the oropharynx. Further, there is pain in the stomach, diarrhea, vomiting, thirst, salivation. The next stage is dizziness, a sluggish state of the body, convulsions and rapid bleeding. If you do not take emergency measures, then death can occur as a result of heart failure.
In the wild, the shrub does not grow taller than 1 m
Poisoning of the body can also occur from contact of the skin with the bark of the plant. From contact with the bark of wolfberry, redness and blisters appear on the skin. And people who inhale vapors from the juice of the bark and berries of wolf wolf, begin a runny nose, cough, watery eyes.
When the first signs of poisoning with any part of the plant appear, you must immediately rinse the stomach and go to the hospital.
Description of the medicinal properties of wolf bast
The correct use of drugs based on wolfberry has an anticonvulsant, analgesic, antibacterial, antitumor, hypnotic and laxative effect on a person. But they must be taken in scanty portions and under the strict supervision of a doctor.
For the production of drugs, fruits and bark are used. The bark is harvested in early spring before the flowers appear, and the fruits are harvested in July-August.
Collect raw materials only with protective gloves, observing safety precautions
When using wolf-based medications, you must strictly follow the instructions and not exceed the dose. You can take such medications only after consulting your doctor. And when the first signs of poisoning appear, seek emergency medical help.
We must not forget that this is a dangerous poisonous plant, and when you see it in the forest, you must bypass it as far as possible.