Description of the Phantom hydrangea, planting and caring for it

Description of the Phantom hydrangea, planting and caring for it

Hydrangea “Phantom” is considered one of the most beautiful varieties. It is distinguished by its lush flowering and long lifespan.

Description of hydrangea “Phantom”

An adult bush is 2 m high and about the same in diameter. The flowering plant emits a very strong and pleasant honey aroma, perceptible at a distance of several meters.

The Phantom hydrangea continues to bloom throughout the season.


  • high growth;
  • direct powerful branches;
  • spreading crown;
  • huge flower panicle brushes 30-35 cm long in white, cream or lilac-pink shades;
  • bright green leaves.

The bush takes up a lot of space, which must be taken into account when planting.

The main advantages of the variety:

  • resistance to many diseases;
  • the ability to quickly restore branches after pruning;
  • long flowering (August – October);
  • endurance;
  • frost resistance;
  • the ability to grow in one place for many years.

With proper care, a shrub can live for over 40 years.

Planting and caring for the Phantom hydrangea

The shrub is unpretentious, but still you need to pick up a sufficiently lit area for it, shaded from the hot midday variety. It is best to plant your hydrangea near buildings or trees to provide some protection from the piercing winds. The flower does not like sandy and neutral soils, preferring loamy and fertile soils with high acidity.

Saplings can be planted in a permanent place as early as April. It is advisable to prepare the landing pit in advance. The depth of the pit is 0,5 m, the width is 0,6 m. A mixture of fertile soil and peat should be laid on the bottom of the pit and compacted. The bush is planted so that the root collar is flush with the soil. Then the plant must be watered abundantly. After 15-20 days, the seedling should take root in a new place. This is evidenced by the appearance of new leaves.

For flowering to last longer, it is important to properly care for the hydrangea:

  • Once every 1,5-2 weeks, as soon as the topsoil dries, the bushes are watered. The watering rate is 10 liters for young plants, 20 liters for adults at a time.
  • In the spring, the shrubs need to be fed with nitrogen fertilizers, a little later – with a mullein.
  • In autumn, it is advisable to cut off all faded inflorescences. In the spring, the bush must be cleaned of frozen branches. Annual pruning is essential for lush and long-lasting flowering.

Old bushes can be cut to the stump, and they will give new young branches.

Blooming hydrangea is a stunning sight, so it is worth planting it on your site.

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