Description of the Julian grape variety and its advantages

Table grapes are called so because the fruits of this variety are served fresh to the table or as a dessert, or as a decoration to give a special charm, aesthetics, festivity. But you also need to be able to choose the right table grapes, because the fruits are different in shape and color, which already speaks of a variety of tastes. Sometimes it is desirable that the taste of berries harmonize with other dishes. There are varieties whose fruits are suitable for any table. For example, the table grape variety Julian, which will be discussed in this article, and specifically, a description of the characteristics, features of caring for the culture.

Characteristic of the variety

Grapes Julian – a product of the activity of an amateur breeder, was obtained by crossing the Kesha and Rizamat varieties, from which he inherited only the best characteristics. Julian is an early (one might even say very early) variety, from the beginning of flowering to fruit ripening, a period of 95-105 days passes, that is, the crop can be harvested already in the first decade of August. Its clusters are loose, large, sometimes very large (the average mass of clusters is 700-1000 g, and with very close care, as a result, they can weigh 1,4-2 kg). The peduncle is long, the bunch is either shapeless or vaguely reminiscent of a cylindrical-conical one, this is a significant similarity with the parent Rizamat grape. To match the clusters and berries of Julian – large, finger-like, weigh from 15 to 20 g. The pink color is slightly diluted with a yellow tint, there are berries and darker – lilac. The pulp is crisp and dense, with a very thin skin (when used, it is practically not felt), the harmonious taste is complemented by a light nutmeg aroma. The berries are not prone to cracking, they have a good sugar-accumulating ability, while the wasps are not actually damaged.

Description of the Julian grape variety and its advantages

The frost resistance of Julian grapes is also worthy of praise – plants of this variety can withstand frosts of 24-25 degrees. Also, gardeners highly appreciate such cultural characteristics as marketability (that is, it retains a decent appearance for a long period) and transportability (clusters do not crumple during transportation or other movements).

What is sick

Grape Julian is a hybrid form, relatively new, therefore it has not yet been fully studied, but some features have already been established. One of the parental varieties – Kesha – was bred with good immunity from certain diseases, this property was inherited by Julian grapes. In many sources, in the description of Julian, increased resistance to oidium and mildew is indicated. Slightly lower coefficient of resistance to gray rot. But despite such good reviews, you need to be prepared for anything. To prevent oidium, it is enough to spray the plants with a solution of colloidal sulfur. During a long rainy period, anthracnose can develop, which damages not only the leaves (brown spots form), but also young shoots. At elevated temperatures and moisture, the variety may undergo alternariosis, which affects leaves and fruits. In order to prevent the death of Julian, periodically inspect the plants and do preventive treatments.

Description of the Julian grape variety and its advantages

Features of care

Julian grapes require the same attention as most varieties, no specific actions are provided. Choose an open landing site, preferably on a southern or western slope, so that there is no lack of sunlight. If it is not possible to plant in fertile soil, then add fertilizer to the ground and feed in the future. In most cases, this variety is planted by cuttings, the root system then develops quickly. It combines well with other varieties, grafting favorably affects the yield. Particular attention should be paid to pruning, when the characteristics of each variety are taken into account. For Julian grapes, it is carried out for 8-10 eyes, the best solution would be to leave no more than forty-five eyes. Also keep an eye on the number of inflorescences and clusters to avoid overloading the plants.

Description of the Julian grape variety and its advantages

Julian grapes are one of the best table varieties that are easy to grow at home. Unlike some imported species, he does not need to adapt to our conditions, he has no worse characteristics, so many gardeners prefer him.

Video “Grape Julian”

In this video, the characteristics of the hybrid variety Julian are given: a description of the fruit, taste, yield, especially the cultivation of the vine.

Grape Julian

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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