Description of the Florina apple variety with photo and video

Almost all experienced gardeners grow both the earliest varieties of apple trees and very late ones at once. This combination makes it possible to harvest for a long time (about three months). Beginning gardeners often start with summer varieties of apple trees (perhaps to quickly get the first harvest, or this is due to taste characteristics, because according to the description, most summer varieties are sweeter). Although, according to many, there is not much difference, because winter varieties are not much inferior to summer varieties, and even surpass them in some characteristics. If you still decide to harvest late apples, we recommend that you opt for the Florina apple tree, an excellent winter variety. The material of this article will be devoted to the description of the characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of this particular culture.


The Florina apple tree is a product of French breeders. Several varieties were used to obtain it, in particular Golden Delicious, Jonathan, Rum Beauty and a few more. In our area, the Florina apple tree appeared in the 70s of the last century: at first it was tested in scientific institutions in different climatic zones, and a decade later it was already zoned into industrial gardens of the steppe and forest-steppe. Now seedlings of this culture are available for sale and it will not be difficult to buy them.

Description of the Florina apple variety with photo and video

Let’s start the review of the characteristics of the Florin apple tree with a description of the tree itself. Plants are medium tall, have a fairly dense and wide rounded crown. It consists of strong branches emanating from the main trunk at an angle of 45-80°. In height, Florina grows by 3-5 meters. Shoots form very well on young apple trees; tree are characterized by an average excitability of the kidneys. Florina begins to bloom in the medium term, the flowering process itself lasts quite a long time. Refers to plants with a mixed type of fruiting. The apple tree gives fruits in the fourth or fifth year (the first harvest is small – about 10 kg, plants aged 8-10 years old yield 55-65 kg). As already mentioned, Florina’s apple tree belongs to winter varieties, that is, it will give birth late: the fruits fully ripen until mid-October, that’s when they begin to be harvested.

Trees require annual formative pruning (this process will then positively affect crop yields); do it in the spring, before the intensive growth of branches. The crown is either left free-growing or made spindle-shaped.

Description of the Florina apple variety with photo and video

Now let’s start describing the fruits of the Florin apple tree. Apples are one-dimensional, medium in size (each weighs from 120 to 150 grams) with slightly flattened ribs. The shapes are different: they are often round-conical or cylindrical, but asymmetric apples (irregularly shaped) also come across. The color of Florin apples is also quite specific: the base is pale yellow, which is covered with a thick striped blush. There is also a characteristic waxy coating, so most apples are dark red or purple. The pulp is dense, juicy and crispy, emits a very pleasant aroma. Taste qualities are excellent: apples are sweet, but with a slight sourness, after a certain storage time they become even sweeter. In most cases, it is consumed fresh, for other purposes (juice, jam, etc.) they are rarely used.

Description of the Florina apple variety with photo and video

Advantages and disadvantages

In the description of Florin’s apple tree, the specific pros and cons of the variety are rarely indicated, so in this case the culture can be called the “golden mean”. Reviews are also equally common, both good and not so good, or neutral. But still, some aspects can be distinguished. Let’s start with the positives. In addition to excellent taste (which gets better over time), the fruits are highly marketable and transportable, and their most characteristic feature can be called their ability to be stored for a long time – under comfortable conditions, they will lie with you until March, and even longer in the refrigerator. The variety is completely resistant to scab, has an average immunity to powdery mildew and other similar diseases. It has practically no obvious shortcomings, these include only the frequency of fruiting, and, perhaps, not the highest yield. You can only add incompatibility with some other varieties. The idea of ​​a “golden mean” is also confirmed by the average characteristics of drought resistance and frost resistance. As you can see, the description of the characteristics is not much different from other popular winter varieties of apple trees.

Description of the Florina apple variety with photo and video

The Florina apple variety is excellent for growing in areas with a temperate and warm climate. The culture will become an adornment of any garden, you can enjoy the wonderful taste of fruits for a long time, treating all your relatives and friends.

Video “Formation of apple trees”

The video gives advice from an experienced gardener on shaping the crown of apple trees: how to properly form, shaping techniques, etc.

Formation of an apple tree – good advice

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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