Description of the crown mock-orange, its planting and caring for it

Description of the crown mock-orange, its planting and caring for it

Chubushnik corona – a beautiful deciduous shrub with white fragrant flowers. It is often mistakenly called jasmine because of its resemblance to this delicate plant.

Description of the chubushnik corona

Chubushnik grows up to 3 m high. The bush forms strong long shoots of red-brown color with large leaves with carved edges. White or cream flowers 3-4 cm in diameter are collected in graceful inflorescences of 8-9 pieces. The flowers are simple, semi-double or double, depending on the variety. Chubushnik blooms for about three weeks in mid-June, attracting a huge number of bees.

The flowers of the crown mock-orange bear a striking resemblance to jasmine.

There are several varieties of crown mock-orange:

  • “Aureus”. It has beautiful golden leaves, looks very impressive against the backdrop of greenery.
  • Virginal. Blooms in large double inflorescences.
  • “Avalanche”. Has a pleasant strawberry aroma.

The varieties are winter-hardy, withstand frosts down to –25 ° C. In severe winters, they freeze to the level of snow. With good care, they grow quickly and bloom profusely for at least 30 years.

Planting and caring for a crown mock

The bush grows better in the sun, in the shade of its branches are extended, and the flowers are reduced. Chubushnik prefers fertile soil with moderate moisture. Stagnant water is bad for the development of the plant, so drainage is necessary in such cases.

Chubushnik is best planted in the fall – in the second half of September. If the plant needs to be planted in spring, this must be done before the leaves have bloomed, otherwise the bush will die. The hole should be approximately 50 cm deep, and the distance between bushes can vary from 80 to 150 cm.

If you need a hedge, the plants should be planted closer – at a distance of 50–80 cm from each other. After a couple of years, they form a dense green wall.

When planting, you need to make sure that the stem remains above the ground, as it can rot. Water the bushes immediately, cut off weak shoots on them and shorten the main branches. This stimulates the growth of new buds, resulting in a symmetrical and dense crown.

Chubushnik blooms in the year of planting. During flowering, the chubushnik requires abundant watering – at least 20 liters of water daily. After flowering, it is necessary to cut off weak shoots. Pruning allows strong and sturdy branches to grow. In the fall, lateral shoots appear on them, which will bloom next spring. Old and dead branches should be removed regularly, as the mock-orange thickens quickly.

Chubushnik is an unpretentious and beautiful plant that every year pleases the gardener with lush flowering and delicate aroma.

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