Description of the breed Livensky chickens
Livensky chickens, the pride of the Livensky district of the Oryol province, appeared at the beginning of the XNUMXth century as a result of folk selection. This unpretentious breed with variegated plumage, large in weight, has good egg production. For these qualities, she is appreciated in private farmsteads and at poultry farms.
History of the breed and description of Livonian chickens
Despite the high egg production and rapid weight gain, these chickens did not have a breed standard for a long time. It only appeared in 1990. Chickens are diverse and differ significantly in appearance in color – yellow, black, chintz, golden, silver. They have a different ridge structure. In some chickens, the legs may have plumage, there are chickens with a tuft and even specimens with a bare neck.
Livensky chickens are distinguished by high egg production
In the process of creating the species, the strongest birds were selected, laying large eggs. However, in the 60s the Leghorns supplanted the Leghorns and it was believed that the breed had not survived. Amateurs managed to save and revive the unique chickens. Now the result of folk selection is considered the best in terms of the egg-meat ratio.
There are no strict criteria for the breed, but today the preference is given to the calico color. On the exterior, these are large birds. Roosters weigh up to 5 kg, chickens – about 4,5 kg. The plumage is lush, the neck is short, the chest is well developed, the back is powerful, long, short tail and medium length of the legs. The tail braids of roosters are pronounced. The color of the metatarsus is yellow, but black is also found. The character is calm, chickens are easily tamed.
Advantages and disadvantages of Liven chickens
The undoubted advantages of this type include:
- high productivity and large eggs. For a year, a chicken lays up to 220 pieces weighing from 70 to 100 g with a brown shell. In winter, chickens rush too, albeit with less intensity;
- tender and tasty meat;
- fast weight gain;
- unpretentiousness to the stern. They supplement their diet with greens, small animals, feed on crushed grain with various food additives;
- cold resistance and aversion to diseases and infections.
Livenki are wonderful brood hens and tenderly take care of the offspring. Roosters are distinguished by their tough disposition and courage.
When growing a baby shower, you need to take into account their disadvantages:
- chickens fully mature no earlier than six months later, even with good feeding;
- Although adult birds only need thick bedding on the floor and thrive in an unheated house, chicks need a warmer room. They fledge later than other species and may suffer from cold;
- Laying hens can peck eggs and pluck feathers from young chickens, which is considered cannibalism. This must be stopped immediately, the culprits must be removed. It is recommended to use stone or plastic dummies so that the birds understand that they should not peck eggs. In addition, the diet of birds should be diversified and introduced into it chalk, shells, fishmeal as sources of calcium and phosphorus.
The merits of the Leven women certainly outweigh their disadvantages.
Liveki is a successful folk experiment that has enriched poultry farming with excellent representatives of domestic birds.