Description of the blueberry variety Bluecrop
Blueberry blueberry is considered a reference. It is grown in garden plots and industrial farms. The culture belongs to the heather family, unpretentious in care and cultivation. The berries are tasty and have healing properties.
Description of blueberries “Bluecrop”
Almost 60% of all blueberry plantings in the world are occupied by this particular variety. With it, as with the standard, other blueberry varieties are compared. The standard is less capricious, frost-resistant, bears fruit abundantly from mid-July. Large, sweet, juicy berries are good for health – they contain vitamins and antioxidants that prevent cell aging.
Blueberry “Bluecrop” bears fruit with large, sweet berries
Bushes of the “Bluecrop” variety reach a height of 1,9 m, the leaves are dark green, the berries are blue with a bluish bloom, elastic. They are useful fresh and processed, do not suffer during transportation. 7-9 kg of berries are harvested from one bush. Bushes hibernate without shelter, they are not afraid of frosts down to -30 ° C.
In addition to excellent taste, the fruits and leaves of the plant contain a large amount of vitamins, microelements, organic acids vital for humans. Blueberries are recommended as food for problems of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. Its berries reduce blood sugar levels. Blueberry fruits can be frozen, the leaves can be dried, and you can drink vitamin tea and eat healing berries all year round.
Planting blueberry varieties “Bluecrop”
Although this blueberry is an unassuming plant, it has a preference. If you do not take them into account, you will not be able to wait for a bountiful harvest.
First of all, the culture needs a light sandy loam soil. If it is loam or black soil, then it is better to plant it in the beds. Blueberries have a delicate root system and need light soil to aerate the roots and prevent water from stagnating. This is a moisture-loving culture, but stagnant water at the roots is detrimental to it.
To enjoy large, sweet fruits, blueberries need to be planted in full sun
Culture is not afraid of the sun. In the shade and partial shade, the plant grows rapidly, but the quality and quantity of berries decreases.
Bushes are planted in pits up to 40 cm deep and 1 m in diameter. The distance between the bushes should be at least 1,2 m. Regardless of the composition of the soil, a drainage up to 7 cm thick is placed in the pit. It is better that this is the bark of a pine of a large fraction.
The optimum soil for blueberries should have a ph in the 4,5-5,5 range. Therefore, a substrate of sour high-moor peat is placed on the drainage in half with the soil. The bush is planted with a lump of earth, covered with the remaining soil, watered.
Because of the delicate, fibrous root system, blueberries need to be protected from weeds, especially in the early years.
So that the bushes do not dry out, they are intensively mulched – a layer of 5-7 cm. Mulch will protect against moisture evaporation, slow down the growth of weeds and eventually become part of the substrate necessary for the life of blueberries. The most favorable mulch fraction 1−3 cm from pine, since its ph coincides with the required for the plant.
Blueberry “Bluecrop” is the optimal choice of an unpretentious fruitful shrub with tasty and healing fruits.