Description of red grape varieties

Description of red grape varieties

Red grape varieties are not as popular as black and white ones, but there are many varieties that taste just as well. Let’s consider them.

Description of red grape varieties

Most red varieties are versatile. The grapes are used to make wine and juice. The berries are sweet, so they are eaten and added to pie fillings. The photo shows the Dolcetto red grape variety. Wines made from these berries have an almond flavor mixed with fruity notes.

Red grapes are ideal for winemaking.

Popular red varieties:

  1. “Northern Saperavi”. The berries are round, the clusters are dense and large. Harvest at the end of August. Sweet wines are made from the berries of this variety.
  2. “North Shasla”. Bunches are conical in medium size. The berries are dark pink, rounded. The sugar content of grapes reaches 20%. A very productive variety, up to 85% of the shoots bear fruit.
  3. “Alina Zaporozhskaya”. Early ripe vigorous grapes. Fruits are pink in color, collected in bunches weighing up to 0,5 kg.
  4. “Barbera”. This is a wine variety. The wines are sweet with fruity notes.
  5. “Game”. It is a wine variety that originated from Beaujolais. Wines of bright cherry and fruity tones, intense pink-purple color.

Most grape varieties are frost-resistant. The vine does not need shelter for the winter.

Kishmish red grape varieties

Kishmish is prized for its yield, sweet berry taste and lack of seeds. The fruits of the red varieties are just as tasty as the white ones.

“Radiant Kishmish” is one of the best among all kishmish. Its fruits are large, pink, sugar content reaches 21%. This is a very productive medium early variety, the length of the bunch reaches 40 cm. The disadvantages of grapes include low resistance to frost.

The following varieties are also popular:

  1. “Jupiter”. Conical bunches weighing up to 0,5 kg. The berries are pink, large, up to 7 g, with a nutmeg flavor.
  2. “Saturn”. Medium ripening grapes. Bunches are small, up to 300 g. Sugar content up to 20%. The variety is resistant to frost and fungal diseases.
  3. Red Flame. The bunches are large, up to 800 g. The berries are round, red-violet. The variety is not resistant to diseases.

When choosing a grape variety, not only the yield and size of the berries are taken into account, but also the presentation and safety of the crop. Most raisins are stored for up to 12 weeks.

A very tasty aromatic wine with a subtle almond or fruity aftertaste is prepared from red varieties. The grapes are not picky to care for, so even an inexperienced grower can get a rich harvest.

See also: pink grape varieties

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