Description of potatoes varieties Revenge

Description of the Revenge potato variety, photos and reviews about it will help gardeners decide whether the crop is suitable for planting in a particular region, and what yields can be expected. This potato belongs to large-fruited, high-yielding varieties with good taste. Revenge potatoes are planted for commercial purposes and on personal plots.

Description of potato Revenge

Potato Revenge refers to mid-season high-yielding varieties. The tubers are round-oval in shape, each weighing up to 120 g. The peel on the vegetable is strong and smooth. In the section, one can note the light yellow color of the pulp, which does not darken during the cooking process.

Due to the strong skin, the transportability of potatoes of this variety is good, and the tubers can also be stored for a long time under appropriate conditions.

Potato bushes Revenge are tall, powerful, well developed.

Taste qualities of potatoes Revenge

Revenge potatoes are classified as multipurpose varieties. Root crops are used to prepare various dishes, they cook quickly, do not lose their shape when fried. The taste of the tubers is good. The variety is often used for the industrial preparation of chips, french fries.

Pros and cons of the variety

Each potato variety has its own positive qualities. The advantages of the Revenge variety include:

  • increased resistance to the golden nematode, which can cause significant damage to other varieties. Yield losses when affected by the golden nematode can be up to 80%;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • good portability;
  • long shelf life. In a cellar, potatoes are stored until the next harvest;
  • adaptability to the climatic conditions of the region;
  • large weight of tubers;
  • good taste and use for cooking any potato dishes.

Description of potatoes varieties Revenge

Planting and caring for potatoes Revenge

The Revenge variety is suitable for growing in open ground and in greenhouse conditions. To obtain a high yield, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of agricultural technology.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

Revenge potatoes prefer sunny areas, so the beds are chosen in the southern, southeastern or southwestern territory. Lowlands where water accumulates are not suitable for growing potatoes. Clay soils do not allow to achieve good yields. The best option is light sandy loamy soils with a loose composition, black soil or peat soils.

If the site is located on clay soil, the situation can be corrected by introducing sand, wood ash, manure, and humus into the soil.

In the spring, before planting potatoes Revenge, the ground must be loosened. If the soil is good (sandy loam), loosening by 15–20 cm is enough. For clay soil, it is recommended to carry out two-time processing. First, slight loosening is performed to a depth of 15 cm, when planting, the site is dug up to the depth of the shovel bayonet, and the lumps are leveled with a rake. This helps to eliminate excess moisture in the area and saturate the earth with oxygen.

The predecessors in the garden where potatoes are planned to be planted can be: cabbage, cucumbers, beans, sorrel, lettuce, spinach.

Preparation of planting material

If potatoes are planted with seeds, they are pre-soaked for 48 hours in water. You can use the seed hardening method. To do this, the soaked seeds are placed in the refrigerator overnight, and during the day they are pulled out and kept indoors at room temperature. The hardening process takes ten days.

Tuber preparation is carried out by various methods:

  • germination is the most effective method, accelerating the formation of new tubers and increasing the yield. Dry germination is carried out in boxes, the process takes about 30 days. With wet germination, Revenge potatoes are placed in boxes with wet peat or sawdust. The advantages of this method are that the preparatory period is reduced to 15–20 days;
  • the wilting method is used if there is little time before planting potatoes in the ground. The tubers are kept warm for 7-10 days;
  • 3-4 days before planting, potatoes can be warmed up. This is done gradually, for the first 1-2 days the tubers are kept at a temperature of +15 ° C, then the potatoes are transferred to a warmer room (+20 ° C).

Rules of landing

If planting is carried out by seeds, then they are sown in late March or early April. The boxes are filled with a wet composition consisting of earth and peat in a ratio of 1:4. Seedlings are planted in rows. The distance between adjacent seeds should be 5 cm, and between rows – 10 cm. The seeds that have hatched are covered with sand, the layer should be no more than 0,5 cm. The seedling boxes are covered with foil or glass and transferred to a warm room, you can use the greenhouse. The first shoots appear after about 7-10 days. After two true leaves appear on the stem, the seedlings dive into peat or plastic cups.

Description of potatoes varieties Revenge

Seedlings are watered and the earth is loosened. After the threat of frost has passed, the seedlings are planted in the beds. To do this, prepare the wells:

  • hole depth about 10 cm;
  • humus is added to the bottom – 300 g;
  • watered with 0,5 liters of water.

The seedlings are deepened so that the top with three leaves is on the surface.

If the day and night temperatures differ significantly, Revenge potato seedlings are covered with a film. After warm nights are established, the shelter is removed.

If potatoes are planted with tubers, the soil temperature must be at least 10 °C. The deepening of potatoes depends on the soil:

  • on sandy loams and fertile soils, tubers are buried by 10–11 cm;
  • if the soil is clayey, the recess should not exceed 8 cm;
  • in the southern arid regions, tubers are laid to a depth of 12 to 15 cm.

The recommended landing pattern is 30×60 cm.

Watering and top dressing

The frequency of watering depends on the weather in the region and the quality of the soil. Sandy soils dry out faster, so more frequent watering is required. Potatoes of the Revenge variety are a moisture-loving crop that suffers from a lack of moisture. The minimum number of waterings per season is 3 times:

  • after the emergence of seedlings, the soil must be moistened;
  • the second time watering is carried out during the appearance of buds;
  • after the completion of the flowering process, the plant is watered again.

Approximate water consumption per 1 m² – 50 liters. The water must be warm (+23 ÷ +25 °C). To avoid increased evaporation of moisture, watering is carried out in the morning or evening hours.

If the summer is dry, Revenge potatoes need additional watering. It can be carried out in the furrows, the system of drip moistening is effective. Sprinkling can harm the bushes, because a humid environment promotes the development of fungal diseases.

To increase the yield of potatoes, top dressing is used. They are held three times per season:

  • 20–30 days after planting, a mixture of urea and mullein is used. Mullein or bird droppings are added to water (1:4) and kept for 7 days. For 1 bucket of water add a solution of litter and 1 tbsp. l. urea. Under each bush pour 0,5 liters of nutrient composition;
  • during the appearance of buds on potatoes, top dressing with wood ash and potassium sulfate is needed. A bucket of water will require 1 glass of wood ash and 1 tbsp. l. potash fertilizer. 500 ml of solution is poured under the bush;
  • after the potatoes have faded, they make another top dressing. For 10 liters of water add 200 ml of mullein and 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate. Consumption – 0,5 liters per bush.

You can use additional top dressing. To prepare nettle infusion, you will need a bucket of water, chopped nettle shoots and leaves, wood ash (1 cup), yeast – 50 g. After a week of fermentation, the composition is diluted with water (1:10) and the tops are sprayed.

Loosening and weeding

A week after planting potatoes of the Revenge variety, the first weeding of weeds in the garden is carried out. Loosening done in the daytime helps to eliminate about 80% of the weeds that have appeared.

For the full development of tubers, loose soil is needed. After rains, the earth is compacted, so it is recommended to loosen the soil after rainfall.

Description of potatoes varieties Revenge


The first hilling is carried out after the shoots have stretched to 15 cm. The procedure is performed as needed, but at least 2 times per season. The second hilling is carried out approximately two weeks after the first, while the potatoes should not yet bloom. Additional hilling may be required if the potatoes peek out from under the ground. Tubers must be covered with a layer of soil.

Diseases and pests

The most common and dangerous pest of potatoes of various varieties is the Colorado potato beetle. The offspring of just one pair of insects can spoil up to 4 hectares of potato plantings. In small areas, it is recommended to collect beetles and larvae manually, and on an industrial scale, processing is carried out with chemical and biological products.

Description of potatoes varieties Revenge

Insects that damage potato tubers – wireworms, dark beetles, larvae of click beetles. They not only spoil the tubers with their moves, but also carry rot pathogens. Control measures include crop rotation. In the beds after potatoes, it is recommended to plant legumes that are not affected by these insects.

To combat the bear in the beds, deep plowing and loosening of the soil are used. In the spring, before digging, baits poisoned with chemicals can be laid out on the site.

Viral diseases (wrinkled mosaic, mottling, gothic) lead to the degeneration of potatoes. The disease can be carried by insects – aphids, cicadas. Sick bushes are to be destroyed.

Bacterial diseases – rot, black leg cannot be treated. Sick plants are dug up and burned.

Potato yield

The yield indicator depends on many factors: the quality of the land and planting material, proper care and weather conditions. The Revenge potato variety is high-yielding. According to gardeners, 2,5 kg of potatoes can be harvested from one planted seed. The peak yield of Revenge falls on the second or third year, after which it is advisable to plant the seeds.

Harvest of potatoes from seeds Variety Revenge and Triumph

Harvesting and storage

The ripening period for potatoes of the Revanche variety takes from 90 to 110 days, it all depends on the region and climatic conditions. Harvesting is carried out after the tops have dried, when it is still possible to determine the location of the bushes.

Harvest potatoes in dry weather, let it dry in the air in the shade of trees. Then they are only transferred to the basement or cool storage rooms.

For the first two weeks, potatoes are stored at a temperature of about 18 °C, then the temperature is lowered to 12 °C, after 10 days the temperature is set in the range from 2 to 5 °C. Under such conditions, potatoes of the Revenge variety can be stored until spring.

Description of potatoes varieties Revenge


Description of the Revenge potato variety, photos and reviews of gardeners, allow us to conclude that this crop is suitable for growing in various regions of Our Country. Proper care and crop rotation are the main components of a high yield.

Reviews about potatoes Revenge

Galkina Olga, 43 years old, Bataysk
I have been growing potatoes on the site for a long time, the harvest has become worse over time. On the advice of neighbors, I decided to purchase new potato seeds of the Revenge variety. In the first year I gathered a good harvest – 2 kg from each bush, I hope that in the second year the figure will be even higher.
Dyadyushev Maxim Anatolyevich, 65 years old, Voronezh
I grow potatoes in my garden. I decided to update the seed material and purchased the Revenge potato variety. I was satisfied with the harvest. The next two years I will not change the variety. I’ll look at the yield of this potato.
Krys Antonina Vasilievna, 53 years old, Yalta
Last year I harvested a poor crop of potatoes, so I decided to replace the planting material. After reading the description of the Revenge potato variety, and reading the reviews, I ordered seeds via the Internet. Planted seedlings, then placed them in a greenhouse. After the earth warmed up, I transplanted the bushes into the ground. Gathered a good harvest. Next year I will definitely plant this variety from tubers collected on my site.

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