Description of persimmon varieties
Persimmon varieties are divided according to nutritional characteristics, ripening and frost resistance. Therefore, it is not difficult to choose the right variety.
Description of the species and varieties of persimmon
For our climatic zone, three species are of greatest interest: Caucasian, Eastern, Virginia. It is also impossible to ignore the hybrids with high frost resistance obtained as a result of crossing different varieties.
Among the varieties of persimmon, there are also frost-resistant
Description of species:
- Caucasian. Vigorous trees that can withstand frosts down to –20 ° C. Fruits are small, weighing up to 18 g, with a tart taste. It is most often used as a rootstock for cultivars.
- Virginskaya. Fruits weighing up to 500 g are very nutritious and sweet. The thin rind is pale orange in color. It can withstand frosts down to -35 ° C, therefore does not require shelter in open ground conditions. But sudden changes in temperature are detrimental to the plant.
- Eastern. Homeland – China. More than 1000 varieties of this species with different taste characteristics are now known.
The homeland of persimmon is warm Asia, but now it can be grown in the Russian climate.
What varieties of persimmon can be grown in the conditions of Russian winters
You need to choose only varieties bred by Russian collectors that can survive frosty winters.
Popular varieties:
- “Russian woman”. A small tree with spreading branches. Differs in good frost resistance. The fruits have a rounded, slightly flattened shape. Weight from 60 to 100 g. There is a bloom on the skin. The pulp has a tart and sweet taste. From an adult tree, you can harvest 70-80 kg of the crop. Stored until December. Withstands frosts down to –27 ° C. Differs in resistance to diseases and pests.
- “Kinglet”. Trees of this variety look beautiful during flowering: they are completely covered with red flowers. The fruits reach the size and weight of an average apple (200-220 g). Ripe fruits turn brown and become soft. Differs in good transportability and keeping quality. From a tree, you can harvest about 100-150 kg of the crop. Withstands frosts down to –20 ° C.
- “Chocolate”. A distinctive feature of pollinated fruits is brownish flesh. The darker the pulp, the tastier and sweeter the fruit. Non-pollinated fruits are light, unsweetened, have a viscous pulp. The fruits have a regular round shape and orange skin. Weight – 700-800 g.
There are many other varieties as well.
Persimmon is an unpretentious plant. With proper care, it bears fruit very generously.