Description of Daurian juniper

Dahurian juniper (stone heather) is an evergreen plant belonging to the Cypress family. In its natural habitat, it grows on mountain slopes, coastal rocks, dunes, near rivers. Distribution area in Our Country: Far East, Yakutia, Amur region, Transbaikalia.

Botanical description of the Daurian juniper

Heather stone – a low-growing shrub with creeping branches, grows no higher than 0,5 m. The central stem of the plant is hidden in the ground, visually the stems are formed from the root, each shoot grows separately, like a separate plant.

Description of Daurian juniper

Juniper grows slowly, when it reaches five years old it is considered an adult, during the year it gives a slight increase – up to 6 cm. A fully formed shrub reaches 50 cm in height, 1,2 m in width. In a young plant, shoots rise above the soil, forming a crown in the form of a round dome. Upon reaching 7 cm, the branches spread along the surface. The culture belongs to the ground cover species, therefore, shoots in contact with the ground take root.

After 5 years of vegetation, growth does not exceed 1 cm per year. Daurian juniper – a perennial culture that can grow in one area for more than 50 years. The decorativeness of the shrub and its unpretentiousness in care is used by designers to decorate the landscape. Juniper is a frost-resistant and heat-resistant plant that can go without watering for a long time. Vegetation does not slow down in partially shaded areas.

External description of the Daurian juniper shown in the photo:

  • the branches are thin, 3 cm in diameter at the base, tapering at the apex, completely lignified, gray in color, with uneven bark, prone to peeling;
  • the needles are light green, of two types: at the top of the shoot, scaly in the shape of a rhombus, needle-shaped along the length of the branch, collected in whorls of 2 pieces. The needles do not fall for the winter, in the fall they change color to maroon;
  • berries in the form of cones, rounded, up to 6 mm in diameter, color – dark gray with a brown tint, surface with a silvery coating. Formed in small quantities and not every year;
  • juniper seeds have an oblong oval shape, in their fruits 2–4 pcs.;
  • the root system is superficial, overgrown to the sides by 30 cm.
Important! Cones and needles of Dahurian juniper are suitable for use as a spicy seasoning for fish and meat dishes.

The chemical composition of the culture contains essential oils and a number of trace elements. The plant is used as a flavoring agent for alcoholic beverages and cosmetic products.

Dahurian juniper in landscape design

Creeping Dahurian juniper grows on any soil, even on salt marshes. Frost-resistant plant does not require special care. Growing, it forms a dense covering of branches that visually resemble a lawn. The upper stems are partially adjacent to the lower ones, leaving no spaces.

The plant is not deciduous, retains its decorative appearance throughout the year, the bright green carpet changes color to burgundy by autumn. It grows slowly, does not require constant crown formation and pruning. These features of the juniper are used for planting flower beds near administrative buildings, decorating household plots and park recreation areas.

Creeping crown, short stature, exotic habit, suitable for ground cover in design. The culture is used in single and group compositions. Planted next to flowering shrubs to create a bottom background. As a green accent is used in the following cases:

  • to create the side and central part of the rock garden, when the juniper located on top, cascades down the slope;
  • a shrub planted in rockeries near the central stones is an imitation of a lawn;
  • in order to design the banks of a small artificial reservoir;
  • on flowerbeds and rabatka juniper grows in a continuous mass, under which there are no weeds, it is the lower background for flowering crops;
  • for decoration of borders and rocky slopes on the site or in the park.

Dahurian juniper can be found on loggias, cornices or the roof of a building. Previously, the plant is grown in a flower pot or purchased as an adult.

Description of Daurian juniper

Varieties of Daurian juniper

Juniper has two varieties. They differ in the shape of the needles and the color of the crown. They grow in the wild in the same climatic zones as stone heather, but are less common than the classic Dahurian juniper. Varieties are often used in the design of the territory.

Juniper Dahurian Leningrad

A variety of culture Daurian juniper leningrad (“Leningrad”) is a dwarf shrub up to 45 cm tall. The branches creeping along the surface reach a length of 2 m. The young plant forms a pillow-shaped crown, the grown shoots descend to the surface. In the place of contact with the ground, the juniper forms a root.

The needles of the variety are dense, small needles fit snugly against the stem of the shoots. The color is light green with a clear blue tint. The crown of the shrub is quite prickly. The representative of the species grows well on loamy and neutral soils. Until the age of five, it gives an increase of 7 cm per year, after the vegetation slows down slightly, the bush grows by 5 cm per season.

The plant prefers open areas, responds well to sprinkling. Juniper “Leningrad” is used to decorate rock gardens, discounts, borders. In a group composition, they are planted with erica, low-growing pine, roses, high forms of heather.

Description of Daurian juniper

Daurian juniper Expansa variegata

The Daurian horizontal juniper “Expansa Variegata” is the most decorative representative of its species. A shrub with straight branches, the lower ones are tightly pressed to the surface, the subsequent ones are located on top, it is almost impossible to make out the weaves.

The bush grows up to 45 cm in height. The maximum crown size is 2,5 m. Dahurian juniper “Variegata” is characterized by a two-color color: the needles are blue with a light green tint, the main part of the branches with scaly cream-colored needles. The chemical composition of the shrub contains a high concentration of essential oils.

Important! Juniper “Variegata” within a radius of two meters destroys more than 40% of pathogenic microorganisms in the air.

The variety grows on all soil compositions, frost-resistant, heat-resistant. Used for landscaping sanitary areas in parks, on alpine slides. Planted in flowerbeds and flowerbeds as a groundcover.

Description of Daurian juniper

Planting Dahurian juniper

The best site for planting Daurian juniper is the south side of the slope, open area or partial shade. In the shade of trees with a dense crown, the plant stretches, the needles become smaller, and it grows poorly. Excess moisture remains under the dwarf bush, dry fragments can be observed on the branches. The composition of the soil is neutral or slightly alkaline. A prerequisite is well-drained, light, loose soil. It is not recommended to plant juniper near fruit trees, as there is a risk of infection (leaf rust).

Seedling and planting preparation

Juniper can be propagated by an acquired seedling, self-harvested planting material, or by transferring an adult plant to another site. Work is carried out in the spring, approximately in April or autumn, before the onset of frost. The seedling for planting must meet the requirements:

  • the root must be intact, without areas of drying or decay;
  • needles should be present on the branches.

If an adult plant is transplanted to another place, be sure to follow the transfer scheme:

  1. The branches are lifted from the ground to a vertical position.
  2. They are collected in a bundle, wrapped in a cloth, fixed with a rope, but it is not recommended to tightly tighten the crown.
  3. They dig a bush, retreating from the center of 0,35 m, deepening by about 30 cm.
  4. The juniper is removed along with the soil lump.

Put on oilcloth or burlap, remove excess soil from the root.

Before placing the plant in a specific place for it, prepare the site:

  1. Dig the soil, remove weeds.
  2. Make a planting recess 60 cm, 15 cm wider than the root.
  3. The soil from the pit is mixed with peat and sand.
  4. Drainage is placed at the bottom, pebbles or crushed stone will do.

On average, the landing pit is 60 * 50 cm.

Rules of landing

The root of the seedling is dipped into a growth stimulator for 2 hours. Dolomite flour is added to the mixture of soil, peat and sand at the rate of 100 g per 2 buckets. Juniper responds well to alkali. Landing algorithm:

  1. 1/2 of the mixture is poured onto the drainage of the landing hole.
  2. The seedling is placed in the center, the root is distributed.
  3. The rest of the soil is poured on top.
  4. The root circle is compacted, watered.

If an adult plant was transferred, the crown is freed from tissue, the branches are distributed on the surface. Daurian juniper is placed at intervals of 0,5 m.

Dahurian juniper care

The culture is undemanding in agricultural technology, juniper care consists in watering, crown formation and weed removal.

Watering and top dressing

For vegetation, the culture needs moderate humidity. Young seedlings are watered with a small amount of water every other day in the evening. The procedures are carried out for 60 days, provided that there is no precipitation. In hot weather, the entire bush is watered by sprinkling. An adult Daurian juniper does not need watering; under the crown cap, moisture remains for a long time. The culture is fed until the age of two, once in April. Then no fertilizer is applied.

Description of Daurian juniper

Mulching and loosening

After planting, the root circle of the juniper is covered with a layer (5-6 cm) of sawdust, needles or crushed tree bark. Mulch is updated every fall. Loosen the soil and remove weeds near young plantings. For an adult bush, weeding is not relevant, weed grass does not grow under a dense layer of branches, and mulch retains moisture and passes oxygen well.

Trimming and shaping

Pruning of the Dahurian juniper is done in the spring, frozen branches and dry fragments are removed. If the plant has overwintered without loss, pruning is not required. Form a bush in accordance with the design decision. The crown of the culture is decorative, grows slowly, if necessary, shorten the length of the branches, one formation per year is enough.

Preparation for winter

At the end of autumn, juniper is irrigated with moisture. Increase the mulch layer by 10 cm. Before the onset of frost, young shrubs collect branches in a bundle and carefully fix them. The measure is necessary so that the shoots do not break under the weight of snow. Top cover with spruce branches. You can install low arcs and stretch covering material, in winter throw snow on top. For an adult Daurian juniper, preparation for winter consists only in mulching.


The best way to propagate Dahurian juniper is by layering. A young shoot of a two-year vegetation period is used, fixed to the surface, covered with soil. The branch gives roots, after a year it can be planted.

Rarely use the method of cuttings. The material is cut from the top of three-year-old shoots. Can be propagated by grafting. The material of the Daurian juniper on the bole of another species takes root in 40%, this method is rarely used.

Sowing seeds gives a plant with full characteristics of the mother variety, the growing process is long, so it is rarely used.

Diseases and pests

Daurian juniper and its varieties emit substances that are toxic to most garden pests. On the plant can parasitize:

  1. Aphid. They get rid of it by the destruction of ants, cut off and remove the branches where the bulk of aphids have accumulated.
  2. Sawfly. The larvae are harvested by hand, the plant is sprayed with Karbofos.
  3. Shchitovka. Treated with a solution of laundry soap. They create a constant crown moisture, the pest does not tolerate excess moisture. If the scab remains, treat the bushes with insecticides.
  4. Spider mite. Eliminate the pest with colloidal sulfur.
Attention! Dahurian juniper is affected by rust if there are fruit trees nearby.

Without the neighborhood of apple trees, pears and cherries, the plant does not get sick. If a fungal infection has affected the Daurian juniper, it is treated with products containing copper.


Daurian juniper is an evergreen dwarf ornamental shrub. The frost-resistant culture is undemanding to the composition of the soil; it can be in a sunny area for a long time without watering. Tolerates temporary shade well. Planted as a ground cover plant on a personal plot, in city squares, recreation areas. Serves for decoration of borders, flower beds, rockeries and rock gardens.

Juniper Daursky Leningrad. Brief overview, description of the characteristics of juniperus davurica Leningrad

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