Description and planting of lily Marlene

Description and planting of lily Marlene

A bulbous hybrid of Asiatic and long-flowered lilies – Marlene lily. This is a perennial unpretentious plant. One of its features is that the flowers of the variety do not smell. This quality allows the use of lily compositions even in closed rooms. Cut buds stay fresh for a long time.

The height of the peduncle of the Marlene variety is from 0,8 m to 1,1 m. The narrow leaves of the plant adhere tightly to the stem and are arranged alternately on it. Their length reaches 13 cm. The diameter of the flowers of this hybrid is from 0,1 m to 0,15 m. The bud is formed by 6 oblong petals, the tops of which are bent outward. Flowers of a delicate pink shade.

Lily flower “Marlene” consists of 6 rose petals

The Marlene variety tolerates cold well. It takes root quickly and blooms early. The first buds appear in June. A description of the lily would be incomplete without mentioning its fascination tendency. Thanks to this mutation, several peduncles are formed from one bulb. They grow together and form a thick stem of an unusual shape. Although sometimes 1 ordinary peduncle with a small number of buds can develop.

Fasciation is not considered a mandatory characteristic of the variety. This mutation manifests itself by accident

On the accreted stem of the lily, up to hundreds of large flowers are formed. This makes one plant look like a beautiful bouquet. Fasciation occurs in mature plants in the 2nd or 3rd year after the bulb is transferred to the ground.

Planting and caring for the Marlene lily

The Marlene variety can be grown on a garden plot or in a container indoors. The lily can be planted outdoors in April or May. Sometimes the plant is planted in early autumn. But then the bulb may not take root and die during the first frost.

Planting rules of the variety:

  • A place. The flowerbed can be broken in a well-lit place, protected from drafts, in which moisture does not stagnate.
  • The soil. The soil should be loose and fertile. Before planting the onion in the prepared hole, pour a little sand into it.
  • Wells. The depth of the holes depends on the size of the planting material. It should be 3 times the diameter of the bulb. The usual hole depth is from 12 cm to 20 cm.

Before planting, the bulbs are treated with a special disinfecting solution. Dry roots and damaged scales are removed from them. A flowerbed with lilies is covered with a layer of peat or compost.

The soil around the plants must be periodically loosened, weeds removed. Water the flowers as the soil around the bush dries out. Fertilize the plant 3 times: during the growth period, at the time of the appearance of buds and after the end of flowering. For the winter, cut off the aerial part of the lily. The plant is covered with a layer of sawdust or straw leaves.

“Marlene” is a unique variety that does not require special care. The lack of smell and a large number of buds allows you to create magnificent compositions with this flower.

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