Description and origin of the Sinap kandil apple variety

I still remember those times when the Crimean fruits and berries were incredibly highly valued, equivalent to gold. From the Crimea they were sent to France in order to be returned from there to the expanses of Our Country and Ukraine as elite, exquisite Parisian fruits. This is especially true of the Sinap Kandil apple tree, which previously enjoyed crazy success. Those days are gone, but even today gardeners do not give up, continuing to support this variety.


The Sinap apple variety is a Ukrainian selection of apples and, moreover, one of the most common among all other apple varieties. It belongs to the category, the representatives of which are characterized by the autumn ripening period.

As for the origin of the Sinap variety, little is known here. There are several versions regarding this, but the most popular of them is as follows: this variety, which used to occupy about 8% of all Crimean apple orchards, arose as a result of a random mutation in the process of sowing seeds from a related category – Sary Sinap.

Description and origin of the Sinap kandil apple variety

The huge popularity of this variety is evidenced by a lot of documented data. So, it is known that in 1907, in one of the Belbek gardens, only four trees yielded a crop of 300 pounds. At the same time, it seems completely unbelievable that all 100 pounds of apples were taken from one tree, and this is about 1600 kg. As you can see, the yield level was really high, which is why the price for one pood fluctuated between 5-8 rubles. Here it should be emphasized that in those days it was possible to buy a good cow for this price.

Many references to the Sinap variety were found in the records of academician Peter Palass, who traveled a lot in the Crimea, and gardener Lev Simirenko. Thus, the first found the sphere of fruit growing already fully developed in the Crimea of ​​the XNUMXth century, and gave the Sinap Kandil variety a special place among the others, which also have significant superiority in terms of abundance and quality.

Description and origin of the Sinap kandil apple variety

But such success, as in most such cases, could not be eternal. Therefore, Kandil was soon replaced by American and European varieties, which turned out to be more productive. As a result of this, today the described variety is quite rarely found on the territory of industrial plantings.

By the way, the word “kandil” is of Crimean Tatar origin and means “lamp”. And the word “sinap”, as one of the versions says, is a slightly distorted form of the name of one of the Turkish capes.


Turning to the description of the Sinap Kandil apple tree, it should be noted that the ripening of its fruits should not be expected before the end of August or the beginning of September. The variety is characterized by late maturation.

Description and origin of the Sinap kandil apple variety

So, the main points in the description of the Sinap variety. The trees are vigorous, with relatively slow growth. At the same time, the crown of the tree is narrow-pyramidal. In connection with all this, it is recommended to plant young seedlings of this apple tree variety in places protected from the effects of the wind. Fruiting occurs on numerous fruit twigs, spears, annelids, which are distinguished by the complexity of the structure. Shoots – straight and thin, lowered at an average level, reddish-brown. The lenticels are very small and rare. As for the length of the internodes, it is average.

The leaves can be: in size – both small and medium, in shape – both obovate and oblong-oval. Their color is grey-green. The tip of the leaves, as a rule, is narrow, medium or rather long, but the leaves necessarily have a pointed tip and a wedge-shaped base. All this is added to the “boat”. The edges of each leaf are finely serrated and wavy. Petioles are not at all generously colored near the base, and can be short to medium in size. Stipules, although rather narrow, are longish and lanceolate.

The seeds of the variety are not large in size, and are also elongated and narrow. At the same time, a medium-sized heart has a bulbous or elongated heart-shaped shape.

Description and origin of the Sinap kandil apple variety

The fruits of this wonderful apple tree can reach very large sizes, while their shape is usually elongated-cylindrical, characterized by a slightly conical top and base. Apples are very smooth, even, their weight can vary between 120-140 g. At the same time, the peduncle is rather thin, not exceeding 15 mm in length. The saucer also belongs to the category of mini sizes, as it is inherently small, folded and slightly ribbed. The funnel has no rustiness, its depth is medium, narrow in itself. The cup is closed.

Seed chambers can be slightly or completely open, they are also elongated. The seed nest has a central location and medium size.

As for the color, yellow of a rather pale shade acts as the main one, while the main characteristic is the presence of many subcutaneous dots of green, as well as a bright red, albeit slightly blurry blush, which usually shows off on the sunny side. The flesh of the fruit is usually white with a slight yellowish tint. Also, like many apples of other varieties, it has a pleasant, juicy sweet and sour taste.

Description and origin of the Sinap kandil apple variety

Features of agricultural technology

The analyzed variety is rather capricious in terms of cultivation and care. So, the first apples can not be expected until at least fifteen years have passed after the planting. At the same time, the tree does not bear fruit every year, but once every two, or even three years. Perhaps for this reason, the fruits of this apple tree are very delicate and require the most careful attitude when carrying out both cleaning and transportation. For example, it is very common practice to wrap each apple in paper, which helps to more securely protect the fruit. At the same time, after several rows (no more than four), thin chips fell on the apples.

Also, trees of this variety often, especially with regard to a weakly growing rootstock, need support. For some trees, an ordinary stake will suffice, which will support the trunk. Plus, you can tie and bend branches to the latter that compete with the leader. This technique is due to the fact that wood of strong characteristics is able to minimize the risk of breaking off. In industrial gardens, you can often see an installed trellis.

Description and origin of the Sinap kandil apple variety

As for the rootstock of medium and strong type, they often do not need support. But here it should be noted that they still cannot avoid the process of bending branches. This is due to the native pyramidal crown of this variety, which cannot be expanded.

Sinap Kandil, despite the fact that it is already an almost forgotten variety, still has the right to exist, as it is truly unique and inimitable, and its fruits are distinguished by unforgettable taste characteristics.

Video “Crimean apples Sinap”

The video is about native Crimean varieties of apples – Sinapy; a brief description of the varieties is given.

Very important! Preparing the garden for the winter.

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