Description and advantages of the Rizamat grape variety with a photo

Rizamat grapes will definitely interest all lovers of delicious and sweet fruits. During its cultivation, you can get a lot of pleasure, because the resulting crop will fully justify the work that was spent during its cultivation. Description, as well as its advantages and disadvantages will be discussed in the article.

Variety description

The Rizamat grape is a table and raisin variety that belongs to the early-middle ripening period. It was named after the Uzbek viticulturist Rizamat Musamukhamedov. It is also called yesterday’s viticulture, because it needs careful care, a lot of attention and supervision throughout the year. But if all that is required for growth and fertility is given, then a bountiful harvest can be expected.

Description and advantages of the Rizamat grape variety with a photo

The pride of the vineyards are large cone-shaped clusters. Branched clusters boast an abundance of berries that are not placed tightly together. They have a cylindrical shape, due to this their weight increases – 15 grams. The variety differs from others in its color: pink skin, berry on one side of a more intense color, which is provoked by exposure to the sun. The pulp is quite dense, and while eating, you can feel its crunch. In addition, she is very sweet.

The Rizamat grape variety can be used both freshly picked and for making raisins. To create it, varieties such as Katta-Kurgan and Parkent were used. Now, from the description of Rizamat grapes, let’s move on to its strengths and weaknesses.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Rizamat grape is an early variety. The fruits fully ripen towards the end of August, perhaps even by the beginning of September. It is very important to pluck the bunches from the bush in time, as soon as they ripen, since the fruits cannot be stored on the bushes for a long time.

Description and advantages of the Rizamat grape variety with a photo

One of the main advantages of such grapes is the amount of harvest and the taste of berries. In addition, the advantages of the Rizamat grape variety include:

  • high-quality and beautiful fruits;
  • high level of productivity, the presence of bisexual flowers, and this leads to regular and abundant fertility;
  • Gronas ripen in a short time;
  • raisins, which are made from Rizamat, are of very high quality.

But, as expected, after the advantages come the disadvantages that Rizamat also has. During jumps in soil moisture, grape fruits can crack. They are also too susceptible to powdery mildew and oidium. In addition, the variety has minimal resistance to low temperatures. Based on this, it should be said that abundant care for grape bushes will be required. Care means monitoring the condition of the vine, sheltering for the cold season, as well as regular spraying.

Description and advantages of the Rizamat grape variety with a photo

The ripening of the crop may be delayed due to the overload of the bushes with fruits, the use of large amounts of nitrogen fertilizers, the location of the bushes in the lowlands, excess moisture, and also with a lack of heat. To protect the crop from wasps, additional measures must be taken. These insects usually infect bushes at a time when berries are formed on it, either cracked or those that have been exposed to oidium. That is why traps with poison and rather sweet syrup are usually left for wasps.

In addition to these properties, the disadvantage of grapes is the impossibility of reproduction by grafting. If the presence of stepchildren is noticed on the bush, this will negatively affect the quantity of the crop and its quality. Therefore, they must be removed without fail.

Video “Rizamat grapes”

The video gives a detailed description of the Rizamat table grapes: fruit quality, ripening conditions, yield, reproduction, care.

Rizamat grapes

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