Description and advantages of the apple tree variety Orlovsky kandil

The apple tree variety Orlovsky Kandil was bred quite recently. This is a winter apple tree with an unusual oblong fruit shape. The advantage of this variety is high resistance to cold and immunity to fungal diseases.

Tree description

The apple tree Orlovsky kandil is medium-sized. Branches on a rounded crown are rare. They are quite curved and grow perpendicular to the crown. They sink down under the weight of the crop. This feature allows you to avoid cutting. It is worth noting the well-developed root system of the apple tree. Best of all, the Orlovsky kandil will bear fruit on sandy or loamy soil. The trunk of the tree is smooth, usually brown-brown in color. Medium-thick shoots of a round shape are attached to the branches. Pubescent small conical kidneys are tightly pressed to them. Small lentils are rarely scattered over them. The tree is light-loving, if planted in a poorly lit area, this can adversely affect the sugar content of the fruit and reduce the yield of the tree.

Description and advantages of the apple tree variety Orlovsky kandil

The dark green leaves of kandil are oblong and oval shaped. Attached to shoots of medium length with pubescent petioles. Rough veins are also clearly visible on the surface. The leaves are pointed at the top. Small pointed stipules are located at the base of the leaf. The inflorescence of the apple tree consists of 4-6 white-pink flowers. The peculiarity of the flowers is rounded petals, and in the middle there are lightly pubescent pistils.

Reviews of gardeners about growing varieties are only positive. It is worth noting that the Orlovsky kandil is resistant to such a common tree disease as scab. The fruits of the apple tree can be called environmentally friendly, since there is no need to use chemical agents to fight diseases. Also, this feature makes caring for a tree not difficult at all. This advantage is possible due to the Vf gene. The teachings have been working on the breeding of the variety for quite a long time, but the time and material costs were worth it!

Description and advantages of the apple tree variety Orlovsky kandil

Characteristics of fruits

The tree begins to bear fruit early. You can already enjoy fragrant apples for 3-4 years. Unfortunately, productivity decreases with age. The fruits on the apple tree Orlovsky kandil ripen in the second decade of September. And if you provide for the right storage conditions, then the apples will remain fresh and tasty until the end of winter. This feature makes the cultivation of this variety profitable for commercial purposes. It is also important that the fruits are easy to transport. From one apple tree, you can collect about 120-150 kg per season. It is also worth noting the winter hardiness of the variety, that is, the ability to withstand low temperatures and at the same time not lose taste and other properties.

Apples are mainly weighing from 120 g to 150 g. The conical fruits have an oblong shape, which is typical for kandilla. Crimson skin, smooth and shiny. The fruits are attached to the tree with a medium-length stalk. Another feature of apples is a closed cup, a deep and narrow saucer, and a medium-sized heart. Seeds of dark brown color, ovoid, are in closed chambers of medium size.

Description and advantages of the apple tree variety Orlovsky kandil

The pulp of apples is light with a greenish tint. The fruits of kandil are juicy, sweet and sour in taste. When describing the taste of the variety, it is worth noting the wonderful aroma of the fruit. Few medium-sized subcutaneous dots of gray color are evenly scattered over the pulp. All of them are highly visible. Tasters evaluate the taste of fruits for an estimate of 4,3-4,4 points.

Fruits contain a very high level of vitamins, in particular vitamin C and P. Typically, apples contain an average of 450 mg of vitamin P per 100 g of weight, and in the Orlovsky kandil variety – 740 mg. It is worth noting that vitamin P is very useful for increasing the strength of blood vessels and lowering blood pressure. Apples also contain trace elements such as manganese and potassium. The total content of ascorbic acid is 7,2 mg per 100 g. Thus, using apples of the Orlovsky kandil variety, you can significantly increase the body’s immunity and resistance to colds. Also, the amount of sugars in fruits is up to 10%, and titratable acids are more than 0,5%. Pectins, which are found in apples in a significant amount, help the body get rid of excess fat. Do not forget that due to dietary fiber, eating apples improves digestion and speeds up metabolic processes. The content of vitamin A in fruits can ensure good vision.

Description and advantages of the apple tree variety Orlovsky kandil

Kandil Orlovsky can be used for various types of processing, the use of fruits is universal. Due to the content of pectin, excellent jams and jams are obtained from the fruits of this species. It is also convenient to store and consume apples in dried form.

The main advantages of the Orlovsky kandil variety are frost resistance, high yields and tasty fruits that are easy to preserve until spring.

Video “How to save apples in winter”

The video gives tips on storing apples: the choice of fruits, preparation, storage methods.

The easiest way to store apples at home.

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