Derren Aurea

Derain White is a deciduous shrub from the Far East. Its usual habitat is wetlands or river openings. Derain White Aurea as a variety was obtained by scientists for cultivation in garden conditions.

Description of deren white Aurea

Derain white Aurea, according to the photo, is a shrub that can grow up to 3 m. It is distinguished by thin and flexible shoots pointing upwards. There are also red-brown shades of the plant.

The leaf plates are very soft, ovoid, often yellow with a matte surface. In autumn, their color changes to red.

The flowers of the white Aurea derain plant are very small, creamy white in color with a honey apparatus. They form hemispherical inflorescences, reaching a diameter of up to 5 cm.

Derren Aurea

Flowering occurs twice a year: abundant from May to June and in September. In the first months of autumn, berries of a bluish color are formed. Derain White Aurea tolerates shade well, but without sunlight, the color of the leaves changes to green.

According to the description of Deren White Aurea, it is quite frost-resistant; in winter, its shoots turn red, which stands out against the background of snow. It is preferred to be planted in sandy soils.

Important! Derain White Aurea grows in one place up to 25 years.

Deren Aurea in landscape design

Gardeners actively use the plant to decorate territories. The ways of using Deren Aurea are different: when the site is located in a blown area, it replaces a fence. Due to its unpretentiousness and dense foliage, it protects other plants. To form a beautiful living fence, pruning of shoots is used, giving the desired shape.

Derren Aurea

It is possible to grow Derain male Aurea on a trunk: in the form of a single tree.

Derren Aurea

Important! A secluded corner is created by planting near a reservoir: it tolerates excess moisture well.

Planting and caring for white derain Aurea

The acquisition of a seedling and its transfer to the soil is carried out in the spring, when frost stops and warm weather sets in.

Planting Derain White Aurea is also practiced in the fall: it manages to gain a foothold in the ground during the winter period and enter the active phase of growth with the onset of heat.

Rules for planting deren white Aurea

Before purchasing a seedling, an external examination is mandatory: it must be intact, without mold, with a uniform color and several shoots. The root system is not broken, placed in a moistened clod of earth.

Despite unpretentiousness, it is recommended to pay attention to the choice of site: the plant prefers partial shade.

Derain White Aurea is difficult to root in loam, but grows well in soil rich in lime.

Important! It is recommended to plant crops near the plant that prefer frequent moisture.

Landing algorithm:

  1. Dig a hole so that the root system freely fits into it. Mineral additives and humus are poured into it.
  2. Well moisten the soil.
  3. The seedling is watered and left for 10–15 minutes so that the soil is saturated with moisture;
  4. Derain White Aurea is moved to the prepared hole and sprinkled with earth, moistened.

This algorithm is suitable for planting crops in the autumn. In the spring, after transferring Derain White to the soil, it must be mulched with humus, peat or wood chips.

Watering and top dressing

With the right choice of site Derain White Cornus Alba Aurea does not require frequent watering: in spring and autumn, there is enough natural precipitation. In hot weather, moisten the plant once a week (at least 2 buckets per bush).

The main care is periodic loosening. This procedure is carried out carefully, it is necessary to prevent damage to the root system.

To obtain beautiful foliage, it is recommended to periodically feed the plant. For this, mineral fertilizers are used. The first top dressing is done in the spring, in the summer compost or peat is added to the soil once (150 mg per bush).

Trimming and shaping

In one season, Derain White Aurea is able to grow by 50–60 cm, which spoils the aesthetic appearance, so pruning is mandatory.

The procedure is carried out in the spring, it consists in removing old branches that prevent the growth of young ones. To do this, pruning is carried out in such a way that 15–20 cm of shoots remain above ground level.

Fresh sections are treated with ash or activated carbon. This will prevent infection from entering the plant and speed up the healing process.

It is possible to carry out pruning in the autumn, but this will deprive the gardener of the opportunity to admire the red branches and berries in the winter.

Haircut is carried out 2-3 times per season, the last procedure no later than the end of July. It is possible to give any shape with the help of garden scissors.

Derren Aurea

Preparation for winter

White Derain Aurea is often not prepared for the winter season: it tolerates frost well. Under particularly unfavorable conditions, it is recommended to cover the roots. To do this, use any material or form a snow cushion.

In the northern regions, to prevent the death of the plant, it is recommended to remove young shoots. To do this, they are dug up, preserving the root system, and transferred to the basement, where they are stored until the onset of spring. After warming, the shoots are transferred to the ground to their original place.

Growth rate of Aurea derain bush

Every year, the plant grows by 20–30 cm. The growth rate is affected by the climate and compliance with the rules of agricultural technology.


Breeding Derain White Aurea is possible in several ways. The most common is cuttings. Young shoots can be cut annually. It is recommended to choose branches with at least 7–9 buds.

The best time for cuttings is spring or autumn. Freshly cut shoots are treated with succinic acid, then placed in a container with a nutrient mixture and transferred to a greenhouse.

Over the summer, the buds on the shoots should bloom and give new leaf plates. For the entire period of grafting, fertilizing and watering is mandatory. In autumn, healthy seedlings with a well-formed root system are allowed to be transferred to open ground.

When creating a hedge, it is allowed to propagate Derain White Aurea with branches. To do this, in the spring, choose the longest shoot, which is bent to the ground and sprinkled with it. It is recommended to fix the branch with staples. During the summer, it is necessary to water the shoot, mulch the soil. By next year, the plant will form a root system that will allow it to develop on its own. At the end of the rooting process, the shoot is separated from the mother.

Important! It is possible to reproduce Derain with seed material. It is collected independently or bought from manufacturers.

Diseases and pests

An adult plant is immune to most diseases, but young shoots are susceptible to attack by powdery mildew. Leaf plates are covered with a white bloom, spreading from the roots to the tops. Favorable conditions for its manifestation are temperature drops and waterlogging of the soil. For the prevention of powdery mildew, it is recommended to plant Derain White Aurea at short intervals and water under the root.

When infected with powdery mildew, the shoots are cut out, the bush is treated with disinfectants.

The main pest is the scale insect. She destroys the leaf plates, which can lead to the death of Deren the White. For its destruction, treatment is carried out with Decis, Karbofos.

Derren Aurea

It is possible to detect aphids on the plant: it prefers to be located on flower buds, less often on stems. As a treatment, the bush is treated with a solution of garlic or celandine.

Derren Aurea


Derain White Aurea is an unpretentious plant that is highly frost-resistant, so it can grow in different regions. Due to its appearance, the bush is an excellent decoration for any garden. Unpretentiousness and ease of care is one of the main advantages of Derain White.

Derain white Aurea. Brief overview, description of characteristics, where to buy seedlings of cornus alba Aurea

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