People with various skin neoplasms have heard more than once about such a diagnostic technique as dermatoscopy. This diagnosis is carried out without surgery and gives specialists the opportunity to diagnose the early stages of melanoma, when a neoplasm with a malignant nature has not yet begun to metastasize. Previously, this could only be done through surgical removal.
For ten years now, dermatoscopy has been used for the purpose of visual diagnostics in many countries of the world, in particular, in America, Europe and Australia. To study the structure of moles or other skin neoplasms, doctors use a device – a dermatoscope, which is able to visualize problem areas at a tenfold magnification. If the doctor noticed that a mole or neoplasm has a heterogeneous structure, an asymmetric shape without clear boundaries, then this indicates that a malignant process is taking place in the place under study.
The main feature of this technique is the fact that it has no contraindications and is prescribed for all skin neoplasms.
Doctors recommend using this procedure for patients who have fair skin, while on the body there are more than three moles larger than 0,5 cm.
When do doctors prescribe dermatoscopy?
This diagnosis is carried out not only to study skin pathological processes, but also to solve many other issues. For example, using dermatoscopy, you can track the effectiveness of the chosen treatment method. If the doctor notices that the effect is weak enough, then most likely he will prescribe something else. You can also follow the dynamics of the therapeutic process.
When doctors have a choice of which method of surgical intervention to choose in this case, then dermatoscopy is performed. It is she who will help resolve all issues, as she will indicate the stage and process of development of skin neoplasms.
According to the results of the diagnostic measure, you can choose a method for treating moles of different localization and different types. Also, doctors will be able to diagnose dangerous neoplasms in time, which can significantly harm the patient’s health.
If a patient needs laser removal of neoplasms on the skin, then according to the results of the study, doctors can determine the most effective one.
Also, the doctor can differentiate diseases of the scalp. Often it is folliculitis decalvans or lupus erythematosus.
It is possible to diagnose various pathological processes occurring in the nail plates. This also applies to fungal infections.
If a patient has previously been diagnosed with nevi, then dynamic observations can be made using dermatoscopy. Thanks to the improvement of this technique, doctors can now control the process of malignancy of nevi of various localization.
Advantages of dermatoscopy
This research method has many advantages over others. What exactly?
- Dermatoscopy has no contraindications.
- The procedure is easy, fast and painless. At the same time, it is relatively inexpensive and every person in our country can afford it.
- During the procedure, the skin is not injured, which avoids unexpected infection, which can develop into a serious inflammatory process.
- There are no complications at all.
- Based on the results of a diagnostic event, a doctor is able to make an accurate diagnosis within one minute, while other methods require a two-day decoding of the data obtained.
- Doctors without much effort can track the growth dynamics of skin tumors.
This examination technique helps to quickly and timely diagnose various pathological processes occurring in the skin.
What is the essence of dermatoscopy?
This study studies the color, shape of moles and other neoplasms. It is according to these criteria that specialists make the appropriate diagnosis. Also, doctors can find out whether such skin neoplasms are safe for the patient’s body.
Now doctors can assess the negative impact of moles and neoplasms at a very early stage of development. Previously, this could only be done on the basis of laboratory data, and as we know, in order to conduct a laboratory examination, it is necessary to remove a small piece of tissue. As a result, this process was delayed for more than one day.
Recall that this diagnostic procedure has no contraindications. In addition, she does not need special preparation. What is most interesting is that the results of the study will not be distorted, even if there is a cream or other cosmetics on the studied skin.
How is dermatoscopy performed?
Dermoscopy is a visual method for diagnosing the skin. We can independently notice that new moles or unknown neoplasms have appeared on our skin. But thanks to this diagnostic measure, you can get a visual picture in tenfold magnification. This will allow timely diagnosis of a malignant process, which is determined by fuzzy boundaries, an asymmetric shape and a heterogeneous structure. If such characteristics are present, then we can safely say that the diagnosed neoplasm or mole is malignant.
Some characteristics are evaluated in numerical values. The mole itself is divided into several sections, and each has its own specific score. The doctor conducts his calculations and determines all the necessary parameters that can assess the nature and peculiarity of the area of the skin under study.
There is also such a thing as a digital camera. It is she who makes a more accurate image of the picture. This allows you to record all the structural changes that take place in the area under study during the treatment period. Thus, doctors will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen treatment in time.
If you notice any neoplasms on your body, then do not hesitate and seek help from experienced doctors who will be able to diagnose the pathological process in a timely manner and prescribe effective therapy. Remember that any disease can become malignant over time.