
The skin is a kind of indicator of health and our internal state; it warns of any negative changes with the appearance of a rash, peeling or itching. It is difficult to be called beautiful when irritations or spots appear on it every now and then. Therefore, it is necessary to treat skin diseases without amateur performance, on time and competently. This is not about visiting a familiar cosmetologist, about professional help that only dermatologists can provide.

What does this doctor do?

Dermatology refers to the branch of medicine that studies the structure, function and disease of the skin. The dermis is considered the largest organ of the human body, it performs a number of functions and has appendages: nails, hair, mucous membrane. These appendages are also included in the field of study of dermatology. That is, a dermatologist studies and treats any problems with the skin, nails, hairline. This field of activity is so extensive that it is divided into several categories.

A dermatologist is a specialist with a mandatory higher medical education. He treats diseases of the skin and its appendages, carries out prevention, develops individual methods of therapy. There is also a dermatovenereologist, he is engaged in the study and elimination of skin diseases that are exclusively sexually transmitted. A dermatologist-cosmetologist is a specialist who eliminates aesthetic problems: acne, pimples, post-acne. Do not confuse him with an ordinary cosmetologist, since the latter may just be a health worker with a secondary medical education. Pediatric dermatologists take them separately, they have the same knowledge as an ordinary skin doctor, but they are more focused on the anatomy and physiology of the child’s body.

There are also other narrow specializations of skin science. For example, a trichologist – a hair doctor – is also considered a dermatologist. However, knowing and distinguishing between these areas of dermatology is not at all necessary. Such information simply reduces the number of visits to the offices, since the patient already knows where exactly to contact him. Nevertheless, a dermatologist can see patients with a venereal origin of the disease, and with cosmetic problems. After the examination, the doctor simply directs the patient to a doctor of a narrower specialization. The main thing is to consult a doctor in time if any modifications appear on the nail plate, scalp or whole body.

When to visit a dermatologist

As a rule, a dermatologist is visited in cases where the symptoms of the disease are already clearly visible and cause discomfort to the patient. Most skin diseases can be mild or insidious and then progress to more complex forms. Unfortunately, in such cases, even a highly qualified specialist cannot always restore the epithelium or the nail plate completely. Therefore, the reason for contacting a dermatologist is considered any appearance of a rash, red spots, dryness or itching. Let us consider in more detail those symptoms that clearly indicate the need for a visit to the doctor.

Signs to see a dermatologist:

  1. Spotted rash. It can cover different parts of the body, sometimes covered with peeling. As a rule, it acts as a side effect of other, more serious diseases: psoriasis, allergies, seborrhea, lichen and others.
  2. Rash with blisters or blisters. Such a rash indicates an inflammatory process, may be the result of serious diseases. Treating this on your own is highly discouraged.
  3. Itching in any part of the body, including the genital area.
  4. Small or large pustules on the body or scalp.
  5. Increased dryness of the skin. It requires professional treatment, not cosmetics, as it also requires a more detailed study of the causes. If such dryness is accompanied by severe peeling, a visit to the doctor is required.
  6. Increased oiliness of the skin, including the head.
  7. The appearance of ulcers, erosion.
  8. Change in skin color, the appearance of light or dark spots.
  9. Change in the structure and color of the nail plate, inflammation around the nail.

Most of these symptoms do not cause concern in the patient. Meanwhile, even the darkening of the nail can speak of the initial stages of psoriasis, a disease that is extremely difficult to treat. Self-treatment of skin diseases, like any other, is often very expensive for the patient. Even ordinary acne should be treated with a specialist, as they have their own cause, which can be found out after tests and a professional examination. If any suspicious changes in the skin and its appendages are detected, it is better to visit a dermatologist. So, the patient will receive the help that he really needs in time.

In addition, a preventive examination by a dermatologist is mandatory for all physicians, service workers, catering, food industry.

What diseases to treat him

As we have already understood, a dermatologist deals with a fairly wide range of problems. You can turn to him if you are worried about a rash on the body, hair problems or severe brittle nails. After the tests, the specialist determines the cause of the disease, refers to a venereologist, trichologist, or develops methods of treatment himself.

A dermatologist is treated with such diseases:

  1. Venereal diseases of the mucous membrane and skin. Such diseases are treated comprehensively, with the participation of several types of drugs, a dermatovenereologist and other doctors. A number of these diseases include: genital herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital candidiasis and others.
  2. Fungal diseases of the skin. Depending on the location, such diseases can be treated by a dermatovenereologist (if in the genital area), a dermatologist-trichologist (on the head) or a regular dermatologist.
  3. Purulent diseases of the skin. This includes any lesions of the dermis and epidermis with purulent formations, these are: psoriasis, boils, hydradenitis, carbuncles, impetigo and others.
  4. Dermatosis and dermatitis.
  5. Anomalies in pigmentation, which include: spots of light or dark color, moles, freckles, birthmarks.
  6. Any kind of lichen on the head, face, genitals and skin.
  7. parasitic diseases. Among them: lice, scabies, demodicosis, leishmaniasis.
  8. Diseases of the scalp.
  9. Viral diseases of the skin (herpes, wart virus).

Since skin diseases are often a side effect of other diseases, a dermatologist often consults patients with other clinical pictures. In addition, the skin can be damaged by mechanical factors such as burns or trauma. In these cases, they also turn to a dermatologist for proper recovery and control of scarring. With cosmetic problems, it is better to consult a dermatologist first of all, since cosmetologists often perform only symptomatic treatment, for example, facial cleansing.

Such methods are good only in the short term, and systematic treatment by a dermatologist means getting rid of the very cause and getting rid of the problem for a long time. In addition, an experienced skin doctor will tell you what procedures can be done in a beauty parlor, and which ones should be avoided. It is also better to make a complex of care products with a doctor so that the skin receives the care that it needs.

How is the appointment with the doctor and treatment

It is definitely not worth postponing and being afraid of a visit to a dermatologist. Some diseases of the dermis can be infectious or viral in nature, and in no case should they be started. Timely access to a specialist will reduce both the time for treatment and the risk of disease progression. At the first appointment, the doctor will examine the affected areas of the body, sometimes in addition to them, an examination of other parts may be necessary. It is also worth preparing for the fact that the dermatologist will ask questions about hereditary diseases, medication, bad habits.

If a patient comes to the doctor already with a diagnosis, for example, just wants to change doctors, it is worth taking care of the medical history from the previous medical facility. In most cases, in addition to a visual examination, tests will be required, most often the doctor needs:

  • general analysis of blood and urine, feces;
  • scrapings from the skin, nails or eyelashes (depending on the location of the lesion and the type of disease);
  • immunoglobulin E (IgE);
  • PCR diagnostics (analysis for skin infection);
  • herpeviruses.

In addition to these, other types of tests may be prescribed, if necessary, to clarify the diagnosis. Sometimes, in order to accurately determine the cause of the disease, the doctor may write a referral to a doctor of related specialization. For example, often patients of a dermatologist are examined by a gastroenterologist, therapist, gynecologist. Such a comprehensive collection of information provides the best conditions for establishing the correct diagnosis and choosing a treatment.

The methods of therapy depend, of course, on the results of the examination and tests. Most patients require medication, in which case the doctor prescribes a complex of oral and external drugs, sometimes a course of injections or droppers. The main part of such treatment takes place at home according to the prescriptions of a dermatologist. The patient only needs to occasionally undergo an additional examination to adjust the treatment and use drugs at home.

In some cases, additional measures are required, such as blood transfusion, laser treatment, cryotherapy, ultrasound. All these procedures are carried out by a dermatologist or in special rooms. Surgical intervention is required very rarely, for example, with mycosis of the feet, the nail platinum is removed, with dermatitis, it may be necessary to remove dead tissue. Most of the operations are performed by surgeons, and the dermatologist monitors the correct scarring of the skin, prescribes measures to prevent a new outbreak of diseases.

If cosmetic deficiencies are identified, the doctor can refer the patient to a cosmetologist or prescribe treatment on his own, or he can advise a complex of cosmetology services and local therapy. With the undiagnosed nature of the disease, for example, with psoriasis, Duhring’s disease, pemphigus, a periodic visit to the doctor and a whole range of therapeutic measures are necessary. Unfortunately, there are still skin diseases that cannot be completely cured. In any case, compared with self-treatment, the correct diagnosis and competent therapy will definitely not harm the patient.

Useful tips from a dermatologist

Since the skin is considered the largest organ of our body, it can be difficult to keep track of its integrity and health. It acts as a natural barrier between the external environment and internal organs, so the first blow of viruses and bacteria falls on it. Moreover, the epidermis is affected by many factors that do not improve its quality, such as sunlight, frost, dust.

But there are also positive aspects: the skin knows how to renew itself, so it copes with most of these adversities on its own. And to help her maintain elasticity, youth, beauty, you should take care of your nutrition and cosmetics. The first advice from a dermatologist relates to moisturizing, and if the skin is very dry, you need to use products with hyaluronic acid or glycerin. So, it will retain the necessary moisture, and at the same time a beautiful appearance.

You also need to monitor your diet, doctors recommend reducing the amount of fatty and fried foods. The condition of the skin and hair is improved by fresh vegetables and fruits, so these products are useful for both the figure and the appearance. You can sometimes treat yourself to dark chocolate, it will supply the body with flavonols – substances that improve blood circulation and absorb ultraviolet radiation.

We can remind you of bad habits once again: smoking leads to rapid aging. And alcohol also does not improve our appearance. For an even complexion, there is nothing better than fresh air and exercise. Even better, combine these two factors together and run through the park. And the last parting word from dermatologists – go through a general diagnosis at least once a year, it does not hurt and will take less time than treatment.

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