Dermatitis – causes, symptoms, diagnostics. How to cure sweating?

Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin of the hands and feet characterized by fluid-filled blisters and itching. The ailment most often occurs in young, middle-aged people. The cause of sweating has not been fully explained, however, atopic diathesis, excessive sweating and contact allergy play a role in the development of changes.

Potnica – disease characteristics

Dermatitis (aka sweat eczema, follicular eczema) is a common dermatosis, a dermatological disease that affects the hands and feet, and occurs mostly in young people. The cause of the ailments is not fully known, but idiopathic causes and atopic diathesis play a certain role in the formation of sweat. The ailment itself appears more often in the spring. The triggers are divided into external (e.g. drugs) and internal (e.g. fungal infection). Sweating is characterized by blisters on the skin and unbearable itching.

The causes of sweating

The occurrence of sweating is influenced, among others, by increased sweating of the feet and hands. Wearing insufficiently ventilated footwear creates a moist environment around the feet – this in turn increases the risk of sweating. It should be remembered that sweating is only a contributing factor, not the cause of the disease.

The causes causing the ailment can be divided into:

  1. external – these include medications or contact allergens taken by the patient;
  2. internal – consisting of fungal and bacterial infections, allergic reaction, as well as idiopathic causes.

Sweat – symptoms

A blistering skin rash is considered a characteristic symptom of sweating. It is most often located on the lateral surface of the fingers on the hands (especially the second and fifth) and in the area of ​​the feet, on the skin with arched part (sole). There are numerous small blisters or lumps in these places. When lesions are close to each other, they merge and thus create larger blisters. Inside the sweat blemishes there is a clear liquid, sometimes with the appearance of yellow pus.

The above-mentioned symptoms are additionally accompanied by symptoms in the form of:

  1. persistent itching,
  2. excessive sweating,
  3. vesicles that peel into lumps.

Potnica is an ailment that comes in two types:

  1. mild – characterized by the presence of a large number of tiny blisters on the skin that may peel off. The skin around the blisters is flushed and indicates an inflamed condition;
  2. acute – you can observe the formation of erosions and a hard crust on the feet and hands (it can crack). In addition, the patient feels unbearable itching of the hands and feet.

Sweat diagnosis

The appearance of disturbing changes on the skin of the feet or hands is an indication for a medical visit. During the consultation, a number of tests are performed aimed at finding the cause of the ailments. These are among others:

  1. allergy tests;
  2. mycological examination for mycosis.

In addition, the specialist carefully looks at the skin eruptions and their location. Careful observation allows for the differentiation of sweat from other dermatological diseases, e.g.

  1. erythema multiforme,
  2. atopic dermatitis,
  3. allergic contact dermatitis,
  4. mycosis of the hands and feet.

How to cure sweating?

In the treatment of sweat, the most important action is to eliminate the factor that caused the disease. Therefore, if follicular eczema is associated with mycosis, antifungal treatment should be initiated.

Local therapy is based on the use of gel corticosteroids, solutions and suspensions, and for large blisters, compresses with the addition of tannic acid and aluminum chloride or silver nitrate work well. Remember not to use these preparations chronically. Skin care preparations also have a good effect

In general treatment, prednisone is introduced, and in the case of bacterial superinfection – antibiotic therapy. The patient is assisted with sedatives and sleeping pills. Phototherapy and zinc ointment and aloe extract also have a good effect.

In patients with sweating and unbearable itching, antipruritic preparations are recommended. If the lesions are very extensive, a specialist may incise them and thus release the serous fluid accumulated in the vesicles, and then introduce an antibiotic or a drug with a glucocorticosteroid into the bladder.

Potnica – can it be prevented?

Vesicular seeding cannot be avoided one hundred percent, since the causes of the disease have not been fully determined. However, you can prevent allergic reactions and fungal infections, which may be a factor that increases the risk of sweating. In order to avoid the proliferation of Candida fungi, which are usually found in the gut, it is worth remembering about a diet rich in nutrients. It should be paid attention to this, especially after long-term use of antibiotics, because the intestinal bacterial flora could be destroyed, and this favors the development of fungal infection.

In addition, it is important to avoid allergic factors (if sweating is allergic). Then you should limit the intake of certain medications and avoid contact with rubber, dyes or metals. In addition, you should ensure adequate sleep and avoid stressful situations.

There are some measures to support the treatment of patients with sweating of the hands or feet. During therapy, patients should:

  1. take care of a diet rich in minerals and vitamins,
  2. cut nails briefly,
  3. clean nails with baking soda every day,
  4. thoroughly dry the washed lesions (before applying the cream / ointment),
  5. use moisturizing preparations (without water in the composition!),
  6. remember to wear protective gloves on your hands, especially when reading a book (this is to prevent irritation),
  7. avoid washing skin eruptions with hot water and soap to avoid irritation.

Lit .: [1] Bolognia JL, Jorizzo JL, Rapini R. et al: Dermatology. Mosby 2003, 582. [2] Braun-Falco O., Plewig G., Wolff HH, Burgdorf WHC: Dermatology, eds. half. Gliński W., Wolska H., Wydawnictwo Czelej, Lublin 2002, 460-2.

Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski: “Lexicon of dermatology”; XNUMXst edition, Czelej Publishing House

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