Dermatilomania: how to calm your hands

There are things that are shameful, scary and generally not accepted to talk about. Dermatilomania is a psychological behavioral disorder characterized by constant scratching and scratching of the skin. Why is this happening and how to deal with the problem?

Dermatilomania is one of the so-called compulsive mental disorders. It is no less common than trichotilomania (hair pulling) and onychophagia (nail biting). Looping on any of these processes speaks of an internal conflict and can interfere with the normal course of life.

“A person with a compulsive disorder finds it difficult to control their impulses. This does not depend on the level of intelligence, education and status, explains psychotherapist Ada Conde. “It is important to understand that dermatilomania is not a whim or lack of self-discipline, but unconscious urges that are difficult to control and even track.”

The desire to injure the skin intensifies during periods of acute experiences: stress or even joy. The reason lies in the feeling of shame and guilt. In fact, it is a form of self-punishment.

“Almost every one of us at least occasionally scratches an abscess or a healing wound, especially in childhood and adolescence,” the expert explains. “That shouldn’t be a cause for concern. But dermatilomania is a compulsive, uncontrollable injury to the skin. It is distinguished by its constancy and complicates life. A person develops a fear of communication, a desire for isolation, a feeling of powerlessness, which spread to other areas.

There is symbolism in this: when combing or squeezing out formations on the skin, a person seems to “press” himself

Instead of shaming and blaming, be understanding and supportive. If you are a parent, try to ease the control and pressure on the child. What is happening is a direct symptom that you are repressing his personality. He is afraid to be himself, there is a rejection of his “face”, the child tries to “punish” himself.

When a person is suppressed, it forms a certain attitude towards oneself and a search for similar experiences and emotions in the future. There is symbolism in this: by combing or squeezing out formations on the skin (more often on the face), a person seems to “press” himself, that is, he receives a psycho-emotional release. This problem can and should be eliminated. Everything is individual: it is enough for someone to read the article and start tracking their urges, and some will have to be patient for a couple of years.

“The first step to controlling dermatilomania is to start paying attention to the desire to injure the skin. For example, you can wear gloves at home, advises Ada Conde. – Every time you touch, you will realize that you made an attempt. It will teach you how to control yourself.”

No matter how strange it may sound, but the process of tearing the skin (as well as pulling out the hair) is a pleasure, becoming a psycho-emotional release. It is important to “teach” the unconscious to associate this moment with something less pleasant and even uncomfortable. After catching yourself at the “scene of the crime”, do 20 squats. If you make another attempt during the day, add 10 more, and so on.

There are several other ways that can help get rid of dermatilomania. Tearing the face, we think that we clean it, get rid of imperfections. You can make a mask that will be just skin care. For some, just stroking themselves is enough: irritation will go away and satisfaction will occur at the same time.

Dermatilomania is not a sentence and not a sign of personal failure or weak will

If you are used to scratching different parts of your body, you need to learn to switch your attention – for example, pick up a rosary or stroke a pet.

Difficult cases cannot be cured by “improvised” methods – you will need the help of a specialist. Many of those who suffer from this problem succeed in various areas and lead quite normal lives. But if dermatilomania prevents you from starting a relationship, doing what you like, do not let it take its course. It happens that a person can change plans and shrink dreams to the size of a matchbox because he thinks: “Something is wrong with me, since I cannot control my own hands.”

Dermatilomania is not a sentence and not a sign of personal failure or weak will. This is a disorder that you should not dwell on, you just need to accept and get rid of it.

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