Deren Elegantissima

Derain White Elegantissima is an ornamental hardy shrub of the Cornelian family, one of the most popular varieties of white derain. Among other horticultural crops, this plant is distinguished by high decorativeness and undemanding personal care. In addition, white derain Elegantissima is one of the most frost-resistant varieties of the species, which makes it possible to grow this shrub even in the Northern regions of Our Country – it safely tolerates low temperatures and does not need shelter for the winter.

Description of Derain White Elegantissima

Derain white Elegantissima (in Latin – cornus alba elegantissima) is so called for the elegant appearance and color of its flowers and fruits – they are painted white. In addition, the sheet plate has a light edging.

The height of an adult plant is 2,5-3 m, diameter – 3 m. The shrub is sprawling and grows rapidly to the sides.

The color of the shoots of the Derain of the Elegantissima variety varies from brown to deep red, thanks to which the bushes adorn the garden even in winter, in conditions of a shortage of bright colors. Young shoots are paler – at first they have an olive color, and only by autumn the bark acquires a reddish tint.

The shape of the leaf plate is represented by an oval, pointed on one side. The surface of the sheet is slightly corrugated, the color is grayish-green. The bottom leaf plate is light gray. With the onset of autumn, the color of the foliage does not change.

The first flowering occurs 3 years after planting. Then Derain Elegantissima blooms with a frequency of 2 times a year – in late May-early June, and in September. The flowers of the variety form dense inflorescences.

Important! Derain fruits, yellowish drupes in the form of small balls up to 1 cm in diameter, are unsuitable for human consumption.

The life expectancy of Derain of the Elegantissima variety is 50-60 years.

The photo below shows a young bush of derain white Elegantissima, formed in the shape of a ball.

Deren Elegantissima

Differences of derain white Sibirik Variegata and Elegantissima

The white derain varieties Elegantissima and Sibirik Variegata are similar in many respects, but they also distinguish a number of significant differences between them:

  1. The derain of the Sibirik Variegata variety is somewhat lower – the height of an adult plant is only 2 m, while the derain of Elegantissima after 10 years reaches 3 m in height.
  2. The diameter of the plant is also smaller – about 2 m.
  3. The color of the leaves is dark green. The foliage of the white derain variety Elegantissima is lighter.
  4. The surface of the leaf plate of the Sibirik Variegata variety is often covered with cream-colored spots or stripes.
  5. In autumn, the leaves of the deren Sibirik Variegata acquire a pinkish-purple hue. Derain white Elegantissima does not change its color.
  6. Elegantissima flowers are white. The Sibirik Variegata variety has cream flowers with a greenish tint.
  7. Sibirika Variegata grows slower than its counterpart and forms shoots not so actively.
  8. Derain Elegantissima, with proper care, bears fruit abundantly. In the variety Sibirik Variegata, fruiting is more modest.

Deren Elegantissima

Deren Elegantissima in landscape design

The leading characteristics of the White Derain of the Elegantissima variety are the unpretentiousness of this horticultural crop and a high degree of decorativeness, which is provided by the bright color of young branches and the unusual color of the leaves. These qualities have gained great popularity for shrubs in the field of landscape design – deren is used both in single plantings and in group compositions. A special advantage is the ease in the formation of the crown of the plant.

Advice! White Derain Elegantissima looks very beautiful near a group of birches or trees with an openwork type of crown.

How to form a tree from Derain Elegantissima

Decorative derain Elegantissima is quickly lost in the absence of periodic pruning. In order to maintain the attractive appearance of the bush, it is necessary to pinch it with your hands or cut off the shoots with garden shears.

Since the variety is able to grow strongly in the shortest possible time, the shrub can be formed in almost any shape:

  1. To give the turf the appearance of a column, it is necessary to remove first of all the side shoots. The central strong branches are left. It is important not to make the column too narrow – if too many branches are removed, the plant may fall under the influence of strong winds.
  2. Very popular is the formation of an arch from the Derain Elegantissima. To do this, the shrub is attached to a special arc-shaped structure, tying the ends of the shoots to it.
  3. The hemisphere is another popular derain figure. This form is formed by autumn or spring pruning of annual and three-year-old branches at a level of 10 cm from ground level. As a result, the active growth of young shoots begins. In this way, they also rejuvenate the plant and give it a great decorative effect, since young shoots have a rich red tint.

From the derain of white Elegantissima, they also form full-fledged balls and cubes. The variety of forms is almost unlimited, and each subsequent year you can try new figures – this does not harm the bush in any way.

Deren Elegantissima

Derain hedge Elegantissima

The formation of a hedge from the derain of the white variety Elegantissima is impossible without timely pruning. The shrub quickly forms new shoots, and if they are not removed, the plantings will overgrow.

In order to maintain the decorative look of the derain hedge, it is necessary to carry out regular removal of too prominent and dried or bruised shoots throughout the year. Deeper pruning is carried out in August or September.

Deren Elegantissima

Planting and care of derain white Elegantissima

Planting and subsequent care of white derain of the Elegantissima variety is within the power of even a novice gardener. This shrub is hardy and undemanding. In order to achieve abundant flowering and rapid growth of the crop, it is enough just to choose the right place for planting the plant and follow a number of simple rules for caring for it.

Best of all white Sod Elegantissima develops in open, lit areas. The shade inhibits the growth of shrubs, however, landing in partial shade is quite possible.

Important! The lack of sunlight affects the decorativeness of this garden culture. The white edging of the leaf plate narrows noticeably, as a result of which the shrub becomes completely inconspicuous.

The advantage of the variety is immunity to the level of groundwater. As for the composition of the soil, it is better to give preference to wet fertile areas. However, with periodic feeding of white sods, it grows well on poor soils.

Worst of all, the shrub develops on sandy and clay soils. Heavy soil makes it difficult for oxygen to reach the roots of the plant, which greatly affects its growth.

Deren Elegantissima

Terms of planting

The timing of planting derain white Elegantissima depends on the method of reproduction. For example, freshly harvested seeds are sown in autumn, while stratified planting material is sown in spring. Also in the spring months, cuttings of white derain are planted. Layers are transplanted in the fall.

Important! When planting in the autumn, it is important not to be late in terms – the sod is planted at least a month before the first frost. If this is done too late, it may not take root in a new place and freeze.

Rules of landing

The algorithm for planting a derain of white Elegantissima is as follows:

  1. 15 days before planting, the site is prepared. To do this, the selected place is dug up and mineral fertilizers, compost and humus are introduced into the soil. With this preparation of the site, the bushes can subsequently not be fed for several years.
  2. The size of the planting hole should be much larger than the seedling’s earthen coma.
  3. Fertilizers are placed at the bottom of the pit: mineral additives and humus.
  4. Before placing the seedling in the hole, it is watered. After 10 minutes, it can be transplanted. In this case, the integrity of the earthen coma must not be violated.
  5. Derain is carefully sprinkled with soil, lightly tamping the near-stem area.
  6. Water the plant immediately after planting.
Advice! The survival rate of young seedlings in a new place is much better in previously loosened soil.

Deren Elegantissima

Watering and top dressing

Derain white Elegantissima watered infrequently. The main thing is that the soil under the bush does not dry out. The recommended dosage is 2 buckets per plant.

Important! Watering is done exclusively in the early morning or evening, after the heat has subsided. On sunny hot days, it is not recommended to water the plantings in order to avoid the appearance of burn spots on the leaves of the shrub.

It is not necessary to feed the Elegantissima variety – the plant is undemanding to the level of soil fertility. It is enough to fertilize the site 2 weeks before planting and lay a layer of nutrient soil mixture on the bottom of the planting hole. This plant will last for 2-3 years, but even if the place before planting the derain was not prepared properly, the bushes are fed only in case of illness or after errors in pruning, which weakened the deren. You can also fertilize the soil under young seedlings with humus.

Complex mineral dressings are produced every 3 years. You can dilute them with wood ash. In July, bushes are sometimes fed with peat or compost, but this is not necessary. Derain white does not need a large amount of organic matter – about 100 g is enough.

Deren Elegantissima

Pruning derain Elegantissima

The first pruning of the Derena variety Elegantissima is carried out 3 years after planting. To do this, remove 1/3 of all shoots. First of all, cut off broken and old branches.

You can trim white derain Elegantissima at any time of the year. The only exception is the period of time when the juice begins to flow actively.

Depending on the trimming time, the result will be slightly different. When the plant is formed in spring, the shoots are removed almost at the root – only stumps up to 20 cm are left. After the set of green mass, the shrub will improve to the detriment of flowering and fruiting.

In autumn, the Elegantissima variety is pruned to form a tall bush with a large number of flowers. To do this, remove 3-4 leading shoots.

Old plants are cut almost under the root every 3-4 years.

Important! Derain white Elegantissima grows very quickly to the sides, so shaping pruning is carried out regularly.

In addition, you can learn more about the features of planting a derain of white Elegantissima and caring for it from the video below:

Doren is white. Landing instructions. GardenDiy

Deren Elegantissima

Preparation for winter

The white turf variety Elegantissima does not need shelter for the winter – this shrub is able to withstand very low temperatures without harm to development. Even in case of freezing, the plant quickly recovers.

Only young plants are covered in the first year after planting in open ground. In the future, it is not necessary to cover the bushes.

Derain height of white Elegantissima

The height of an adult deren of white cornus alba elegantissima reaches 3 m. This is a relatively low variety when compared with other varieties.

The growth of shrubs per year is 40-60 cm. The plant develops especially actively in the summer months.

Deren Elegantissima

Propagation of derain white Elegantissima

White derain elegantissima is propagated in the following ways:

  • cuttings (both green and lignified);
  • layering;
  • seed way.

The most popular is the propagation of shrubs through layering.

Propagation of Derain Elegantissima by cuttings

Most often, when propagating a culture with cuttings, preference is given to lignified cuts, since green specimens do not take root well. The process of preparing cuttings is recommended to be combined with pruning in the spring.

The cutting procedure is as follows:

  1. In the spring, the most healthy and strong bush is chosen, and part of the shoot is cut off from it.
  2. The resulting cut is checked for suitability. To do this, it must be slightly bent. An unusable cutting will either break or fail to return to its original position. If the cut section of the shoot straightens out after the fold, it can be used to propagate the shrub.
  3. Selected cuttings are planted in boxes filled with a mixture of sand and humus. It is important to deepen them at an angle of 45 °. Before planting, the soil is slightly moistened.
  4. After planting the material, the containers are moved to the greenhouse. The optimum temperature for the normal development of cuttings is 20-35°C.
  5. Planting material is regularly sprayed, maintaining light soil moisture.
  6. In autumn, when the cuttings form a full-fledged root system, they are transplanted to a permanent place.
  7. In the first winter, the young plant is covered with spruce branches. In subsequent years, shelter is not necessary.
Important! Regardless of the type of cuttings, with this method of propagation, the shrub retains all the varietal qualities of the mother bush.

Deren Elegantissima


Reproduction by layering is so popular due to its simplicity. In order to propagate deren white Elegantissima in this way, you must follow the following scheme:

  1. In the spring, bend down one of the young shoots of the shrub to the ground.
  2. It is not hard to bury it in the soil. The recommended depth is 10-12 cm.
  3. Fix the branch so that it does not unbend.
  4. The buried shoot is regularly moderately watered.
  5. In autumn, the branch forms fairly developed roots. A young plant can be transplanted to another site.

Deren Elegantissima


Planting material for propagation by seeds is collected in the fall. Then you can plant seeds in open ground, deepening no more than 5 cm. Stratified seeds are sown in spring.

The variety grows rather slowly, so the first shoots will appear only in the 3rd year of the seedling’s life. The plant will reach a height of 3 m only 10 years after planting. It is precisely because of such a long development that this method of reproduction is practiced so rarely.

Important! Seed germination of the shrub variety Elegantissima is maintained for 2-3 years.

Diseases and pests

Derain white Elegantissima rarely gets sick, however, this applies only to adult plants. Young bushes have poor resistance to various fungal diseases. Of particular note is powdery mildew, which often affects shrubs in the first few years after planting.

The first signs of infection are whitish spots that appear first on the lower branches and leaves. These spots spread very quickly throughout the plant and negate its decorative effect. If the disease is started, transparent drops appear on the spots, which formed the basis of the name of the fungus. Ultimately, the infection dries out the bush, which leads to the cessation of flowering and the rapid death of the plant.

Deren Elegantissima

Drying out of the soil, thickening of plantings and excess nitrogen in the soil provoke the development of the disease.

To combat the fungus, sparing folk remedies are mainly used:

  • a decoction of garlic;
  • decoction of horsetail;
  • soap solution;
  • solution of baking soda and soap.

You can also use any fungicide from the store.

Insects infect the Elegantissima variety infrequently. Aphids are considered the most dangerous pest, however, conventional insecticides can easily cope with it. A solution of laundry soap also repels aphids well. Some time after the bushes have been treated with soapy water, they must be cleaned of plaque with a weak jet from a hose.

Deren Elegantissima


Derain white Elegantissima is a garden culture that can decorate the garden not only in summer, but also in winter. The main advantages of the shrub are endurance, high decorativeness and frost resistance, which allows it to be successfully grown in almost all regions of Our Country. In addition, this variety is extremely unpretentious, and caring for it will not be difficult.

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