Deproteinized dialysate from calf blood

Deproteinized hemoderivative of calf blood is a preparation of biological origin, which is used in the complex treatment of metabolic disorders in the brain, diabetes and vascular pathologies. The basis of hemoderivat is an extract from processed tissues and blood of dairy calves. The drug is recommended for use after consulting a doctor.

As a drug, deproteinized hemoderivative of calf blood is used in China, South Korea, as well as in Our Country and the CIS countries. In the US and Canada, calf blood dialysate is on the list of banned drugs because the product has not been subjected to in-depth scientific research.

What is deproteinized calf blood hemoderivat?

Deproteinized hemoderivat is a highly concentrated extract of tissues and blood of dairy calves. In particular, the blood plasma of young healthy calves is used as the basis for the drug. During production, protein is separated from raw materials by superfiltration and dialysis, resulting in a rich whey containing many useful substances:

  • glycoproteins;
  • amino acids;
  • nucleotides;
  • oligopeptide.

The extract is also distinguished by a high concentration of low molecular weight bonds.

The prerequisite for the creation of a drug based on deproteinized dialysate from the blood of dairy calves was the assertion that young dairy-type calves quickly recover after receiving minor wounds. Such a rapid healing of the skin after burns and mechanical damage interested scientists from different countries, which laid the foundation for a number of studies. Ultimately, a little-studied element was discovered in the blood plasma of calves, stimulating accelerated tissue regeneration. It is he who is the main active component of deproteinized hemoderivat.

Efficacy of calf blood medicine

The action of deproteinized dialysate from the blood of calves is due to the high content of low molecular weight substances. The chemical composition of the drug contributes to the activation of metabolic processes in the human body, namely:

  • stimulates the flow of oxygen into cells;
  • accelerates the absorption of glucose;
  • enhances blood circulation.

According to official data, deproteinized dialysate from the blood of calves has the following effects on human health:

  • optimizes energy-intensive tissue repair processes;
  • normalizes the acid-base balance of the epidermis when applied externally;
  • has an antihypoxic effect;
  • stimulates the activity of enzymes of oxidative phosphorylation;
  • accelerates the metabolic processes of saturated phosphates;
  • contributes to the accelerated breakdown of lactate and beta-hydroxybutyrate;
  • increases tissue trophism;
  • improves the conduction of nerve endings.

Deproteinized dialysate from calf blood

Important! The actual effectiveness of deproteinized hemoderivate of calf blood has not been proven, since the drug has not been subjected to clinical trials that meet all the criteria of evidence-based medicine.

Forms of release

Currently, deproteinized calf blood hemoderivat is used for the manufacture of drugs such as Solcoseryl and Actovegin. They do not have full-fledged analogues, but are interchangeable with each other. Pharmacological companies in Germany and Austria act as manufacturers of these drugs, which have been producing them since 1996.

Preparations based on dialysate from the blood of calves are produced in the following forms:

  • pills;
  • creams and ointments;
  • eye gel;
  • ampoules with a solution for internal injection (into muscle tissue, vein or artery);
  • infusion solution.
Advice! Store deproteinized hemoderivative of calf blood at a temperature not exceeding +25°C in a dry, dark place out of the reach of small children. Opened ampoules are not subject to further use.

Indications for use

Preparations based on calf blood dialysate are prescribed mainly for the healing of burns (solar, steam, acid, thermal), deep scratches, bruises, cuts and abrasions. At the same time, at the first stage of treatment, it is recommended to first use the gel for scarring the damage, since it does not include fat, after which ointment can be applied to the wound when it begins to dry out.

Also, the use of products based on deproteinized calf blood hemoderivat is indicated for:

  • complex treatment of metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain (insufficiency of blood circulation in the brain and peripheral vessels, traumatic brain injury, consequences of brain tissue damage, ischemic stroke, dementia, extensive cerebral bleeding);
  • peripheral arterial and venous diseases and treatment of their consequences – trophic ulcers, angiopathy, weeping eczema;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • prevention and treatment of bedsores in bedridden patients;
  • pre-treatment of damaged surfaces before organ or tissue transplantation;
  • dermatitis;
  • dementia;
  • damage to the cornea and sclera;
  • the first signs of radiation sickness for the prevention and treatment of mucous membranes and skin after intense radiation exposure;
  • endarteritis;
  • psychosis;
  • diabetic gangrene;
  • apoplexies;
  • vascular insufficiency with complications.

Deproteinized dialysate from calf blood

In addition, products based on deproteinized dialysate from the blood of dairy calves have a number of contraindications, namely:

  • swelling of the lungs;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • individual intolerance to the component;
  • oliguria;
  • fluid retention in the body;
  • anuria.

The dosage of deproteinized calf blood dialysate is calculated individually depending on the severity and symptoms of the disease. Most often, doctors prescribe daily intravenous injections of the drug in a volume of 5 to 10 ml. The course of treatment with calf blood hemoderivat is on average 1-1,5 months. Before administering an intravenous dialysate agent, an allergy test should be performed. To do this, 1-2 ml of the drug is injected into the muscle tissue.

For burns and mechanical damage, an increased dose of the drug is recommended – from 10 to 20 ml intravenously every day until complete healing.

Important! The maximum allowable volume of blood dialysate administered at a time is 50 ml.

Side effects and contraindications

The scope of application of deproteinized calf blood hemoderivat is quite extensive, due to the fact that the drug is based on natural biological components. On the other hand, this does not mean that blood dialysate-based drugs do not cause side effects.

External and internal use of “Actovegin” or “Solcoseryl” can cause the following body reactions:

  • skin rash;
  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • hyperthermia up to anaphylactic shock;
  • hives;
  • slight swelling when applied externally;
  • fever;
  • intense headache;
  • general weakness, lethargy, apathy;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pain in the heart;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • stomach upset;
  • increased sweating.

Separately, it is worth noting that after external use of calf blood dialysate in the form of gels and ointments, a slight burning sensation and itching are often observed at the site of contact of the drug with the skin. Pain disappears after an average of 10-15 minutes and is not a symptom of individual drug intolerance. The use of calf blood hemoderivat shortly after drinking alcohol can provoke a neutralization of the therapeutic effect.

Important! It is not recommended to combine the drug with other drugs without prior consultation with a doctor. In no case should the infusion solution be diluted with foreign liquids.

Use in the world

Deproteinized calf blood hemoderivat is used for the production of drugs such as Actovegin and Solcoseryl. Most of the produced medicines fall on the share of the market and the CIS countries – about 60-70% of the total. Also, the drug is purchased in large quantities by China and South Korea.

Important! In an official statement from manufacturers in Germany and Austria, it is indicated that the medicine can be purchased not only by prescription. In pharmacies, the drug is freely available.

In the United States, Canada and Western Europe, deproteinized calf blood dialysate is prohibited for sale. The ban was based on insufficient knowledge of the pharmacological properties of the drug.

You can learn more about the features of using drugs based on calf blood dialysate from the video below:

Actovegin: instructions for use, doctor’s review


Deproteinized calf blood hemoderivat is a drug with rather conflicting reviews. It is extremely popular in Our Country, Asia and the CIS countries, however, the import of calf blood dialysate into Canada and the United States has been banned for many years. The biological nature of this drug makes it difficult to fully study all its properties, however, a number of effects on the human body have been scientifically proven. In particular, calf blood hemoderivat really promotes the healing of wounds and burns of various types.

Neither “Actovegin” nor “Solcoseryl” is prescribed as the main remedy for the treatment of any disease – these drugs are used as an integral element of therapy in complex treatment.

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