Depression – who does it affect and why? How to cure depression? [WE EXPLAIN]

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Depression is a disease that can affect people of all ages. Sadness or a mental depression that we happen to fall into from time to time are normal parts of everyday emotional life. It is the body’s natural reaction to failures or disappointments. However, when the feeling of emptiness and despair overwhelms you, continues and prevents you from enjoying life as before, you may find that you are depressed. In Poland, up to 1,5 million people struggle with this disease. According to estimates by the World Health Organization, depression will be the most common disease in the world by 2030.

Not all sadness is depression

Each of us has the so-called lows and lows of mood. Many people use the term “depression” to describe feeling sad, but there is much more to this disease. People with diagnosed with depression they often describe that they feel as if they live in a “black hole” or are doomed to inevitable failure. Some people do not complain of feeling sad at all – instead they feel apathetic, have no energy to live, and feel that it doesn’t make sense.

First of all, depression is different from feeling sad in that it interferes with your daily life. It does not allow you to normally work, study, eat, sleep or just have fun. Feelings of powerlessness, helplessness, and hopelessness are very intense and rarely subside, even to the slightest degree. Most often it boils down to the fact that the current hobby ceases to be interesting, the patient avoids meeting friends, and is accompanied by a constant feeling of fatigue. Performing daily duties is overwhelming.

You can also try herbal teas that stimulate and have an antidepressant effect, such as Green Tea Matcha Lemon Bio Yogi Tea, which you can find at a promotional price at Medonet Market. The offer also includes black tea for a better mood – Positive Energy Bio Yogi Tea.

In all situations, symptoms suggesting depression should be consulted with a psychologist. Sometimes a short conversation is enough to dispel all doubts and receive the necessary support in difficult moments. Importantly, you can have a psychological consultation today in the form of a convenient teleportation without leaving your home.

This disease affects women twice as often as men. In its course, everything may seem hopeless at first, but with the right help it can definitely be improved.

Further part below the video.

Depression – symptoms

In order to diagnose depression, at least one of the following main diagnostic criteria must be met: presence of low (depressed) mood and / or markedly decreased interest in all activities of daily living. These symptoms must appear almost every day for most of the day over two weeks.

Depression is a condition that comes unnoticed. Man slowly loses sense of meaning, becomes passive, does not show any desire for any activity and the only thing he wants is loneliness. People have a sense of being misunderstood by their relatives, everything that has brought us joy so far is indifferent to us.

When you feel depressed and other disturbing symptoms, it is worth enlisting the help of a specialist. A psychologist will help you deal with problems and regain mental balance.

Body Symptoms of Depression:

  1. menstrual disorders
  2. insomnia,
  3. a great need for sleep,
  4. weight loss or increase,
  5. migraines
  6. decreased libido,
  7. lack of appetite
  8. excessive appetite,
  9. dry throat
  10. constant fatigue.

Keep in mind that just because we’re having a bad day or having headaches doesn’t mean we’re depressed. In addition to the above-mentioned factors, other factors must also be met in order to be able to diagnose depression.

When you experience momentary mood drops, try CBD Amnesia dried fruit, which has a relaxing effect and helps reduce stress. You can also use CBD Oils, which are convenient to use.

The first group (at least two factors must be met):

  1. constant malaise, lack of humor;
  2. loss of interests and experience of pleasure;
  3. fatigue greater than before.

These symptoms may also indicate vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Try a set of supplements for the improvement of well-being, which contains the power of nutritional micronutrients positively influencing the functioning of the body.

Second group (at least two factors must be met):

  1. attention and concentration disorders;
  2. poor self-esteem;
  3. feeling of low self-esteem;
  4. black and pessimistic thoughts;
  5. willingness to take one’s own life;
  6. decreased appetite;
  7. suicide actions;
  8. sleep problems.

Temporary lows and depression are two different things. Symptoms of depression last a long time. People suffering from depression have trouble finding solutions to their problems. They are very often accompanied by suicidal thoughts.

Do you have worrying symptoms that could indicate depression? Make an appointment for a quick on-line consultation with a psychiatrist.

Check: 5 myths about antidepressants

Types of depression

Dystymia: is characterized by low mood, pessimism, low self-esteem and problems with decision making lasting at least two years. It is milder than other types of depression. Dysthymia is treated with antidepressants and psychotherapy.

Seasonal depression: attacks most often in the fall. Very often, the lack of sun causes us irritation, increased appetite, drowsiness, and lack of energy. This type of depression is most common in people between the ages of 20 and 30. Phototherapy is often used to treat it.

Postpartum depression: It has been studied that about 3/4 of women after childbirth experience short-term, increased irritability, tearfulness and anxiety, which gradually disappear after less than ten days. This type of depression requires consultation with a psychiatrist and the support of loved ones. Postpartum depression is often caused by a decrease in sex hormones after childbirth, which in turn leads to some destabilization in the body. By purchasing a medical subscription for pregnant women, you provide yourself with specialist medical care at every stage of pregnancy.

Bipolar affective disorder: this is the alternating occurrence of depression and mania. The combination of these two states can be disastrous, even suicide. A patient with bipolar disorder (BD) thinks that maybe everything can see no obstacles, can be dangerous. To treat such disorders, very powerful antipsychotics are used and you need to take them constantly, because after symptoms have subsided, they may relapse.

What causes depression?

Despite many studies on depression, as well as the use of pharmacological therapies and psychotherapy that bring good results, there is still no clear answer to the question about the cause of depression. The most common are theories about the causes of depression including psychosocial and biological factors.

Biological aspects related to depression to

  1. genetic predispositions;
  2. disturbances in the neurotransmission of serotonin, dopamine, noradrenaline, GABA, acetylcholine;
  3. hormonal disorders including cortisol (the stress hormone), as well as thyroxine and testosterone deficiency in men, decrease in estrogen levels in women.

You will test your hormone levels by performing a laboratory blood test. Check out the package dedicated to women and men.

The connection between depression and biological factors is indicated by the physical symptoms of the disease, including fatigue, sleep disturbances and appetite. The effectiveness of antidepressants is related precisely to the fact that they regulate various biological processes and alleviate symptoms. However, this does not mean that biological changes are the main cause of depression. Psychological causes may be the underlying cause of hormonal imbalance and neurotransmission. Research on this subject is inconclusive, and a disturbed biological balance of the body does not have to be the cause of depression – it can also be its effect.

Do causes of neurotransmission disorders can include:

  1. stress;
  2. hormonal changes – caused by mood swings, occurring after childbirth, related to the menopause or PMS;
  3. drugs – side effects of drugs for pressure, anxiolytics, contraception or those given to people with Parkinson’s disease;
  4. somatic diseases, e.g., thyroid, enteritis, asthma, diabetes, influenza, AIDS;
  5. alcohol or drug addiction.

The family risk of developing depression for 10st degree relatives is approx. 13-XNUMX%.

It also notes family predisposition to depression – they may be hereditary, but also result from being brought up in specific conditions and taking advantage of unfavorable traits or psychosocial behavior.

An important role in the development of depression is also attributed to psychosociological factors, the importance of which is emphasized by various psychological theories, including humanistic, psychoanalytical or cognitive-behavioral theories. Thanks to the analysis of human mental states, psychotherapies have been developed that turn out to be effective in the treatment of various forms of depression.

Do you have any mental or psychophysical symptoms that could indicate depression? Talk to a specialist without leaving your home – arrange an online consultation with haloDoctor

Depression – seven questions

Answer a few questions and find out if disturbing symptoms might suggest depression:

  1. Can you not sleep or, conversely, find it hard to get out of bed, can you spend most of the day in it?
  2. Do you have trouble concentrating? Are the activities and tasks performed so far difficult for you?
  3. Are you still feeling helpless and powerless?
  4. Are there no way you can control your negative thoughts?
  5. Do you have no appetite or, on the contrary, can you “overeat” problems?
  6. Do you get irritated easily, even for the smallest reason?
  7. Do you think that you have no influence on anything and that your life is pointless?

The type and severity of depression symptoms is an individual matter. However, it is important to catch them early. If you answered yes to most of the above questions, consult your doctor. You can visit your GP or a psychiatrist at the Mental Health Clinic (you do not need a referral from another doctor to book an appointment).

A package of 6 laboratory tests for depression can also help diagnose depression. The package offered by includes tests that allow you to assess the general condition of the body, which helps in making a diagnosis and starting treatment.

Depression in the senile age – depression in a senior

According to the WHO, depression is most common in the 20 to 40 age group. However, the disease is also widespread among people over 65 years of age. According to statistics, even 25 percent of the elderly. of patients in general clinics have depression, and in nursing homes it is even 30%. According to estimates, it is expected in Poland an increase in the number of cases of depression in people over 65 years of age – in 2030 there will be even 8,5 million of them, which is 25 percent. society.

Mild depressive symptoms are found in up to 43,6 percent. seniors, and heavy in 10,9 percent.

The appearance of depression in seniors is influenced by factors such as chronic diseases causing a general deterioration in the functioning of the body. Limitation of mobility and independence contributes to the fact that the senior begins to perceive himself differently in relation to relatives and the environment. We recommend a set of dietary supplements for seniors. The composition of vitamins and plant extracts positively affects the health of the elderly and strengthens the body. Vitamin D3 counteracts problems with the skeletal system, and vitamin A strengthens the eyesight.

Additional emotional stress that may affect the psyche of an elderly person is the death of a spouse, children moving out or other situations related to the loss of loved ones. Material problems, which in seniors often overlap with the already disturbed emotional sphere, are also unfavorable.


Chronic diseases that can promote depression in seniors include neoplastic diseases, diabetes or arthropathies (e.g. osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis).

Depression – what else is worth knowing?

Depression is not only a problem for adults. It also affects children and adolescents more and more often. For them, the first symptom is easy irritation, getting angry, hostile and separating yourself from the family and peers.

Remember that depression increases the risk of committing suicide by a sick person! For a depressed person, this is the only escape from the constant feeling of powerlessness. That is why it is so important to seek professional advice. Your doctor will help you find those elements of your life that aggravate symptoms of depression and suggest ways to modify them. They may also recommend lifestyle changes, effective relaxation techniques, or medicate treatments (antidepressants).

Depression in pregnancy and antidepressants

Whether pregnant women can take antidepressants is determined by:

  1. the clinical picture of the disease and the severity of its symptoms,
  2. stage of pregnancy (in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is inadvisable to use any medications – due to the fact that organs begin to develop at that time and taking medications may result in malformations in children).

The doctor should always decide whether to take medication during pregnancy, change the dose or discontinue it.

Antidepressants can be administered in severe depression accompanied by suicidal thoughts. In such cases, drugs with known and, if possible, proven safety are used. The next trimesters of pregnancy are not as safe anymore. If the situation does not so require, they should not be used. About two weeks before the planned delivery, the dose of drugs should be reduced to avoid complications that may occur in the newborn and to allow the mother to breastfeed. Each intake and discontinuation of drugs during pregnancy should be under close medical supervision. By purchasing a medical subscription for pregnant women, you provide yourself with specialist medical care at every stage of pregnancy.

Depression – treatment

Treatment of depression is carried out with the use of drugs and psychotherapy. Pharmaceuticals that your doctor may prescribe to someone with depression are:

  1. antidepressantsinfluencing blood levels of serotonin and norepinephrine;
  2. nonselective norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake inhibitors (tricyclic antidepressants);
  3. selective norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake inhibitors and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

The effects of the above-mentioned drugs should occur after several weeks of use. It is possible to take pharmacological agents during psychotherapy treatment. When it comes to psychotherapy, people with depression often have:

  1. interpersonal therapy;
  2. cognitive behavioral therapy;
  3. psychodynamic therapy.

Read more: Psychotherapy in depression – what form of help should you choose?

Antidepressants and addiction

We can very often come across opinions that antidepressants are addictive. This is a stereotype born out of the belief that drugs that affect brain function are addictive. It is also not true that treatment with antidepressants causes tolerance and the need to take ever higher doses. The dose of drugs is increased only when drug therapy is ineffective. Of course, it happens that people with depression develop a kind of fear and a feeling of relapse when they miss one or more doses of the drug, because they believe that the treatment is not working.

Find out more about depression:

  1. This is what smiling depression looks like. «I took this picture and then I went back to crying in the bathroom»
  2. Male depression – how to fight it?
  3. Drugs for depression reduce the risk of stroke

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