depression in men

For a long time in society there was an opinion that men are not subject to depression. This prerogative was assigned to the female sex. But modern scientists in the field of medicine and psychology, through numerous studies and practical observations, have come to the conclusion that depressive states in men are not so rare.

Symptoms of depression in men

Symptoms of the formation and development of depression in men are similar to a similar condition in women. Certain nuances can be noted individually.

So, the main symptoms of depression in men:

  • Feeling of constant fatigue: movements become slow, the pace of speech and mental activity changes.

  • There is a feeling of drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia appears. Often, even a long sleep leaves a feeling of weakness.

  • Significant weight fluctuations. Depression may be indicated by changes in body weight of more than 5% in the direction of increase or decrease.

  • Digestive disorders accompanied by constipation or diarrhea.

  • The appearance of headaches associated with pain in the neck and back.

  • Irritability, incontinence in relation to other people and their actions.

  • Confusion, inability to concentrate. Depression interferes with concentration.

  • Aggression, a feeling of anger due to the fact that in a state of depression a man cannot give better results of his activities.

  • Stress.

  • Increased anxiety.

  • The emergence of bad habits. Most often, men tend to drown out problems with the help of alcohol and drugs.

  • Problems of an intimate nature. Depressive states can lead to erectile dysfunction. Men try to remain silent about such difficulties as impotence and reduced sexual desire, which further exacerbates the situation.

  • Suicidal intentions. Extreme manifestation of depression. Of course, men are less likely than women to take such a step, but according to statistics, deaths in men occur much more often.

If at least one of the symptoms persists for more than two weeks, then depression is diagnosed.

Causes of depression in men

depression in men

Depression is a response of the body to an external stimulus, which is psycho-traumatic and causes negative emotions.

The reasons for this state lie in changes in the usual way of life.

There are main categories, as a result of which depression can develop in men:

  • Social reasons: lack of success at work, problems at work, business mistakes, job loss, difficult financial situation, personal failures, family quarrels and conflicts, retirement;

  • Hormonal failures: disturbances in the work of the hypothalamus and thyroid gland, increased secretion of adrenal hormones, reduced testosterone levels;

  • Brain trauma.

Separately, it should be said about the reasons of a psycho-emotional nature. They are the most common in the development of depression.

Typical cases that give impetus to the development of a depressive state:

  1. Divorce. For men, this situation does not go unnoticed. Some embark on a search for new partners for sexual relations, others lean on alcohol. For some, divorce leads to a state of confusion. Family life with its usual way of life is over and only the unknown lies ahead. Depression leads to sleep disturbance, loss of appetite and headaches.

  2. Middle age crisis. Many men struggle to overcome the threshold of the 40th anniversary. During this period, they tend to sum up the years they have lived and not everyone is satisfied with the results. Depression in this case can take radical forms, up to the loss of the meaning of life.

  3. Depression after childbirth. Men also tend to experience “postpartum” depression. A beloved woman can no longer devote all her time to her husband. Now she is busy with the baby. A man is not always able to adequately assess the situation, which is why this period is so often marked by betrayals and divorces.

The range of causes is quite diverse and depends on the specific situation. In any case, knowing the starting point for the development of depression will make it easier to deal with it.

How long does depression last in men?

The duration of depression in men depends on the severity of the condition.

Mild to moderate depression can last up to 9 months. In most cases, a man is able to cope with it on his own. However, consulting a specialist and taking the necessary medications can significantly shorten this period.

The dysthymic form of depression can accompany a person throughout life. If such a state is associated with a specific situation, for example, the loss of a job, then depression, as a rule, recedes when entering a new position.

How to deal with depression in men?

depression in men

The main methods of dealing with depression are:

  • Taking antidepressants;

  • Psychotherapeutic sessions;

  • Combination of two methods.

Independent struggle with depression is possible if the condition is in mild or moderate form. To carry out such work, it is better to listen to the recommendations of experts:

  • Admit to yourself that you have depression;

  • Identify the root cause that prompted the development of a depressive state;

  • Plan your day, paying special attention to things that cause pleasant emotions;

  • Make a schedule for the day, week, month and try to stick to it as much as possible;

  • Exercise regularly;

  • During depression, avoid making serious decisions;

  • Monitor nutrition, which should be complete and balanced;

  • Sleep well;

  • Competently alternate rest and work, as well as periodically change mental activity to physical labor and vice versa.

Depression is called the disease of the century. No one is safe from her. The modern world is fast and aggressive. It is impossible to do everything and give one universal advice for all occasions. But everyone is capable of making their life pleasant and full of positive moments!

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