Depression is one of the most commonly diagnosed mood (affective) disorders. The long-term depression, loss of joy, and a number of other symptoms (mental and somatic) typical of her, are now more often diagnosed in children and adolescents than in the past. Diagnosing depression in children is a big challenge for doctors. How to behave in the event of a suspicion that a toddler is in danger of childhood depression? How To Help A Teenager Depressed?
Depression in children – general characteristics of the phenomenon
The misuse of the term “depression” to describe periodic despondency is, unfortunately, widespread. The common understanding of this word is imprecise and allows even the sadness caused by a trivial life situation to be called “depression”.
Depression in children however, it is a disease whose symptoms should not be ignored. This mood disorder affects people’s emotional sphere the most, affecting their social skills and causing somatic ailments.
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Depression in children – causes
As with other affective disorders, it is difficult to establish a closed group of causes that result in it depression in children. It is believed to be caused by a combination of biological, psychogenic and environmental factors. The former are primarily the malfunction of neurotransmitters in the brain and endocrine disorders.
There is also talk of the individual psychological structure of a person, which makes a person more prone to depressed mood. Low self-esteem, a low sense of security, and depressive thinking patterns are such features.
On the other hand, environmental causes of depression include a difficult family situation, problems at school, sexual abuse or rejection by a peer group.
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It should be noted that situational depression, i.e. depression that is a direct result of a difficult event in a child’s life, usually has milder symptoms than that of the chronic form of the disease. Recurrences of depression are also less frequent.
Child depression – symptoms
Although symptoms of depression may be similar in all age groups, it should be borne in mind that children and adolescents usually have different severity of individual symptoms than adults.
Here are the signs depression in children:
- sadness, tearfulness, depression; additionally, children and adolescents develop irritability and easily fall into anger or despair,
- apathy, loss of the ability to enjoy things you used to enjoy
- boredom, discouragement,
- limiting contact with peers,
- excessive sensitivity to criticism,
- depressive, pessimistic thinking – “everything is pointless”, “I will not succeed”, etc.,
- internal tension and fear for which it is impossible to determine the cause.
In addition to the above-mentioned symptoms, patients can also experience other problems, not necessarily associated with depression. These are for example:
- problems with concentration and remembering,
- psychomotor agitation resulting from tension, e.g. picking on clothes,
- somatic complaints: abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, headaches, shortness of breath (typical in children),
- rebellious behavior, non-compliance, aggressive or self-aggressive behavior (typical of teenagers).
Child depression – how to help?
First of all, you should listen to your toddler, watch him and talk to him. In families where parents and children have developed effective communication is open, devoid of criticism and criticism, the risk of childhood depression is lower.
And if it happens that a child or adolescent is experiencing difficulties caused by adolescent depression, there is a high probability that he will communicate it in some way to adults whom he trusts.
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Treatment of depression in children
If your child has severe symptoms and lasts for several weeks, go to a specialist. A psychiatrist specializing in mental disorders in children and adolescents will be able to assess the seriousness of the situation and suggest the appropriate treatment required depression in children.
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How to proceed when a child is diagnosed with depression? First of all, support him in treatment. In younger children, psychotherapy is rarely successful without parental involvement. In some cases, family therapy can also be fruitful.
Drug treatment is also needed for more severe cases of depression in children – as well as those with other disorders such as bipolar disorder. In this case, remember to use the medications recommended by a specialist regularly and for a long time, even after the most severe symptoms of the disease have subsided.
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Depression in children – statistics
Unfortunately, the age limit for children diagnosed with depression is decreasing more and more. It is even 2 percent. children and about 8 percent. teenagers. On the other hand, slightly more widely understood depressive disorders affect 20 percent. people in adolescence.
This is due to the challenges that appear for young people during this period – related to school and duties, as well as the physical and mental changes that take place in people during this crucial period.
In children, the incidence of the disease does not differ according to gender, while among adolescents girls suffer from depression more often.
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Depression – a test for children
It is obvious that no quiz will be able to successfully identify a disease entity as it is depression in children. However, a multi-question test can help parents decide if their child’s behavior requires a psychiatric consultation or is the result of temporary stress or depression.
Here are some sample questions:
- Is the child constantly depressed?
- Does he complain of chronic headache, nausea, or vomiting?
- Has he become listless and isolates himself from his surroundings?
- Has unjustified anxiety states?
- Does he have problems concentrating and remembering?
- Is prone to pessimistic thinking, disproportionate to the situation?
Depression is a disease that takes more and more toll on young people. Successfully recognizing and helping the sick may be a matter of their life or death.
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