Deprecha and pain – this is what Poles are treated for

We spend almost as much on antidepressants as we do on painkillers. Market research shows that Poles bought 19 million packages of prescription antidepressants last year, warns Rzeczpospolita.

Compared to 2014, this number increased by 1,1 million, and in 2013 – by more than 2,6 million – according to the data collected by IMS Health, which was obtained by “Rzeczpospolita”. The value of purchased antidepressants is also higher. In 2015, it amounted to PLN 301,2 million. A year earlier, this amount was lower by PLN 22,1 million.

“Rzeczpospolita” cites the opinion of prof. Piotr Gałecki, a national consultant in the field of psychiatry and head of the Department of Adult Psychiatry at the Medical University of Lodz, who emphasizes that only classic antidepressants are not used to treat depression. “People also use sleeping pills, sedatives and tranquilizers,” says Gałecki.

“Social awareness of depression is increasing, and drugs are also more affordable,” emphasizes the professor.

«More sales are mainly hard evidence that the number of mental disorders is increasing. This is due to environmental factors: the changing family model and the ever-increasing dynamics of life “,” Rzeczpospolita “sums up.

See also: Mental Disorders of the XNUMXst Century. The time of anxiety and borderline comes

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