
Surgical dentistry is one of the sections of dentistry that specializes in bone grafting, surgical removal / preparation / implantation of teeth. In addition, practitioners are engaged in aesthetic operations in periodontology. For example, elimination of gum recessions, elongation of the crown part of the tooth, and so on. What you need to know about dental surgeons, what symptoms should you visit a doctor for and what to expect from therapy?

General characteristics of the direction

Surgical dentistry is an indicator of the high level of modern medicine. Now doctors can correct even hopeless and overly neglected cases, saving teeth. The industry does not stop developing and closely links its practice with orthodontics, aesthetic surgery and implantology. In most cases, dentists work in conjunction with other specialists to get the most natural and high-quality result.

The most popular procedure in surgical dentistry is gum manipulation. Dentists eliminate gum recession (exposure of the root of the tooth) or correct the alveolar process. Most often, a specialist has to work with gingivoplasty. This is a structural / aesthetic correction of the periodontal tissues that surrounds the tooth. Frenuloplasty is also performed to cut off the frenulum of the tongue / lips from the periodontium or vestibuloplasty to minimize gum tension.

Practicing dentists, in addition to aesthetic manipulations, prepare for jaw implantation. The operation is necessary for non-standard placement of the maxillary sinuses, thinning or atrophy of the jawbone. The specialist corrects the anomaly or builds up the altered bone to install the implant. There is an opinion that dental surgeons only remove teeth or do implants, but this is not true. Doctors study the surgical aspects of the pathologies of the oral cavity, face and neck, are engaged in therapy / prevention / diagnosis of affected areas, and perform plastic surgery.

The industry is gradually incorporating progress into common practice. For example, scientists at the University of Huddersfield have developed ways to use virtual reality to educate dentists. The technology will allow the presentation of large-scale 3D images of operations in a virtual operating room. So students or experienced practitioners can go deeper into the process, inspect each part of the oral cavity from any angle with the possibility of 360° rotation.

What are the responsibilities of a specialist

The basis of surgical dentistry is the extraction of teeth. Intervention is performed only in cases where therapy is ineffective, and tooth loss is inevitable. A dentist-surgeon professionally, quickly and painlessly removes an affected tooth or, for example, a wisdom tooth that does not grow properly and interferes with a comfortable existence. Additionally, the doctor removes the cyst, which can develop at the top of the tooth root.

Before surgery, the specialist necessarily conducts an examination and advises the patient regarding prosthetics or implantation in place of the missing tooth.

The list of duties of a dental surgeon includes:

  • implantation (implantation of prostheses into the human body);
  • preventive procedures;
  • therapy of inflammatory processes;
  • prosthetics, preparation of the oral cavity for the procedure;
  • partial or complete extraction of teeth;
  • treatment of cancerous growths of the oral cavity;
  • carrying out plastic or reconstructive operations on the jaw/periodontal tissues;
  • diagnosis of specific diseases that can affect the oral cavity.

What symptoms to seek help for

You should contact a dental surgeon if you receive a mechanical injury to the maxillofacial system. Most often, damage occurs after an accident, a strong blow or a fall. A doctor’s consultation will also be required for thermal or chemical damage to the oral cavity. In most cases, the patient gets to a highly specialized specialist after being examined by a regular dentist. The doctor finds a problem that can only be solved by surgery, and redirects the patient to a surgeon. Surgical intervention is necessary for direct indications for tooth extraction or congenital/acquired defects of the dentition. In the first case, removal is possible due to inflammation of the periodontal tissues or advanced caries, in the second case, due to wisdom teeth, a poorly or incorrectly erupted tooth.

If you want to get rid of pain, put braces, clean or whiten, implant a tooth, contact a dentist-therapist.

He will conduct an initial diagnosis, consultation, eliminate minor problems and, if necessary, issue a referral for an appointment with a narrow-profile doctor.

Methods of diagnosis

Before the operation, a general blood test and an HIV test are required. Additionally, allergy tests for local anesthetics or general anesthesia drugs may be required. Another mandatory analysis is bacteriological culture. It is necessary for the safety of the patient and protection against infection. In addition to passing tests, the patient is waiting for a visual examination, X-ray, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the dentition and oral cavity.

Features of treatment and prevention

After the diagnosis, the doctor draws up a therapeutic course and performs surgery. The technologies and material used during the operation are selected for each individual patient. Today, dentists use titanium implants, dental crowns without metal components, osteoplastic materials, which make the intervention safe and successful.

Cellular technologies are used to restore bone tissue, and new anesthetics are being introduced into general practice. The main thing is to trust the doctor and strictly follow his instructions in order to return to your usual way of life as soon as possible.

Please note that tooth extraction without subsequent implantation can be fraught with malocclusion and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Discuss this issue with your doctor and choose the best option for intervention.

Surgery is followed by a period of recovery, prevention and regular check-ups. At the same time, the doctor will explain to the patient how to save the teeth and not fall under the knife a second time. The dentist will select individual products for oral hygiene, explain how to brush your teeth correctly and how many times (for some people, twice a day brushing is not enough). Also, the doctor will help adjust the diet in order to restore the acid-base balance, prevent damage to the enamel and prevent the development of bacteria. During the recovery period, drug therapy, application of ointments to the affected area, and specific care may be required. Also, do not forget about regular check-ups and professional teeth cleaning at least 2 times a year. Clearly follow the proposed therapeutic course and be healthy.

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