
Dentinox (Dentinox N) is a local anesthetic gel. It is mainly used in the teething of infants and gingivitis.

Dentinox – what is it?

It is a medicinal product available at a pharmacy without a prescription. Dentinox belongs to preparations with anesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties. The product is in the form of a gel stored in a 10 g tube. Dentinox has a brownish color, and its taste and smell, although not intense and the drug itself contains sweeteners, may seem unpleasant.

However, the properties of Dentinox gel make it a relief for teeth eruption – be it milk teeth in children or wisdom teeth in adolescents and adults. The product can be used at different ages, if the doctor recommends it. From which month can Dentinox be taken? The manufacturer points out that it should not be given to infants up to 3 months of age.

Dentinox – properties

Dentinox contains chamomile tincture, lidocaine hydrochloride and lauromacrogol. The combined action of these three ingredients gives effective anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic effects. Chamomile tincture is a popular herbal remedy that has a sedative, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and antispasmodic effect. In the gel, it is responsible for anesthesia and has a soothing effect on the child.

Dentinox – what to use for?

Dentinox N can be used for children, infants and adults. Its main task is to reduce symptoms related to the irritation of the gums and the oral mucosa. However, it finds various uses in patients of different ages:

  1. Dentinox for infants reduces pain and soothes irritation of the gums. In addition, it is recommended to use Dentinox for teething and related inflammation. After the applied dose of the gel, the child should stop crying and calm down for some time. How long depends on the baby and his situation.
  2. Dentinox for children and adults can always be used in the event of gingivitis. It is also recommended to use Dentinox gel for eights when they erupt. It will reduce the pain and avoid inflammation. The soothing properties of the drug make Dentinox suitable for aphthae, cheilitis and thrush.

See also: «Wisdom teeth and the installation of an orthodontic appliance. Should you remove eights before orthodontic treatment? »

Dentinox – composition

The active substances in Dentinox are:

  1. chamomile tincture (Chamomillae tinctura) – 1,5 g in 10 g of gel (1: 4-4,5),
  2. macrogol (Macrogoli aether laurilicum) – 32 mg in 10 g of the product,
  3. lidocaine (Lidocaini hydrochloridum) – 34 g in 10 g of the product.

In addition, the Dentinox leaflet states that the composition includes the following auxiliary substances:

  1. carbomer (934 P),
  2. lewomentol,
  3. disodium edetate,
  4. sodium hydroxide 10%,
  5. polysorbate 20,
  6. propylene glycol,
  7. saccharin sodium,
  8. liquid non-crystallising sorbitol,
  9. Purified Water,
  10. xylitol,
  11. extract – ethanol (max. 9,5 percent).

Dentinox – contraindications

Contraindications to the use of Dentinox gel are:

  1. hypersensitivity to any component of the preparation;
  2. intolerance to lidocaine or similar local anesthetics (amide type);
  3. intolerance to chamomile or other plants of the Asteraceae family;
  4. sorbitol intolerance and general fructose intolerance,
  5. child’s age under 3 months of age,
  6. simultaneous administration of agents causing methaemoglobinaemia to children under 12 months of age,
  7. simultaneous intake of other preparations with a local anesthetic effect,
  8. the use of other medications requires consultation with a doctor – a full list of the consumed products should be presented to him, including those available without a prescription,
  9. the appearance of swelling, redness, and allergic reactions during the use of Dentinox – in such cases, discontinue use of the product and consult a doctor immediately,
  10. Dentinox after the expiry date or one year after opening – should be discontinued.
Dentinox in pregnancy

It is not recommended to use the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as no studies on the effect of Dentinox on the fetus and the quality of breast milk have been conducted.

Dentinox – dosage

Dentinox is intended for short-term use. In the case of the eruption of the baby’s teeth, a small amount of gel should be rubbed gently into the baby’s gums at the eruption site. How many times a day can Dentinox be used? The rubbing procedure can be performed up to six times a day, with at least a 20-minute break. The same should be done with wisdom teeth. Dentinox can be used at night and during the day.

Dentinox gel can be applied with a clean finger or a cotton swab. If applied with a finger, wash it after rubbing the gel. It is recommended to use Dentinox before eating.

How long does Dentinox work for? Relief comes after a dozen or so minutes. However, all treatment should be completed within 7 days. If the gum changes last more than a week or worsen, see your doctor immediately.

Also read: «Child development. Development calendar for the first six months »

Dentinox – side effects

Dentinox N in the vast majority of cases does not cause side effects. Hypersensitivity reactions are very rare.

Dentinox – price and reviews

Dentinox opinions among parents and adults are very good. The main advantages of the gel are its effectiveness and pleasant taste. Opinions can be verified in person by visiting websites dedicated to newborns as well as shopping portals, online pharmacy websites and parental message boards.

Dentinox also has disadvantages, among which the users most often mention two – mainly a small dose in the package – it contains 10 g of gel, and a short duration of action of the preparation.

The price for Dentinox N is less than PLN 20. The gel is available without a prescription. You can get it without any problems in most stationary and online pharmacies throughout the country.

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health. Do you need a medical consultation or an e-prescription? Go to, where you will get online help – quickly, safely and without leaving your home. Now you can use e-consultation also free of charge under the National Health Fund.

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