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Today you can shine a radiant smile at any age, even if your teeth are your weakest link. Modern dentistry possesses technologies that make it possible to correct any “dental” defect and painlessly solve any dental problems up to the “growing” of new teeth by implantation.
To the most urgent
At the dawn of implantation, such a problem really existed. Now this is already far in the past: the survival rate of implants today is almost 100%, provided that everything is done according to the protocols.
The difference is who placed this implant. The simplest domestic implant can be installed so that it will last a long time. And if the implantation protocol is not followed, you can ruin everything with an expensive implant.
The implant is installed for life. At NIKA SPRING we start with three-dimensional image and a treatment plan, orthopedic planning, taking into account the condition of the bone tissue, mucosa, occlusion and teeth. Treatment should be followed by dynamic observation with regular check-ups every six months. In this case, we are ready to give a lifetime warranty!
The average lifespan of a bridge structure is 5-7 years. As a rule, when choosing this design, it is necessary to grind two or more teeth (sometimes absolutely healthy!), Which, of course, is not biologically correct. Such constructions are, in any case, stress for the abutment teeth (nobody canceled physics, and the teeth are overloaded). An implant is always cheaper and more durable in the long term, provided that it is properly looked after and prevented by a doctor.
Implant surgeon Rizvanov and orthopedic dentist Alexander Danilov evaluate the next construction of a future radiant smile
Nowadays, almost 90% of implantations are performed with plastic surgery in order to obtain sufficient gum volume for implant placement. But you should not be afraid of this. Adequate gum volume is a guarantee that the implant and the bone tissue around it are protected, the crown will stand firmly and for a long time.
An integrated approach is very important for prosthetics. To follow the patient’s lead when he says: “Give me this tooth, and then I will see for myself,” is fundamentally wrong. At NIKA SPRING, we take into account the condition of the gums and all teeth, we plan what materials to make prostheses from in a particular case. For example, we will put a ceramic or zirconium crown on the upper jaw, and it will be beautiful, aesthetically pleasing and functional, and for the lower jaw we will use composite materials so that they wear off and are identical to their teeth. This is important when prosthetics on implants – after all, they do not amortize in the bones, like their teeth, and this can lead to chips and even a fracture of the crown or implant. Temporomandibular joint problems begin when ceramics or zirconia crowns are placed both above and below. The jaw joint is overloaded, and arthritis, arthrosis, etc. begin.
So you need to compare not only prices, but also the approach that doctors offer.
A simple implantation option on the lower jaw takes three to four months – from implant placement to the crown, and on the upper jaw – six to eight months, taking into account prosthetics. If there are conditions for implantation without additional manipulations, then we try to install the implant and the shapers in one step. Next, prosthetics goes on for about a month. We draw up a surgical plan after the completion of dental treatment in order to exclude unforeseen extractions that will take a long time, require additional costs, etc.
Yes, we at NIKA SPRING can offer and shortened version of implantation – combine several stages into one. At the same time, the patient saves not only time, but also money. Relatively recently, I had a patient who decided to give herself a beautiful smile for her anniversary. She applied in April, and her jubilee is scheduled for December. To meet these deadlines, we put her ten implants and performed four bone grafts in one operation (it lasted six and a half hours).
If we did it in stages, the procedure would take 6-7 months. And only six months after the last operation, when all the implants have taken root, we would start prosthetics. Having performed the operation once, we saved six months. As a result, our patient will meet the anniversary with a radiant smile.
If it is essential for you to receive a crown on the day of the operation (your job, salary, personal life, etc. depend on you), we can do it. The American system will cost you a little more; additional costs will be required for a temporary crown. And in six months we will make permanent prosthetics. So the timing can be individual, depending on the needs of the patient.
“And how much will it cost?” – one of the first questions that I hear at the reception from a patient. Let’s calculate with a specific example. The patient, a young man who had not worked on teeth for a very long time, was afraid of dentists. He had a limited budget – 100 thousand rubles. A computed tomogram showed a huge cyst in the anterior section and three or four teeth to be removed. Accordingly, only the first stage with a temporary construction from canine to canine was 50 thousand rubles plus treatment, removal, bone grafting – and these 100 thousand are no longer there. Taking into account the patient’s budget, we have drawn up a step-by-step treatment plan. Gradually, but he will solve his dental problem forever! This is how we work with everyone who contacts us. We offer the best option both in terms of time and cost, depending on the patient’s situation.
Three-dimensional image is the most informative way to assess the condition of teeth and gums
Focusing only on the price is fundamentally wrong. Maybe, implantation, which is offered without taking into account the condition of the teeth (in NIKA SPRING, a 3-dimensional image is required!), mucous membranes, occlusion, etc., will be cheaper for the patient, but … Miracles do not happen: there is no cheap and at the same time high-quality implantation. Recently, a woman came to my reception who could hardly speak. She turned out to be one of those who were looking for a cheaper implantation and found it. She had a beautiful top and bottom prosthetics, and after a while she began to suffer with the temporomandibular joint. The bite was incorrectly set to the patient, which caused the joint to click and hurt. It became difficult for a woman to talk, and this is her job – she is a teacher. In addition, every meal turned into torture for her – she practically could not eat. When she came to our clinic “NIKA SPRING”, we redid all the work for her to restore the correct function of the joint. As a result, the cheapness, which she bought, cost her too much: the patient acquired a serious problem with the joint and spent much more time and money than it could have originally been. This example is clear proof that you shouldn’t be guided by prices alone. You need to think about the consequences.
We need to look not for an individual doctor, but for a team. Dentistry is a team work, it cannot be limited to one person. It often happens that a person wants to replace one missing tooth without even suspecting that he has a number of problems in his mouth. Not today tomorrow they will “explode”, and you will have to start all over again, and this is a waste of both time and money. Therefore, an integrated approach is very important in implantation, when not a single tooth is assessed and analyzed, but the state of the entire oral cavity: adjacent and opposite teeth, mucous membrane, bite, etc. This work is collegial: surgeon, therapist, orthodontist and orthopedist. on the team and am responsible for what the other doctor does. At NIKA SPRING we are not indifferent to the final result that the patient will receive. This is our practice. We have no goal – to make money at any cost. It is important for us that a person gets a good result for his money, which will serve him for a long time and will bring pleasure.
Clinic of aesthetic medicine
St. Semashko, 12
Tel. – (831) 4 300-900
Own laboratory diagnostics