Dental emergency

A dental emergency is a type of emergency medical care that is available in an emergency. Anyone who has had an unexpected attack of toothache at least once knows how troublesome such pain can be and how important it is to help quickly. Dental emergency services operate under the National Health Fund, although private dental offices also provide this type of service. The price of a visit to a private dental emergency clinic depends on the type of disease, but due to the unusual circumstances of the visit – often at night or on non-working days, the price can be several times higher than in the case of a standard visit to the dentist. Typically, the dental emergency service is only available in larger cities. It is worth finding out where the nearest dental emergency is located.

Dental emergency – how does it work?

Dental emergency usually works in larger cities. Usually emergency have signed contracts with the National Health Fund, therefore the visit is free of charge for every person who is insured under the National Health Fund. The way it works dental emergency It is largely determined by the type of contract signed with the National Health Fund and the specificity of the facility – whether it is a state, private or private center providing services under the cooperation with the National Health Fund.

Do dental emergency Anyone experiencing a sudden, non-functional toothache can apply. Dental emergency operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, regardless of applicable holidays. Visit in dental emergency it does not require referral or disease documentation.

Often patients dental emergency there are children. Milk teeth are particularly prone to caries, and young patients experience pain differently. In the case of children, it is not worth delaying a visit to dental emergencybecause the little patient will probably be admitted.

It happens, however, that to dental emergency people who simulate terrible pain come forward only to get a free dentist appointment without waiting in line. Usually in such cases dental emergency refuses to help.

  1. Also read: Health encrypted in teeth

Sudden toothache – causes

The most common cause sudden acute toothache and visits dental emergency is … neglect. Even adults associate visiting the dentist’s office very badly, and moreover, the prices of dental services mean that many of us postpone them. Unfortunately, untreated teeth make themselves felt sooner or later, and the only solution often turns out to be a tooth extraction. It is not worth delaying a visit to the dentist, as a preventive measure, we should visit the dentist’s office at least once a year. You should also not ignore toothache, even if it is not bothersome. Toothache or inflammation in the mouth is always a sign that a disease is developing and treatment must be started immediately.

Sudden toothache – what to do?

It happens that dental emergency refuses to admit the patient. Pain is a subjective sensation, and there are times when what we perceive as severe discomfort is not really a qualifying condition. dental emergency. In such situations, you should take painkillers, preferably preparations containing high doses of paracetamol or ibuprofen (in case of very severe pain). It is also worth rinsing the mouth with a herbal mouthwash, e.g. with sage or chamomile. Adults can rinse their mouth with alcohol.

The main thing is to go to as soon as possible dentist. Toothache and diseases of the teeth and mouth never go away on their own. Untreated dental diseases lead not only to acute pain, but also to painful and expensive root canal treatment or the need to remove sick teeth.

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