Denmark to kill 15 million mink due to the threat of a new outbreak of coronavirus

Denmark to kill 15 million mink due to the threat of a new outbreak of coronavirus

Soon there will be no mink in Denmark. All the country’s military forces are thrown into the extermination of animals.

Denmark to kill 15 million mink due to the threat of a new outbreak of coronavirus

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said that the country will have to exterminate all minks in fur farms after detecting cases of infection with a mutated coronavirus.

The fact is that in Denmark 12 people have already been identified with a changed new type of pathogen. It, unfortunately, reduces the ability to form antibodies in humans.

“We have a great responsibility to our own citizens, but given the identified mutation, we are also responsible to the rest of the world,” said Frederiksen.

The police, the army and the National Guard will join the extermination of animals, the population of which in Denmark is from 15 to 17 million individuals. The Minister of Food and Fisheries Mogens Jensen has already noted that all the necessary assistance will be provided to the owners of fur farms.

“Denmark has informed us of a number of people infected with the mink coronavirus, with some genetic changes in the virus,” the World Health Organization said.

A new type of coronavirus was found in minks on 207 farms in the Jutland Peninsula. “In the worst case scenario, a new pandemic could start, centered in Denmark,” said Kore Melbak, director of SSI State University (which is the main decision-making center for the fight against the pandemic).

Photo: Getty Images

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