Denied autistic people?

Mothers of adult sons with autism argue that centers specializing in caring for such patients do not accept people with serious problems. “They want peace of mind and choose the patients who cause the least trouble,” say the desperate women.

  1. Edyta Papajewska: I heard from the therapist that Sebastian broke the regulations with his behavior, because he hit her in the hand. I was surprised because he had never done this before
  2. I had the impression that the employees of the facility just wanted to get rid of us as soon as possible. This is the first time I have encountered this approach by therapists
  3. Dorota Próchniewicz: During the interview, Piotr reportedly hit his hand or head. After a few days, I was informed by phone that my son cannot be admitted because he shows “auto-aggressive behavior”, which “will disturb other participants”
  4. Community self-help homes usually do not accept autistic people. They believe that they are difficult students and that they are not able to provide them with comfort

Sebastian is a 24-year-old autistic. He was very happy that he would attend classes every day in a new place – the Center for Support and Rehabilitation of Disabled People at ul. Anders in Warsaw. The facility is intended to be a place where young adults with various disabilities benefit from rehabilitation, therapy and train their social skills.

– We went there for an interview, and then we waited for 3 months to welcome our son – says Edyta Papajewska, mother of the 24-year-old. – Even though the son communicates poorly, I could see that he liked it very much there. The resort is nice, modern, well-equipped and spacious. There are even places where the mentees can lie down and relax. This is very important for people with autism.

However, Sebastian did not even have time to eat dinner, because after 3 hours his mother was alerted that she had to take her son out of there immediately.

Let us emphasize that autism is a neurological disorder of the brain. It has many varieties, but those affected are most often locked in their own world and do not need to talk to people. Autistic people are more interested in objects than people, they hardly talk at all, sometimes they are hyperactive and impulsive.

Ladies like to have peace of mind

– I heard from the therapist that Sebastian broke the regulations with his behavior, because he hit her in the hand. I was surprised because he had never done this before. I explained that he was probably stressed out by the new place. But the therapists were not convinced by my arguments – says the mother.

Edyta emphasizes that the son could not recover after that event, he was excited. – He’s been through it all a lot. He saw that I got upset and cried. He always receives my emotions strongly – he points out.

Edyta did not hide that she left the center with her son depressed.

– I had the impression that the employees of the facility just wanted to get rid of us as soon as possible – he says. – This is the first time I have encountered this approach by therapists. The more so as the son in the integrated schools he attended never showed any aggression towards teachers or colleagues. But there was an open, factually prepared staff. And on Anders, ladies choose the patients who cause the least trouble. Because they want to be left alone. At least that’s my impression – adds the woman.

The management does not speak to the media

None of the employees of the center at ul. Andersa didn’t want to talk to me about Sebastian’s case. The phone was answered by Maria Warowny, who referred me to the Social Welfare Center Warszawa Śródmieście, the unit managing the institution.

However, there the lady who did not introduce herself also made a reservation that she would not speak to the media and referred me to Jakub Leduchowski, the press spokesman for the Śródmieście district.

After presenting Sebastian’s problem to him, he wrote back in an e-mail: “After getting acquainted with the information about the charge of OWiRON, I called Ms Anna Gawałkiewicz, Director of the Social Assistance Center. prof. A. Tymowski, to urgently provide detailed explanations. I interviewed the Director on March 28 this year. I am still awaiting a written explanation. Moreover, I ordered an internal control of the functioning of this institution. Mr. Sebastian’s mother is strongly encouraged to contact me. I regret that there is this misunderstanding. I can assure you that Śródmieście is a district for all residents. The premise of OWiRON is to help people with disabilities, not to make their lives difficult. We will do our best to explain the incident. “

What bothers therapists?

Dorota Próchniewicz also has an autistic son – Piotr. She also tried to make her son a charge of the Warsaw OWiRON.

– During the interview, Piotr reportedly hit his hand or head – reports the mother of the 24-year-old. – I didn’t see it because he was behind me. After a few days, I was informed by phone that my son cannot be admitted because he shows “auto-aggressive behavior”, which “will disturb other participants”.

The woman tried to explain to therapists that this happens to Piotr from time to time. Yes, it hits the hand, but it takes a few seconds and passes quickly. She argued that people with autism can react in this way in stressful situations.

– I consider the refusal to admit my son to the center not very professional – emphasizes Mrs. Dorota. – I suspect that the center lacks autism specialists. I guess they are afraid of such people. Maybe in the center at ul. Anders, they will someday be prepared to receive autistic charges. So far, they only declare it – judges severely.

The spokesman for translators

To TvoiLokona’s questions: what qualifications do therapists have and whether they are prepared to work with people suffering from autism, the spokesman for the Śródmieście district wrote: “The OWIRON staff consists of professional employees with education and experience allowing them to provide specialist care. They were selected from among nearly 50 candidates. Guardians employed in OWiRON have substantive preparation to work in health care facilities and social welfare facilities – with people with disabilities or autism. It is worth mentioning that five out of nine employees of OWiRON have professional experience in working directly with people suffering from autism, gained in previous places of employment ”.

Papajewska: I will appeal to the court

Mothers of autistic children, Dorota Próchniewicz and Edyta Papajewska were invited to meet the management of the center again on Friday, March 26.

– I didn’t learn anything new – explains Edyta, Sebastian’s mother. – The decision was maintained that the son would not be allowed to be under the care of the center. They suggested that I seek the advice of a psychologist in my district. It’s outrageous. None of the staff came out with the initiative to sit down with specialists and develop a model of caring for the son. Because he allegedly poses a threat to himself, therapists, and participants. All this was found on the basis of one incident after 3 hours of his stay.

Interestingly, Sebastian is still in charge of the facility. Papajewska was persuaded to sign the resignation from the services of the center.

– I will not do it. I will appeal to the administrative court – emphasizes the woman.

In turn, Dorota Próchniewicz adds: – It did not matter for the commission that the son has been studying at a special school for several years. A facility that integrates students with multiple disabilities: autism, intellectual disability, genetic diseases, cerebral palsy. I felt a clear reluctance from them and heard vague explanations: that “we are not from the neighborhood”. They did not even want opinions or documents confirming how Piotr functions.

Parents of autistic people are anxious

– I have the impression that all centers have got used to the fact that they do what they want with their parents – says Edyta. – Parents of autistic people are fearful and rarely appeal against negative decisions. They are afraid that their child will not get anywhere else, because the directors of the institutions keep in touch with each other. I know dozens of parents who have been in this situation.

– Community self-help homes usually do not accept autistic people – adds Dorota. – They believe that they are difficult pupils and that they are not able to provide them with comfort in a larger group. In some cases, these are exaggerated concerns. Not all autistic people are aggressive, although they may become aggressive or self-aggressive in an environment that does not understand their needs. I believe that the institutions do not show good will to start seeking training, more employment, additional resources. Center at ul. Andersa declares that he will start such training soon.

“Let’s not confine adults with disabilities to 4 walls!”

Both women belong to the Association “We want all life”, which brings together parents of adult children with disabilities. They fight for the right of these people to be treated in specialized day care homes. In order for them to develop and survive, when there is no shortage of loved ones, on April 2, they organize a campaign under the slogan “Let’s not lock adults with disabilities in 4 walls!” Under the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy.

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