Demonstration of Melody equipment for remote ultrasound examination

On Wednesday, October 13 this year. at 18:00 p.m. at the French Embassy in Poland, ul. Piękna 1 in Warsaw, an interactive presentation of Melody equipment by the French company AdEchoTech will take place. The demonstration is organized by the Warsaw office of the Business France agency, whose role is to promote the international development of French companies, with the support of the Polish Federation of Hospitals.

Press materials

Melody is a remotely controlled, robotic ultrasound system that responds to the challenges of the shortage of specialists in Poland and the need to conduct non-contact examinations. The equipment facilitates access to health care, among others. people in rural areas, which reduces costs and avoids delays in disease detection and treatment. The device can also be used in sensitive environments such as prisons, thus avoiding the need to move prisoners for examination. It is the only device of this type authorized on the markets of the European Union and the USA. MELODY is CE (class IIa) and FDA 510 k certified. It is approved on the Canadian market by Health Canada and soon in the UK as part of the NHS. Currently, 25 MELODY devices are in operation in France and abroad. The main areas where the equipment is used are: gynecology / obstetrics 65% and cardiology 35%.

The demonstration is aimed at directors of medical institutions and doctors (in particular radiologists, gynecologists, obstetricians, cardiologists, pulmonologists using ultrasound). The guests will have the opportunity not only to see, but also test the Melody system – a mobile probe will allow invited doctors to examine a patient who is at the same time in France.

The event will be opened by the Ambassador of France in Poland, Mr. Frédéric Billet and the President of the Polish Federation of Hospitals, Prof. Jarosław F. Fedorowski. The demonstration will last approximately 90 minutes and will be broadcast live. People who will not be able to physically participate in the meeting are encouraged to contact us to get a link to participate online.

Participation in the event is free of charge, however, due to the nature of the venue, prior registration on the guest list is required. The number of places is limited. If you are interested in participating in the conference or in obtaining additional information, please contact the organizers by October 8 at the latest.

Contact person (also in Polish): Catherine GAUTHIER, Doradca ds. Eksportu Expert on health markets in Central and Eastern Europe, Kom. : 518 728 215, [email protected], French Embassy in Poland

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