dementia: signs and risk groups

The Memory Academy, with the informational support of the Telesem magazine and the website, conducted testing of elderly people.

Is memory problems in old age normal aging or a manifestation of an illness that can be a burden for the entire family? Only specialists can answer this question. The “Memini” project within the framework of the All-Russian medical and social program “Academy of Memory” last Thursday, December 6, invited the residents of Volgograd to undergo psychological testing and get advice from specialists – neurologists and psychotherapists.

A cozy room for holding a socially significant event was provided by the management of the Gorky Library. The institution is significant for Volgograd, the building is located in a convenient location, in the very center of the city, so it is not difficult to get to it.

About 70 elderly Volgograd residents expressed their desire to check their memory to eliminate the risk of developing dementia. Someone came himself, someone was brought by the children.

The event was attended by about 70 people, mostly elderly people

“We are holding such an event in Volgograd for the first time,” says Anna Azarova, curator of the Memini project. – Over a thousand people were examined in the Central Federal District for the entire last year. On average, the detection rate of certain memory impairments ranges from 50 to 70 percent. Of course, this is not a sentence, but a guide to action. People should understand that it is important to be treated, to take the necessary drugs, and then the disease can be reversible. “

Curator of the “Memini” project Anna Azarova

According to Anna Azarova, a third of all detected cases of memory impairment are the consequences of untreated somatic diseases: uncontrolled hypertension, thyroid problems, lack of control over blood sugar levels.

“If people correct these vital indications, then they should not have memory impairments,” said Anna Azarova. – Our task is to identify the processes, the course of which is reversible, and refer a person to a specialist – a therapist, neurologist, psychiatrist. And the task of the patient and his relatives is to strictly observe all the doctor’s prescriptions. “

Identification of memory problems begins with testing by a psychologist. A specially designed MOSA test (Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale) helps to determine the presence of loss of various functions of the human brain – optical-spatial orientation, the ability to name objects, short-term memory, attention, abstract thinking, delayed memory.

MOSA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale) test helps to identify the presence of memory problems

The test helps to detect abnormalities at the earliest stages of onset, however, they are clinically significant.

“If you do not pay attention to minor violations, for example, the grandmother is looking for glasses. Sometimes it’s just fun, – Anna Azarova gives an example. – In a year, every tenth of these grandmothers will already have dementia, in five years – half. The grandmother, who is looking for glasses, has a short-term memory impaired; she remembers well what was long ago, but does not remember what happened five minutes ago. This is a bad sign. “

Dementia causes

• Alzheimer’s disease

• Stroke

• Traumatic brain injury

• Neuroinfection (meningitis)

Pay attention to these changes in the behavior of older people in your family. These are signs of incipient dementia.

1. People forget words. They can explain the word “children” – they are so small, they play, but they cannot name the word itself.

2. Impaired short-term memory. People forget what happened a moment ago.

3. Changes in the emotional background. It seems to us that our mother or grandmother’s character deteriorates, she becomes suspicious, aggressive, nervous.

4. Constant depression.

5. Vascular problems – micro strokes, pressure surges, high blood sugar.

Preventive measures

∇ It is important to observe the general principles of a healthy lifestyle – a balanced diet, drinking regimen, physical activity, which is interesting and enjoyable.

∇ Receive positive emotions – from communication, from social activity.

∇ Constantly acquire new skills (learning languages, mastering new recipes, handicrafts, computer games, studying the Internet).

∇ Try to choose different routes, even if you go to the same store all the time. It makes the brain work.

∇ Compliance with the recommendations of doctors. Engage in the prevention of hypertension, thyroid diseases, monitor sugar levels.

Psychological testing in progress

To get a brochure with detailed information about dementia, with instructions on caring for an elderly person who is losing self-care skills, and also to find out how to find a competent specialist in your city, contact the curator of the Memini project in Volgograd by contacting him by phone 8− 988-059-92-98, or on the project website

Territorial curator of the “Memini” project Ekaterina Motosova

Testing is carried out by the curator of the project Anna Azarova

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