Delta-Tocopherol synthetic (E309)

Vitamins play one of the main roles in the normalization of the human body. Their lack, as well as an overabundance, entail serious unpleasant consequences for health, but it is impossible to live without them.

But this applies to natural vitamins, but what about artificially synthesized ones? One of the representatives of synthetic vitamins is delta-tocopherol, a synthetically derived vitamin E. In the European classifier of additives, it has the E309 index. But what does it bring to the human body? Is it just as useful as its natural counterpart? What dangerous consequences can be from its use?

Brief description of the synthetic additive

Delta-tocopherol is a food additive that belongs to the group of preservatives and has powerful antioxidant properties.

Its other names are: synthetic delta-tocopherol, Synthetic Delta-tocopherol, δ-tocopherol, E309.

This substance significantly slows down lipid oxidative processes in the human body, which to a high extent prevents the formation of free radicals, and therefore preserves the integrity of the cells of the body.

It is such a food additive an oily liquid of a yellowish or reddish-yellow hue, which darkens when exposed to air. It dissolves well in alcohol and oily liquids, and is absolutely insoluble in water.

It is produced in the process of synthesizing natural vitamin E or vegetable oil using chemical compounds. That is why the food additive E309 does not have absolutely all the useful qualities, like its natural counterpart – tocopherol, labeled E306.

Although this synthetic substance is considered harmless, many countries in the world community still prohibit its use in the food industry, due to its further study and insufficient research evidence.

The benefits and harms of synthetic vitamin E

Natural tocopherol is found in various plants: wheat germ, cotton seeds, and soybean oil. Once in the human body, this substance has a positive effect on the course of various processes, which contributes to its healing and rejuvenation.

Synthetic additive, in turn, also strengthens the protective properties of the body, raises immunity, improves the functioning of internal organs and systems. It is especially important to eat foods rich in vitamin E for those people who live in adverse environmental conditions, in areas with poor ecology, as well as those whose work is associated with hazardous production.

According to the studies conducted to date, it can be concluded that synthetic delta-tocopherol does not pose any danger to human health. But its lack is largely bad for the body:

  • various pathologies and chronic diseases develop;
  • immunity decreases and the body’s natural defenses weaken;
  • significantly reduced sexual desire;
  • infertility develops in women;
  • blood cells are damaged.

The use of food additive E309 in various industries

Artificial delta-tocopherol acquired the greatest value in the food industry. It shows its remarkable properties in the production of the following products:

  • canned meat and semi-finished products, where it is used as a preservative;
  • spreads, margarines and other products with a high fat content;
  • mayonnaise, where it is used as an emulsifier;
  • vegetable oil, where it has established itself as an excellent antioxidant;
  • bakery products;
  • potato products;
  • dry breakfasts and milk formulas;
  • carotene dyes.

Synthetic vitamin E is also used in the cosmetic industry, where its antioxidant properties are especially valuable.

Summing up

A synthetic analogue of vitamin E, although it does not pose a threat to human health, but also does not have many of the beneficial properties characteristic of natural delta-tocopherol. However, it enjoys great success in the food industry, where it is used as an emulsifier and preservative, as well as in cosmetics, where its antioxidant properties are most valuable.

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