Delphinium diseases and pests, which can cause significant damage to the plant, affect the culture quite often, despite its endurance and high immunity. Therefore, flower growers should know in advance about all pathologies and dangerous parasites, symptoms of diseases, methods of treatment and pest control.

Delphinium diseases and their treatment

Delphinium: pests and diseases

Delphinium is most often affected by viral, bacterial and fungal diseases. Some of them are incurable, and to eliminate the infection, you have to completely destroy the perennial flower. Otherwise, the disease may spread to other crops.

Black spot

The most common disease of the delphinium is black spot, which most often forms in wet and cold weather. The development of the disease is as follows:

  1. First, black spots form on the lower leaves.
  2. Then they spread to the top of the foliage.
  3. In the process of spreading, the stem suffers, which also turns black.

The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that spotting bacteria can safely winter both on last year’s infected foliage and in the ground. That is why every autumn it is recommended to remove the fallen leaves from the flower beds and destroy them.

Treatment of the disease depends entirely on the prevalence of spotting on the plant. If the delphinium has just begun to become stained, then you can try to save it. Tetracycline solution is used as a healing elixir. The drug is dissolved in water at the rate of 1 tablet per 1 liter of water. Processing is carried out twice: the second time – after three days.

Delphinium: pests and diseases

Attention! Before spraying, stained leaves must be cut off and destroyed by burning.

If the disease has spread, then it is unlikely that the delphinium will be saved. Therefore, it is recommended to dig up and burn the affected bush, and treat the soil from under it with a tetracycline solution.

wilting delphinium

Many delphinium diseases, as well as plant pests, lead to its withering. But there is also a separate pathology of the same name, which develops as a result of the vital activity of some bacteria. Both wet and cool weather, as well as dry and hot weather, can contribute to this.

Disease development:

  1. First of all, yellowness appears on the lower leaves.
  2. Then the stem becomes covered with dark and brown spots.
  3. In the future, the affected areas on the stem become soft, and then turn black.

This disease is considered incurable, as bacteria destroy the flower from the inside. The only way to save the delphinium from withering is to take preventive measures. Before planting, the seed material is soaked for 30 minutes in hot water (45 – 50 degrees).

Delphinium: pests and diseases

Mučnistaâ rosa

A common disease in delphiniums is powdery mildew, which manifests itself as a grayish coating on the deciduous part of the plant. In this case, the flower can become silvery in an instant, and the foliage will fade more and more every day. After the greens turn brown or brown, it will not be possible to save the plant.

Treatment of powdery mildew is possible in the early stages. For this, colloidal sulfur is used. Bushes should be sprayed with a 1% solution.

Attention! You can also use organic or Fundazol. But in this case, it is important not to overdo it with the treatment, so as not to burn the plant.

Delphinium: pests and diseases

Downy Mildew

The disease can attack the plant during the autumn rainy period. The reason for the development of pathology is dampness and coolness. From this, the lower parts of the foliage begin to become covered with a silvery-white layer.

Like many other delphinium diseases, downy mildew can be removed with Bordeaux liquid. And if the fight against them is started in a timely manner, then the chances are high to save the plant, and it will continue to delight the eyes not only in the photo.

Delphinium: pests and diseases

Root collar rot

Fungal diseases of the delphinium, for example, root collar rot, are also dangerous. The main symptom is the appearance of a web-like mycelium at the base of the stem, as well as yellowing of the lower part of the foliage. Rot quickly destroys the roots, which leads to the death of the culture.

Infection occurs either when pruning a bush, or when transplanting. Excessively moist soil, coupled with high air temperatures, contributes to the development of rot.

Attention! Root collar rot is a disease that is considered incurable. Preparations and folk methods in this case are powerless. The only way to save the delphinium is to transplant it to a new site in a timely manner.

Delphinium: pests and diseases


Another disease that can affect the delphinium in a hot summer is stem wilt, or fusarium. Most often, the disease overtakes young plants, in which the stem begins to become stained. Fusarium quickly spreads through the bush, moving from the stem to the roots. It takes less than a week for the disease to kill the plant. And the only way to save an infected flower is to remove the damaged stems and get rid of them by burning.

Delphinium: pests and diseases

Leaf ramularia

Some delphinium diseases, photos and descriptions of which must be studied even before planting, are difficult to treat. The same applies to a disease called ramulariasis, which is expressed in the appearance of a large number of spots, which can reach more than 1 cm in diameter. In this case, the foliage begins to dry and then falls off.

You can save the delphinium by immediately treating it with a solution of borax or foundationol.

If in the spring the delphinium is treated for diseases that develop due to the attack of viruses, then the plant can be protected from many ailments and even from death.

Delphinium: pests and diseases

Delphinium pests and their control

Not only diseases can attack the delphinium in the garden. There he is pursued by numerous pests. Most often in the lists of enemies appear:

  • caterpillars;
  • delphinium fly;
  • delphinium tick;
  • slippery;
  • aphid;
  • meadow nematode.

All these pests harm flowers, stems and foliage, and nematodes can destroy the root system. If you start a problem, the plant can quickly die.

delphinium fly

The main danger of this pest is that the fly lays its eggs with its offspring right in the buds of the delphinium. After the appearance of the larvae, they begin to attack the stamens and pistils, which first leads to the fact that the plant ceases to bear fruit, and then completely dies.

The main and most effective remedy against this pest is a 10% solution of promethrin. It is necessary to process the delphinium several times to remove the fly and its offspring forever.

Delphinium: pests and diseases


An equally dangerous pest is aphid, which loves not only cabbage and radishes, but also flower crops. Aphids quickly spoil the foliage, which makes it impossible for the normal nutrition of the flower.

Several means are capable of eliminating the pest:

  • specialized preparations;
  • a solution of soap and water (household, 70%);
  • tobacco infusion (pour freshly grown tobacco with boiling water in a ratio of 1 to 1, leave for 3 days, spill the plant attacked by pests).

Delphinium: pests and diseases

delphinium mite

If the leaves of the delphinium began to curl and turn black, then this may indicate the presence of such a pest as the delphinium mite, which causes damage to flowers and leaves.

Attention! If you do not treat the delphinium with special means from this pest, the plant may die.

Important! Of the folk remedies in the fight against the parasite, an infusion of garlic is widely used – for 1 liter of boiling water, you need to take a head of chopped garlic, insist for a day and shed a flower.

Delphinium: pests and diseases


Slugs attack mainly young specimens of the delphinium, so they are considered very dangerous pests. To prevent the flowers from dying, you need to take care of their safety in advance. You can scatter granular metaldehyde, superphosphate or ordinary lime on the flower beds, which the parasites try to bypass.

Delphinium: pests and diseases

meadow nematode

An insidious pest that can infect the roots of a flower is a meadow nematode. It is quite difficult to remove it, so experienced gardeners prefer to protect their site from the appearance of a parasite. This can be done by tilling the soil with 20% thiazon. The procedure is carried out before planting the delphinium, approximately 30 to XNUMX days in advance.

Delphinium: pests and diseases

Attention! If a nematode attacked a flower, then the pest will destroy it, and no drugs will help get rid of it.

Preventive measures

A plant such as a delphinium can be attacked by various diseases and pests. Many of them lead to the death of a garden flower, so it is best to use some recommendations for disease prevention.

  1. Soil preparation. Before planting the delphinium in the ground, it is necessary to disinfect the soil and seeds. For this, a simple solution of manganese is suitable, with which the soil is shed, and in which the seed material is also soaked before sowing.
  2. Drainage layer construction. Despite its unpretentiousness, the delphinium prefers a moderate level of soil moisture. So that moisture does not stagnate, it is necessary to pour a small layer of fine gravel or expanded clay into the holes before planting.
  3. Compliance with the schedule of watering and fertilizing. If the plant grows in comfortable conditions, then it will have high immunity, which will allow it to cope with the attack of various diseases and pests.


Diseases of the delphinium and damage by its pests can have a different origin. Some cases are incurable. Therefore, it is important to responsibly approach the process of growing this garden flower, following the rules of care and taking preventive measures.

king of the garden delphinium

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