Delicious seasoning for chicken in the oven, which seasonings are suitable for chicken
For the preparation of second courses, chicken is often bought, because it is rich in proteins, and is also included in diets. Not everyone knows that chicken seasoning can make the poultry taste any flavor, giving a dish the spice and flavor it needs. Housewives should take note of the different combinations of spices that should be added when boiling, frying or baking this meat in the oven.
What seasonings go well with chicken?
When cooking chicken, seasonings are added 2-3 minutes until cooked. During frying, as well as baking, the bird is marinated along with spices. Sometimes they create a separate sauce in which the seasonings are put – this gives the chicken an original taste. The basic set of spices for poultry includes:
- table salt, without which not a single dish is complete;
- bay leaf, which gives the dish a specific aroma;
- black pepper, responsible for the pungency of chicken meat;
- garlic, which can make the poultry taste spicy.
Seasoning for chicken: what to choose?
Remember that the last two ingredients should definitely be added to the dish while cooking chicken goulash or frying the wings in vegetable oil.
Seasonings for chicken in the oven
Before roasting poultry in the oven, grate it with seasonings. In addition to the main spices, they add:
- ground yellowish turmeric – it is also suitable for broth;
- aromatic curry – it is also used to create a creamy sauce;
- pungent mint ginger – it is considered good for health;
- ground paprika – has a pungent taste and light sweetness at the same time;
- Gourmet Coriander – Available in seed form, but can be crushed.
Fans of special spiciness can be advised to add chili pepper to the dish, which is considered the highlight of Mexican cuisine.
Delicious seasoning for chicken
Seasonings in the form of dried leaves are also well combined with poultry meat. These include:
- oregano – because of its persistent aroma with spice, you do not need to overdo it;
- marjoram – this spice makes delicious gravy for meat;
- rosemary – added to chicken marinade, which gives it a game flavor;
- thyme – its light bitterness is good for poultry broth.
Remember that although the various seasonings taste, add them to your meals reasonably. Experiment with these spices, but don’t get too carried away. Any seasoning in unlimited quantities will spoil the taste of the chicken and harm the stomach. So, the dish should retain its natural taste and aroma.