Delicious mushroom dishes with potatoes: cooking recipesDishes from mushrooms and potatoes are a must on the menu of any restaurant of cuisine. This is the so-called “classic of the genre”, such uncomplicated dishes were a necessary attribute of the peasant table. But, despite all the seeming simplicity of cooking recipes for potatoes with mushrooms, such food is very satisfying and no less tasty than the most intricate dishes.

How to cook stewed potatoes with mushrooms

The first selection of recipes is devoted to how to cook potatoes with mushrooms stewed in a pan.

Mushrooms stewed with potatoes

Delicious mushroom dishes with potatoes: cooking recipes


For this recipe for potatoes with mushrooms, you will need 400 g of mushrooms, 4-5 potatoes, 1/2 cup sour cream, 1 tbsp. spoon of tomato puree, 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 1 onion, salt, pepper, bay leaf to taste, dill.


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Peel the mushrooms, rinse and dip in boiling water for 5-6 minutes. Then put it in a colander and let the water drain. Cut the mushrooms into slices, put in a deep frying pan, pour over the sour cream. In the same pan, add tomato puree, salt, pepper, bay leaf.

Put the pan on medium heat and simmer a little (7-10 minutes).

Peel potatoes, rinse, cut into slices, fry, mix with chopped fried onions and combine with mushrooms. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer until all products are cooked.

Sprinkle the stewed potatoes with mushrooms prepared according to this recipe with herbs when serving.

Mushrooms stewed in broth

Delicious mushroom dishes with potatoes: cooking recipes


1 kg of mushrooms, 4-5 potatoes, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, parsley and dill, salt, 1/2 cup broth (meat or mushroom).


Peel the mushrooms, wash and boil in salted water, add chopped potatoes, transfer to a saucepan with hot oil, add meat or mushroom broth, cover and simmer until tender.

As you can see in the photo, potatoes with mushrooms prepared according to this recipe should be sprinkled with chopped herbs when served:

Delicious mushroom dishes with potatoes: cooking recipes

Aspen mushrooms stewed in spicy sauce

Delicious mushroom dishes with potatoes: cooking recipes


For this recipe for cooking potatoes with mushrooms, take 700 g of boletus, 1 glass of vegetable broth, 2-3 potatoes, 40 g of flour, 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 1 onion, salt, pepper, lemon juice, mustard, sugar.


Mushrooms clean, rinse, cut into slices, add chopped potatoes and simmer until the juice is released. Further, according to the recipe for potatoes with mushrooms, flour and finely chopped onion should be browned in a saucepan in hot oil, add vegetable broth, mustard, lemon juice, salt, pepper, a pinch of sugar and simmer the mushrooms until tender.

Stewed mushrooms


750 g fresh or canned mushrooms, 2-3 potatoes, 3 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 1/2 cup white wine, 1 teaspoon black pepper, parsley, lemon juice.


Mushrooms clean, wash and cut, put in a saucepan, add chopped potatoes and simmer, putting oil. When they are soft, add white wine, black pepper and a bunch of finely chopped parsley.

Look at the photo – stewed potatoes with mushrooms can be seasoned with lemon juice when served:

Delicious mushroom dishes with potatoes: cooking recipes

Potatoes stewed with fresh mushrooms

Delicious mushroom dishes with potatoes: cooking recipes


750 g potatoes, 500 g fresh or 200 g dried mushrooms, 2 onions, 1/2 cup sour cream, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, 1 bunch of herbs, 2 bay leaves, 2 sprigs of parsley, salt, pepper.


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Peeled and washed fresh mushrooms scalded with boiling water, cut and fry in a pan with chopped onions. Peeled potatoes cut into slices, fry and put together with fried mushrooms in a pan, pour water to the level of the top layer, add salt, bay leaf, pepper, parsley and cover the pan with a lid. Simmer 30 min. You can put sour cream in potatoes.

When serving, remove parsley, bay leaf, sprinkle potatoes with chopped herbs. Potatoes can be cooked with dried mushrooms. To do this, pre-cook the mushrooms, chop and fry with onions. Part of the mushroom broth can be used to stew potatoes.

How else to cook potatoes with mushrooms

Here you will learn how to cook potatoes with mushrooms and other ingredients.

Beef stroganoff with mushrooms and potatoes

Delicious mushroom dishes with potatoes: cooking recipes


600 g pork (tenderloin), 400 g mushrooms, 400 g new potatoes, 400 g onions, 200 ml ketchup, 200 g sour cream, salt and freshly ground black pepper – to taste, 80 ml olive oil for frying.


Wash the potatoes thoroughly, boil in their skins in salted water for 20 minutes after boiling the liquid.

Cool the boiled potatoes, cut each tuber into 4 parts, then cut into sectors.

Further, according to the recipe for this dish of potatoes with mushrooms and meat, you need to wash and dry the tenderloin, remove the films. Cut the meat into strips, salt and pepper.

Wash, dry and clean the mushrooms, cut each mushroom into 4 pieces. Chop the peeled onion into strips. Fry potatoes, onions, mushrooms and pork in hot olive oil for 4-6 minutes. Add ketchup and sour cream to this dish with mushrooms and potatoes, mix, heat for 1 minute.

Morels with potatoes

Delicious mushroom dishes with potatoes: cooking recipes


400 g morels, 2 potatoes, salt, red mushroom sauce.


Mushrooms chop, boil in salted water, drain. Steam the potatoes. Prepare red mushroom sauce, heat potatoes with morels in it, without boiling.

Boiled potatoes with onions and mushrooms

Delicious mushroom dishes with potatoes: cooking recipes


1 kg of potatoes, 360 g of onions, 480 g of fresh mushrooms, 80 g of butter, 2 teaspoons of parsley or dill, salt.


Finely chop the onion. Cut the processed mushrooms into slices.

Fry food with oil.

Pour the potatoes boiled in salted water with butter, put onions and mushrooms. A dish of mushrooms and potatoes prepared according to this recipe should be sprinkled with herbs.

Potato with mushrooms zrazy

Delicious mushroom dishes with potatoes: cooking recipes


1 kg potatoes, 100-125 g dried or 200-250 g fresh mushrooms, 2 onions, 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 100 g sour cream, crackers, salt, pepper, 1 egg yolk.


Mix boiled dried or fresh mushrooms with finely chopped fried onions and lightly fry, salt and pepper.

Divide mashed potatoes into patties. Put the filling in the middle of each cake, connect the edges, give the shape of a pie, brush with an egg, roll in breadcrumbs.

Fry, put on a dish, pour oil from the pan on top.

Boiled potatoes with oyster mushroom

Delicious mushroom dishes with potatoes: cooking recipes


300 g of salted, pickled or fried oyster mushrooms, 100 g of boiled potatoes, 1 pickled cucumber, 1 onion, 200-300 g of sour cream, salt, sugar, mustard.


Boil potatoes. Cut the ingredients into even slices, add sour cream, salt, sugar and mustard to this delicious dish of mushrooms and potatoes.

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Recipes for cooking potatoes in a pot with mushrooms

And how to cook potatoes with mushrooms in the oven in portioned pots?

Mushrooms stewed in a pot

Delicious mushroom dishes with potatoes: cooking recipes


600 g (white, boletus, champignons) mushrooms, 2-3 potatoes, 100 g butter or margarine, 200 g sour cream, 20 g crackers, salt.


Peel the mushrooms, rinse, cut into large pieces, add chopped potatoes, put in ceramic pots, add butter or margarine, salt, sour cream, ground wheat crackers and bring to readiness in the oven. Cooking potatoes with mushrooms in a pot according to this recipe is necessary by closing the lid.

Mushrooms stewed with potatoes and cinnamon

Delicious mushroom dishes with potatoes: cooking recipes


500 g mushrooms (porcini, boletus, boletus), 2-3 potatoes, 1 cup cream, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, cinnamon to taste, salt, parsley and dill, cloves, pepper, bay leaf.


Peel fresh mushrooms, rinse and scald, then cut into slices, salt and lightly fry. After that, put the mushrooms in a pot or pan and pour boiled cream.

Tie up parsley and dill, put cinnamon, cloves, pepper, bay leaf in the middle of the bunch and put in a saucepan with mushrooms.

Salt the mushrooms, add chopped potatoes, cover with a lid and place in a moderately heated oven for 1 hour to stew. When the mushrooms are ready, take out the bound greens.

Here you can see photos for recipes for potatoes with mushrooms cooked in pots:

Recipes for cooking dishes from potatoes and mushrooms baked in the oven

Here are a few more recipes on how to cook potatoes with mushrooms in the oven.

Potato baked with ham and mushrooms

Delicious mushroom dishes with potatoes: cooking recipes


800 g potatoes, 120 g ham, 200 g champignons, 100 g onions, 20 g flour, 120 g sour cream, 400 ml broth, 60 g butter, 4 g grated cheese, parsley.


Cut the onion, champignons into strips and sauté separately in oil.

Then mix, add sour cream, finely chopped ham, broth, flour and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Boiled potatoes cut into large cubes, put on a frying pan greased with ham fat, pour the mixture prepared from ham and mushrooms, sprinkle with cheese, sprinkle with melted butter and bake in the oven. Cooked in the oven according to this recipe, potatoes with mushrooms, sprinkle with parsley when serving.

Potato buns with mushrooms

Delicious mushroom dishes with potatoes: cooking recipes


  • 50 g dried mushrooms, 1 onion, 50 g butter, 10 potatoes, 1 1/2 cups wheat flour, 1 egg, salt to taste.
  • To prepare buns with potatoes and mushrooms in the oven, you will need a sauce of 3 teaspoons of flour, broth, onion and salt.


Boil dried mushrooms in salted water and finely chop. Chop a large onion and fry in a pan with oil until golden brown. Then put mushrooms here and fry them together with onions.

2 tbsp. set aside a spoonful of the mixture for making the sauce, and use the rest as minced meat for buns.

Boil mashed potatoes and, adding flour (1/2-3/4 cup) to it, knead the dough, which can be molded.

Put it on a table sprinkled with flour and roll into a sausage with a diameter of 3-4 cm.

Cut the sausage into slices and shape them into cakes. In this case, half of the cakes should be smaller in size.

On a greased baking sheet put large cakes, on them – minced mushrooms.

Bend the edges of each cake up and close with smaller cakes. Gently pinch the edges, and brush the top with egg.

Put a baking sheet with cakes in the oven and let them brown.

Preparation of the sauce. Fry the flour in a pan, stir it with the broth until the consistency of sour cream, add the remaining mushrooms with onions, bring the mixture to a boil and remove from heat.

Drizzle finished buns with sauce.

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How to cook a dish of potatoes with mushrooms in the oven

And another selection of recipes on how to cook potatoes with mushrooms to diversify your diet.

Potatoes baked with pork and mushrooms

Delicious mushroom dishes with potatoes: cooking recipes


1 kg potatoes, 500-800 g pork (fillet, neck), 100-200 g fresh-frozen porcini mushrooms, 100 g hard cheese (for example, ), 200-300 sour cream, 200 ml cream 20-33% fat, 2 onions, a bunch of green onions, salt and a mixture of peppers – to taste, 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil for frying and greasing.


Wash the potatoes thoroughly, boil in their skins in salted water for 30 minutes after boiling the liquid, cool, peel. Cut pork into cubes, peeled onion into strips. Wash, dry and clean the mushrooms, finely chop.

Combine meat and onion, salt and pepper. Punch down so that the onion releases its juice. Fry the mixture in vegetable oil for 10 minutes. Add mushrooms, fry for another 5 minutes. Pour in sour cream, simmer until thickened.

Cut boiled potatoes into slices. Put half on the bottom of a heat-resistant form, greased with vegetable oil. Spread the meat with onions and mushrooms on top. Sprinkle with finely chopped green onions, then lay out the second layer of potatoes.

Mix grated cheese with cream in a blender. Pour the contents of the mold with the resulting mixture. Bake this potato and mushroom dish in the oven at 180-200°C for 15-20 minutes.

Potato stuffed with dried mushrooms

Delicious mushroom dishes with potatoes: cooking recipes


Potatoes, mushrooms.


For this recipe for baked potatoes with mushrooms, you need to sauté the chopped onion. Next, bake the potatoes, peel them, cut off the tops and remove the middle from each potato so that sufficiently strong walls remain. Boil the mushrooms, chop them.

Part of the obtained mushroom broth to cool and mix with sautéed flour. Pour cold mushroom broth mixed with browned flour into boiling mushroom broth and cook, stirring all the time.

When the broth thickens, remove it from the heat, add mushrooms, onions and as many potatoes taken out of potatoes as needed to prepare a sufficient amount of minced meat.

After filling the potatoes with this stuffing, put them on a dish greased with oil, pour sour cream sauce or sour cream, sprinkle with cheese mixed with breadcrumbs, drizzle with butter and bake in the oven.

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