Delicious melon jam

Usually, when eating a juicy and sweet melon in the summer, there is not even a question about whether it is possible to extend this season of pleasure and enjoy the honey and fragrant fruit in winter. It turns out that it is possible, and the simplest recipe for melon jam for the winter does not require anything other than the “berry” itself and sugar.

Delicious melon jam

Benefits of melon jam

The fact that the melon carries a lot of health benefits, few doubt. But after all, jam from it retains most of the vitamins, minerals and other useful substances, although some of it disappears irrevocably during heat treatment.

Drinking melon jam can:

  • benefit from beriberi;
  • alleviate the condition with atherosclerosis, anemia and cardiovascular diseases;
  • normalize the processes of digestion and liver function;
  • serve as a sedative;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • have a beneficial effect on women during pregnancy and menopause;
  • improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair;
  • normalize pressure;
  • improve metabolic processes in the body;
  • help fight insomnia, irritability, fatigue.

How to make melon jam for the winter

There is nothing difficult in the process of preparing an exotic dessert. As with many other fruits and berries, there are two main ways to make melon jam:

  1. Falling asleep with sugar and cooking in its own juice.
  2. Using prepared sugar syrup, in which melon pieces will be boiled.

The first method is more suitable for fully ripe and juicy melon varieties. The second is better to use in case of unripe melons or varieties with dense pulp.

Actually, you can try to cook jam from absolutely any melon. The sweeter and riper fruits may become soft during the manufacturing process, and it would be better to grind them at some stage with a blender. Plus, they require less sugar. On the other hand, jam can be made even from an unripe melon or from white hard pulp near the peel itself, which turns out to be not very tasty for one reason or another. It is only desirable that the melon still has its characteristic aroma. In this case, in winter, a melon dessert can remind you of a hot and sunny summer with its mere presence.

Particularly good for making jam are varieties of melons that have orange or red flesh. They are usually the hardest and even after a relatively long boil, the pieces remain intact.

Advice! To make the pieces of melon in jam look especially attractive, they can be cut with a special knife with a curly blade.

Some cloying and monotonous taste of melon jam can and should be diversified with the help of additional ingredients:

  • fruit – apples, pears, bananas, peaches, oranges, lemons;
  • vegetables – pumpkins, zucchini;
  • spice – cinnamon, ginger, vanilla, anise.

Before cooking, the melon is completely cleaned of the hard outer shell, cut into two halves and all seeds are removed from the inside. You can cut the melon into pieces of any size and shape, depending on the preferences of the hostess.

Melon jam can be used both as a sweet dessert for tea, and as a delicious gravy for pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes. It is very tasty to add it to ice cream and a variety of cocktails. It is also suitable as an addition to homemade cakes.

Delicious melon jam

Since the dessert is subjected to a sufficiently long heat treatment, melon jam usually does not require additional sterilization. In addition, the use of citric acid or natural lemon juice serves as an additional preservative for winter preservation.

Winter melon jam recipes

Despite the fact that melon jam has recently entered the cookbooks of hostesses, there are already quite a few interesting and useful recipes for making it.

Simple melon jam for the winter

This recipe does not require any additional components, except for citric acid, without which the jam cannot be stored so well at normal room temperature.

So, you will need:

  • 1 kg of pulp from a melon;
  • 1-1,2 kg of sugar;
  • 300 ml of purified water;
  • 3 g citric acid.

The amount of sugar used depends on the sweetness of the melon itself. If it is really sweet, then granulated sugar should be used in smaller quantities.


  1. The melon is peeled and the internal seed chambers are removed.
  2. The pulp is cut into cubes or other shapes into pieces.
  3. Sugar is diluted in water and the syrup is boiled until it is completely dissolved.
  4. Pour hot syrup over melon pieces and leave to cool for 6-8 hours.
  5. Then boil again on moderate heat for 5-10 minutes.
  6. Cool again, repeating this process at least three times.
  7. When the pieces of melon become transparent, and the syrup thickens slightly, the cooking can be considered over.
  8. Melon jam is laid out in sterilized jars and rolled up for the winter.

Melon and pumpkin jam

Adding pumpkin will make the jam even healthier and give it a nice orange hue. In the absence of pumpkin, it can be replaced with zucchini, the taste will be somewhat different, but the consistency will become even more tender.

You need:

  • 500g melon pulp;
  • 200 g pumpkin pulp;
  • Xnumx g dried apricots;
  • 200 d Sahara.


  1. Melon and pumpkin are cleaned from the hard outer shell.
  2. The seeds are also taken out, and the required amount of pulp, after weighing, is cut into small sticks.
  3. Pour pieces of melon and pumpkin with sugar, mix and leave for several hours at room temperature so that they form juice.
  4. Then boil over low heat for 10 minutes.
  5. Dried apricots are washed and cut into small slices, attached to pumpkin and melon pieces.
  6. Boil for another 10 minutes, cool for about an hour.
  7. Repeat the operation several times.
  8. In the last run, you can boil the delicacy for about 20 minutes until thickened.
Advice! In the dessert during the last cooking, you can add ground nutmeg or chopped almonds. This will give the preparation an even richer taste and aroma.

Peach and melon jam

Both peaches and melons ripen at the same time. In addition, these fruits have almost the same density of juicy pulp, so they can perfectly combine with each other when cooked. To give contrast, it is customary to add freshly squeezed lemon juice to the jam.

You need:

  • 500 g of melon pulp;
  • 1000 g of peaches;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar;
  • bag of vanilla sugar.


  1. The melon is peeled and seeds are peeled, the pulp is cut into pieces of arbitrary shape and crushed in a blender.
  2. Sugar is added to the melon puree and heated until boiling with constant stirring.
  3. Peaches are freed from stones, cut into slices.
  4. Pour peach slices with melon syrup and leave for 8 hours (overnight) to soak.
  5. After the specified time, the jam is heated, boiled for about 5 minutes, the foam is removed and cooled again.
  6. For the third time, hot jam is laid out in sterile jars and hermetically twisted for the winter.

Delicious melon jam

Unripe melon jam

In the middle lane, the melon does not always ripen to the desired condition, and it is often necessary to observe the fruits before frosts, which have not yet had time to gain the necessary sweetness and maturity. But in green melon jam, the flavor of the fruit is more important, and the sweetness will help create the addition of sugar.

You need:

  • 500 g of hard melon pulp;
  • 800 grams of sugar;
  • 15 g salt;
  • 1500 ml water.


  1. In any case, you first need to carefully cut off a thin layer of rough outer skin.
  2. The pulp is also cleaned of seeds and thoroughly washed under running water.
  3. Cut it into cubes 1 cm wide, 2 cm long.
  4. 0,5 g of salt is dissolved in 15 l of cool water and the bars are soaked in it for 20 minutes. This will help protect them from spreading during the heat treatment process.
  5. Then the sticks are placed in boiling water for 8-10 minutes.
  6. After blanching, they must be rinsed completely under cold water.
  7. At the same time, a syrup is prepared from a liter of water and the amount of sugar required by the recipe.
  8. Pour melon sticks with cooled syrup and leave for 5-6 hours.
  9. Place everything together on fire and cook for 12-15 minutes.
  10. Cool again for 5-6 hours.
  11. Repeat this process three times until the sticks become completely transparent.
  12. After the last boiling, the finished dessert is laid out in sterile containers and twisted for the winter.

Melon jam with cinnamon

Melon jam with the addition of spices is very fragrant and tasty.

You need:

  • 1000 g melon pulp;
  • Xnumx g of granulated sugar;
  • 1 lemon;
  • ½ tsp ground cinnamon;
  • 10-12 cardamom stars;
  • 1 sachet of gelfix (pectin).


  1. Melon pulp is divided approximately into two equal parts.
  2. One part is crushed with a blender into a homogeneous puree, the other is cut into small cubes.
  3. Stars of cardamom are ground into powder using a coffee grinder.
  4. The lemon is doused with boiling water and the zest is wiped from its surface on a fine grater.
  5. In a heat-resistant container, melon pieces are mixed with mashed potatoes, squeezed lemon juice, zest, granulated sugar, cinnamon and cardamom are added. Everything is thoroughly mixed.
  6. Place the container on heating, bring to a boil, remove the resulting foam.
  7. A bag of gelfix is ​​mixed with 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar and gradually add to melon jam.
  8. Boil for about 5 minutes more, lay out hot in sterile jars and close for the winter.

How to cook melon jam in pieces

Delicious melon jam

Pieces of melon jam are cooked according to the usual classic recipe for the winter, outlined above. Only according to this recipe, melon varieties with dense pulp are usually used. But in order for the pieces to surely retain their shape and not spread in different directions, the following technique is used. After cutting, melon slices are blanched in boiling water for 5-10 minutes, depending on their size. And then they are transferred to a colander and washed under cold water.

The rest of the manufacturing technology remains the same.

For 1 kg of melon pulp, they usually use:

  • 1,2 kg of sugar;
  • 300 ml of water;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • 5 g vanillin.

Melon jam without sugar

Sugar in melon jam can be replaced with fructose, stevia syrup or honey.

In the latter version, the dessert will acquire additional value and flavor. For 1 kg of melon pulp, they usually take 0,5 liters of honey.

But in the case of using truly sweet and juicy melon fruits, you can make jam without the addition of sweeteners at all.

For better preservation of jam for the winter, it is advisable only to use pectin or gelfix.

You need:

  • 500 g melon pulp;
  • 1 sachet of gelfix.


  1. As in the previous recipe, the melon pulp is divided into two halves. One half is mashed with a blender, the other half is cut into 1×1 cm cubes.
  2. The cubes are mixed with mashed potatoes, put on fire and boiled over low heat for about a quarter of an hour.
  3. Gently pour gelfix into the jam, bring to a boil again and cook for another 5 minutes.
  4. Hot melon jam is distributed in jars and rolled up for the winter.

Melon jam with gelatin for the winter

Another option for a fairly quick preparation of delicious and thick melon jam.

You need:

  • 1 kg melon pulp;
  • Xnumx g of granulated sugar;
  • a bag of gelatin (40-50 g);
  • 1 tsp citric acid;
  • 1/2 h. l. vanilla.


  1. The pulp of the melon is cut into slices of a convenient size.
  2. Put in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and set aside for several hours, until some juice forms in it.
  3. Gelatin is poured with a small amount of water at room temperature and allowed to swell for 40-60 minutes.
  4. A pot with melon pieces is placed on fire, citric acid is added, heated to a boil, and the foam is removed.
  5. Simmer over low heat for about half an hour.
  6. Add vanilla and remove from heat.
  7. Swollen gelatin is immediately added, mixed and, spreading out in glass jars, rolled up for the winter.

Melon jam for the winter with ginger

Ginger is able to make the taste and aroma of melon jam unique. In addition, this spice itself is very beneficial for health.

You need:

  • 2 kg melon pulp;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 50 g fresh ginger root;
  • 2 lemon;
  • a pinch of vanillin (optional).


  1. Melon pulp is cut into pieces 1×1 cm in size.
  2. Remove the skin from the ginger root and rub it on a fine grater.
  3. Melon slices are put in a suitable saucepan, grated ginger is placed there, lemon juice is squeezed out, vanillin is added and everything is sprinkled with a few tablespoons of sugar.
  4. The remaining sugar is dissolved in 500 ml of water and boiled for about 5 minutes.
  5. Pour the melon slices with sugar syrup and set aside for an hour.
  6. Then cook over low heat until thickened. In the process of cooking, be sure to remove the foam.

Delicious melon and strawberry jam

Previously, before the advent of remontant strawberry varieties, it was impossible to even think about such a delicacy. Unless you use frozen strawberries for jam. Now remontant strawberries ripen almost simultaneously with melons, so preparing such a tempting dessert for the winter is not difficult.

Delicious melon jam

You need:

  • 1 kg of melon pulp;
  • Xnumx strawberry;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 500 grams of sugar;
  • 5 Art. l. honey.


  1. The melon is peeled and seeds are peeled and the remaining pulp is cut into small slices.
  2. Strawberries are washed, stems are removed and each berry is cut in half.
  3. Water and sugar are mixed in a saucepan. Heat with constant stirring until all the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Honey is added to the syrup and heated again to + 100 ° C.
  5. Spread fruits in boiling syrup, bring to a boil again and, reducing the heat to a minimum, cook for about half an hour. Do not forget to remove the foam and stir the jam periodically.
  6. When hot, the jam is distributed in sterile jars and closed for the winter.

How to cook melon jam for the winter with apples

This delicacy looks like jam, and pieces of apples in melon pulp look more like some exotic fruits. The following step-by-step recipe with pictures will help even novice cooks make melon and apple jam for the winter.

You need:

  • 1,5 kg of melon pulp;
  • 500 g sweet and sour apples with dense, crispy flesh.
  • 1 medium sized lemon;
  • 500 d Sahara.


  1. Melon pulp is cut into pieces of any size.

    Delicious melon jam

  2. And immediately turn them into a puree with a blender. Melon puree is placed in a saucepan, covered with sugar and heated to a temperature of + 100 ° C.

    Delicious melon jam

  3. Remove the zest from the lemon with a fine grater, and then squeeze the juice.

    Delicious melon jam

  4. At the same time, the skin is removed from the apples, the core with seeds is removed and cut into thin slices.

    Delicious melon jam

  5. Place apple slices together with lemon juice and zest in boiling melon puree. Boil for about 5 minutes and set aside for 6-8 hours.

    Delicious melon jam

  6. Set to heat again, boil for about 3 minutes and immediately laid out in glass containers and corked for the winter. The result is such a tempting treat.

    Delicious melon jam

Recipe for melon jam for the winter with a pear

If for this jam it is possible to pick up hard and crispy varieties of pears, then you can make a blank according to the above recipe.

If the pears are softer and juicier, then it is better to use the following recipe.

You need:

  • 2 kg of pears;
  • 2 kg of melon pulp;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 3-4 things star anise.


  1. The lemon is thoroughly washed, doused with boiling water and rubbed with zest on a grater with small holes. Juice is squeezed into a separate container, trying not to get the seeds from the lemon into it.
  2. Both melon and pears are peeled and seeds are cut into medium-sized cubes, sprinkled with lemon juice, sprinkled with sugar and left for 6-9 hours to extract the juice.
  3. Place a container with fruit on the fire, heat until boiling, remove the foam, add lemon zest and star anise, mix and remove from heat again for at least 8-10 hours.
  4. The next day, the jam is again heated to a boil, simmered for 10 minutes, the star anise is removed.
  5. The delicacy itself is laid out in sterile jars, rolled up for the winter.

Terms and conditions of storage

Best of all, melon jam will retain its properties in the cellar or basement. But during the year it can be stored in an ordinary pantry without light at a temperature not higher than + 20 ° C.

Reviews of melon jam

Lyudmila Khoteeva, 48 years old, Saransk
Wow, I never thought that I would make melon jam. And then a recipe with such a seductive photo caught my eye. I tried to make it out of the leftovers that were in the refrigerator after dinner – it turned out to be very large, they couldn’t do it. It turned out so yummy, there are no words! And the aroma filled the whole apartment. I don’t know how I didn’t think of making something like this before. Now I’m going to buy a melon especially for jam.
Dmitry Mazur, 39 years old, Belgorod
I like to cook all sorts of unusual dishes, including preparations for the winter. I have a special fondness for melon, but I have not yet heard that anything was harvested from it. But it turned out that melon jam for the winter is very tasty. You just need to add lemon juice or other citrus fruits to it when cooking. Spices also go well with this dish, especially cardamom and cinnamon.


Even the simplest recipe for melon jam for the winter will surprise you with the unusualness of the resulting dish. But in terms of its useful properties, this preparation is quite comparable with natural honey. A variety of recipes described in the article will provide an opportunity for any hostess to choose something special, to their liking.


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