Reasons for delaying menstruation by 3 days
A delay in menstruation for up to five days in most cases can have completely natural causes, that is, a three-day delay in menstruation with a negative pregnancy test may be a variant of the norm.
But menstruation can be delayed by more than 3 days for other reasons:
Gynecological diseases, for example, uterine fibroids, inflammation of the appendages and ovaries. If you feel pain, discomfort and discomfort in the pelvis, it is better to consult a specialist.
Taking oral contraceptives
If you have been taking hormonal birth control, longer delays may occur after you stop taking them. Just hormones reduce the productivity of the ovaries, and then the syndrome of “hyperinhibition” develops. The full period of recovery of the body after taking oral contraceptives can be up to six months.
In the presence of a stressful state, changes occur in the body, both at the mental and physiological levels. It is believed that all internal organs are affected by stress and anxiety. The regulation of the menstrual cycle is disrupted both at the level of the central nervous system and at the level of organs. Therefore, due to severe stress in women, the cycle goes astray.
Sharp weight loss
The main function of the female body is preparation for conception, bearing and giving birth to a child. Sharp weight loss, active physical activity and strict diets put the body into emergency saving mode. Then the reproductive function simply “suspends”. The “risk group” includes not only those women who have a too low percentage of body fat, but also those who are obese.
What to do if your period is 3 days late
If the pregnancy test is negative, and you know that the delay of menstruation by 3 days was not due to stress, then you need to go to the gynecologist.
A delay of 3 days does not always need treatment or correction. The doctor will help you find the cause of the delay, prescribe a series of studies, you will have to take blood and urine tests, and do an ultrasound. Thanks to the above studies, the gynecologist will be able to determine the cause of the delay in menstruation.
If the reason lies in psychological problems, then you need to work with a psychologist.
Prevention of delayed menstruation
In order for your female body to work like clockwork: menstruation came on time, pain in the abdomen and chest did not bother you, you need to take care of your health all the time, including eating right and getting enough sleep. If such failures nevertheless occurred, then you need to contact a gynecologist in order to timely diagnose possible diseases.
Your diet must include red meat, fatty fish, linseed or olive oil, yolks, avocados. Fats are involved in maintaining the balance of sex hormones.
Popular questions and answers
We talked about the possible causes of a delay in menstruation by 3 days with a negative test, as well as pain in the chest, lower abdomen and fever with gynecologist Olga Fedotova.
If pregnancy is excluded, it is necessary to conduct a further examination – ultrasound of the pelvic organs: perhaps the cause of the delay is an ovarian cyst, which most often indicates a hormonal failure or an inflammatory process.