Delay in a teenager: reasons for what to do
Delay in a teenager does not necessarily signal pregnancy or serious illness. If your period does not come on time, you need to identify the reasons in order to find a solution to the problem.
Causes of delay in adolescents
The first critical days usually occur in girls at the age of 12-13. Before that, a couple of years, the body of the future woman is hormonally rearranging. During this period, the correct daily regimen and nutrition, the prevention of diseases and the regulation of physical activity are especially important.
Delay in a teenager may be due to emotional distress
A common cause of menstrual irregularities in adolescents is malnutrition. The love of fast food and sweets leads to obesity. And the desire to look like a model from the cover – to excessive thinness and anorexia. Both of these extremes are dangerous for the reproductive system.
What else can cause a delay in menstruation at a young age:
- serious physical activity, for example, professional sports;
- hormonal failures;
- hemoglobin deficiency;
- endocrine and infectious diseases, as well as regular hypothermia;
- stress due to emotional distress and strong workload in studies.
In the first 2 years after the onset of menstruation, the cycle is still being established. Disruptions for several days are possible, which are considered the norm. Also, a delay can be caused by a sharp change in climate, for example, a trip on vacation.
What to do if a teenager has a delay in menstruation?
If the girl has never had critical days before the age of 15, this is a reason for examination by a gynecologist. You also need to see a doctor with constant long delays. He will check for hormonal deficiency or concomitant diseases, and prescribe an appropriate therapeutic course.
If the irregularity of the cycle is caused by an improper diet, change it.
You should give up fast food and soda, include more vegetables, boiled fish, berries and fruits in the menu.
It is better to eat often, in small portions. An improper diet in adolescence leads not only to problems with menstruation, but also to a delay in intellectual development.
With a lack of hemoglobin, preparations containing iron and folic acid, as well as food rich in these elements, will help. These are turkey meat, fish, seafood, beans, beets, tomato juice, walnuts, liver.
What else will help restore the cycle:
- Adequate sleep – at least 8 hours.
- Sports activities within the framework of the norm – morning exercises and physical education lessons.
- Clothes for the season – during the cold season, the legs and stomach should be warm.
Timely detection and treatment of diseases, including polycystic ovary disease, is important.
With regular delays, and even more painful sensations, you should not self-medicate or wait for everything to pass. Need a consultation with a competent gynecologist.
– Menstruation should be told in advance to help them accept changes in their body painlessly. Explain to the child that he is okay, that he now has a cycle of his own. Feminine nature is most influenced by the Moon. And now she always, knowing her cycle, can be sensitively attuned to it. Just as nature has winter, spring, summer, autumn, it has several days of slowing down. If we compare the biorhythm of the psyche with the season, then menstruation is winter. At this time, the body is cleansed, and the psyche slows down, and this period may be accompanied by a desire to reduce activity, be alone, and cancel events. It is worth asking a teenager what she would like to do now. Maybe retire and engage in creativity, a hobby. It is not worth to rejoice violently and celebrate this event, as well as to say “congratulations, you have become a girl”, because not everyone perceives the abrupt transition from “was” to “became” easily. But the positive aspects of the beginning of monthly cycles are still worth telling, as well as the rules of self-care at this time. Notice cycle times. Until it is adjusted, download the “Cycle Calendar” application on your phone.
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