Delay and pulls the lower abdomen and positive pregnancy test
The situation when a woman has a delay and pulls the lower abdomen can be caused by several reasons. They can be harmless and even pleasant. Or disturbing. In any case, you need to sort out the question and act in accordance with the circumstances.
Delay is not always a sign of pregnancy.
Why is there a negative test and a delay of several days?
Pulling and painful sensations can be caused by contractions of the uterus located in the lower abdomen. This often happens on the eve of and during a critical period. At the same time, some women simply experience discomfort, while others have severe pain that causes dizziness and even loss of consciousness.
What not to do with painful periods
First, during the critical days, you should forget about active sports training. Stretching exercises, abs, active dancing can all lead to profuse bleeding.
Secondly, take a long time to take a bath. The fact is that during menstruation, your uterus is extremely vulnerable and some infections can enter it. In addition, a hot bath only contributes to increased bleeding. For the same reasons, you should postpone the trip to the sauna or bath.
Delay is not always a sign of pregnancy.
Pulling pain can be caused by other reasons:
Premenstrual syndrome. Delay is caused by physical overload, moving to another climatic zone, emotional stress or a change in diet. If your period is delayed, but not more than a week, this is considered normal. The pulling pain can be one-time or recur regularly and be associated with the approach of menstruation.
Pregnancy. A delay of more than a week is a reason to conduct a test and can signal the birth of a new life.
Inflammation and gynecological diseases. The pain appears due to inflammatory processes – appendicitis, cysts or hemorrhage in the ovaries, inflammation of the appendages, pathologies of the small pelvis. If unpleasant signs appear and a negative test result, you should be examined by a doctor and, if necessary, start treatment as soon as possible.
Frequent disruptions of menstruation and discomfort can occur with hormonal disruption, so they cannot be ignored. It will not be superfluous to visit an endocrinologist.
Positive test and some white discharge as a sign of pregnancy
Unpleasant, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen can signal conception even before the onset of menstruation. Ovulation occurs from about the second decade of the cycle and is sometimes accompanied by the appearance of minor secretions and an increase in temperature. It will take 1 to 2 weeks for the egg to travel through the fallopian tubes from the moment of fertilization.
The egg that has reached the uterus and fixed on its wall causes these sensations 2-4 days before the expected menstruation. During implantation, it takes root, slightly damages the epithelium, which may cause spotting. In fact, a foreign body is implanted into the uterus, from which it, by contracting, tries to get rid of, which causes pain.
These sensations are often mistaken for premenstrual syndrome.
Painful sensations only arouse suspicion. Additional confirmation will be the absence of menstruation and the appearance of 2 stripes during testing. If the pain persists, it is possible that the uterus continues to struggle with the egg, sometimes resulting in a miscarriage. This is another reason not to postpone a visit to the doctor, especially if cramping pains radiate to the lower back and are accompanied by bleeding.
Monitor the regularity of the cycle, pay attention to the appearance of pain. Timely diagnostics and competent intervention will help maintain health and give birth to a strong baby.
Chief freelance specialist in obstetrics and gynecology of the Moscow Department of Health, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
– In the last century, many ladies believed that they should look at the gynecologist only after the woman became pregnant. This is the wrong approach. Now for the first time a newborn girl is examined by a neonatologist while still in the hospital. The next visit to the pediatric gynecologist should take place when the baby is 1 year old, then at 7, 10, 12 years old. But this is a schedule of preventive examinations, when there are no complaints and deviations. Under the supervision of a gynecologist, girls with urinary tract and kidney infections, allergies, diseases of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, diabetes mellitus, neuroses, obesity, after operations in the abdominal cavity, especially due to complicated appendicitis, must be kept.
From the age of 14, a girl, if there are no complaints, should visit a gynecologist 1-2 times a year, do an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs to diagnose ovarian neoplasms, take smears for oncocytology, this makes it possible to detect serious diseases of the cervix in the early stages. Competent prevention is the key to women’s health!
Anna Gerasimenko, Rumiya Safiulina, Editorial