Dehydration: we study the symptoms and declare a fight

Dehydration is one of the main dangers of the summer, the severity of which many underestimate. It develops imperceptibly and at first does not cause much concern. But if you ignore the symptoms of dehydration, it can turn into a dangerous threat. About how to protect yourself from an insidious disease, and we will talk in our article.

We study the medical history

Обезвоживание организма: изучаем симптомы и объявляем борьбу

The causes of dehydration of the human body can be very different. The main one is insufficient fluid intake. Add to this heavy sweating, overheating of the body on particularly hot days, summer food poisoning, stress at work — here are the ideal conditions for the development of dehydration.

It is often provoked by the abuse of drinks with caffeine, alcohol or tobacco. However, even useful habits sometimes bring harm. So, intensive sports and diets often turn into an acute lack of fluid.

There are whole risk groups that are more prone to dehydration than others. First of all, these are children from the first days of birth to 10-12 years old, elderly people, people with chronic kidney and liver diseases, as well as those who are engaged in physical labor in the fresh air.

It is important to remember: the consequences of dehydration are fraught with serious health problems. Metabolic disorders, irreversible kidney damage, weakened immune defenses, and high blood pressure are just some of them. Therefore, do not neglect the signals that the body sends us.

Diagnosis: dehydration

Обезвоживание организма: изучаем симптомы и объявляем борьбу

By and large, the signs of dehydration in a child are exactly the same as in an adult. However, children are not always able to clearly explain what is bothering them. So parents should carefully monitor changes in their behavior and well-being. Lethargy, excessive capriciousness, refusal of your favorite food and entertainment, problems with digestion should alert you first of all. Additional alarm bells are high fever, cracked lips and redness on the skin.

Symptoms of dehydration in adults are general malaise, slowness of movement, constant fatigue and drowsiness, dark circles under the eyes. In advanced cases, this condition can be complicated by frequent vomiting for no apparent reason, tingling in the palms and feet, muscle spasms, swollen tongue, severe shortness of breath, dizziness and migraines. If you find at least 3-4 of these symptoms in a child or someone close to you, you need to immediately proceed to action.

Emergency care at home

Обезвоживание организма: изучаем симптомы и объявляем борьбу

What to do with dehydration? With a mild degree, it is enough to restore the water balance as soon as possible. To do this, slowly drink a glass of ordinary water every hour until the condition improves.

How to treat moderate dehydration at home? First of all, it is necessary to lay the victim in a well-ventilated room. Let him drink ordinary water in small sips through a straw. You can also put a water compress on the patient’s forehead, or even better-completely cover it with a wet sheet.

Very effective drugs for restoring the water-salt balance, such as rehydrone or gastrolith. If they were not at hand, a proven folk remedy will help. Boil 100 g of raisins in 1 liter of water, strain and add 1 tsp of salt, 0.5 tsp of soda and 4 tsp of sugar to the broth. This solution is taken in a glass 3 times a day.

What to drink in case of dehydration other than water? Mineral water with a high content of sodium and potassium, citrus juices, green and herbal teas. If the patient’s condition remains severe and unchanged for more than 12 hours, contact your doctor without delay.

Life-giving prevention

Обезвоживание организма: изучаем симптомы и объявляем борьбу

Now let’s talk about how to restore the body after dehydration. The first and most obvious recommendation is to drink enough water. The optimal volume ranges from 2.5 to 3 liters of water, not counting other drinks. Make it a point to take a bottle of water with you everywhere. By the way, it does not hurt to get a spray with thermal or mineral water. Water your face and hands with it if you are constantly thirsty.

Hang heavy curtains or reflective film on the windows in the house. Try to leave the windows open at night. Just don’t forget to install a mosquito net or plug in a fumigator. To moisten and cool the air during the day, use ice hot water bottles. Fill them with water, freeze them, and spread them all over the apartment.

You should also take care of the workplace. Place plants with large leaves, such as ficus or begonia, on the desk in the office. Periodically spray them from the spray gun — and constant freshness is ensured. You can also install an aquarium with fish in the office. All these measures will help you get in shape faster after dehydration. However, as a preventive measure, they are also very effective.

Dehydration, even in a mild form, can be a serious test for the body. You will agree that it is much easier to observe basic preventive measures than to deal with the consequences of this painful condition. Especially when it comes to the health, happiness and peace of mind of the whole family.

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