Dehydration – Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Dehydration – Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Dehydration affects all populations in the world. The danger is all the more present when dehydration affects young children and the elderly. In addition, these are the developing countries most affected. Diarrhea, vomiting, dry mouth are all visible signs of dehydration.

What is dehydration?

Definition of dehydration

Dehydration is not a “disease” strictly speaking, it is a physiological state with more or less important consequences. This physiological state then results from a consequent decrease in fluid within the body. Dehydration can be due to malnutrition, or even severe diarrhea.

This liquid, in quantity less than normal, in the case of a state of dehydration, consists mainly of water and mineral salts.

Dehydration can affect anyone, but special care should be taken in young children and the elderly.

Causes of dehydration

Diarrhea, the main consequence of dehydration, is caused by:

  • a lack of hygiene;
  • malnutrition, especially with regard to “water-rich” foods;
  • contact and / or hydration with contaminated water.

Bacteria can cause diarrhea, such as Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella or, E.Coli. But also viruses, such as Rotavirus. These living organisms, responsible for a diarheic state, are easily transmitted from one individual to another, particularly by handling or by ingesting contaminated water or food.

People affected by dehydration

Dehydration is most prevalent in developing countries. This fact stems from the lack of access to drinking water or the lack of basic sanitation. The global prevalence associated with diarrheal pathologies is nearly 1,5 million children.

This state of dehydration can affect everyone, regardless of age, gender or even where they live. Nevertheless, the elderly as well as children and infants are categories of people to be considered with more attention. Indeed, with regard to the elderly, they sometimes have more difficulty in hydrating regularly, especially in periods of strong heat. As for children, during growth, the consequences of dehydration are more serious than in adults. In this sense, promoting hydration in these categories of people is essential.

When diarrhea is not treated immediately, it can be dangerous. Indeed, the loss of water and mineral salts can have significant consequences in the functioning of the organism (vital organs, muscles, brain, etc.), and even more so in the growing child or even in the elderly, whose body is weakened.

In order to avoid the aggravation of dehydration, it is important to continue a substantial hydration, that is to say about 1,5 L of water per day.

The symptoms of dehydration

Dehydration is related through certain specific signs, in particular:

  • less need to urinate;
  • the absence of tears;
  • dry tongue, dry lips and skin;
  • “grayish” skin;
  • a depression in the fontanel (soft part of the infant’s skull);

Diarrhea, vomiting, are the most demonstrative signs.

The diarrhea, linked to a state of dehydration, are common in children and infants. In addition, they are generally scarce and of short duration. In any other case, it must be considered with care, in order to avoid any more serious consequences.

Other symptoms can also accompany this diarrheal state: fever, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, stomach aches or even abdominal crampss.

The presence of blood in stool testifies to significant dehydration, this is the most alarming condition.

Risk factors associated with dehydration

The risk factors for dehydration are, of course, insufficient recommended daily hydration (about 1,5 L of water per day). But also a state of malnutrition, consumption of food and / or water contaminated with bacteria or viruses that can cause diarrhea.

Despite a personal lack of hydration, handling and the oral route are therefore the two main routes of transmission of the risk of diarrhea.

Treatments and prevention of dehydration

In order to limit any risk of bacterial or viral transmission, it is therefore highly recommended to adopt hygiene rules: wash food well, wash your hands well after going to the toilet, do not drink the water if it is this is not drinkable.

In addition, it is advisable to drink between 1,5 L and 2 L of water per day. This recommendation varies in particular according to individual physical and sporting practices, the presence of certain underlying pathologies or the seasonal period.

The disease is mainly and mainly treated by rehydration. In order to limit the worsening of water and mineral salt losses, drinking and eating as normally as possible is recommended.

In the case of dehydrated infants, there are then oral rehydration solutions, prescribed for severe diarrhea. When these diminish, it is advisable to feed the child little by little, with formula milk or solid foods.

If the symptoms persist over time, then it is important to contact the doctor promptly. But also if blood is visible in the stool, if the diarrhea is accompanied by fever and a body temperature above 38,5 ° C.


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