Dehydration – causes, symptoms, diagnosis. Who is at risk of dehydration?

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Dehydration is nothing more than a lack of fluid in the body that allows it to function properly. In this case, prevention is very important and simply not leading to dehydration. What if it comes to dehydration? What are the most common symptoms of dehydration?

  1. Dehydration can be manifested by tiredness, dry mouth and headache and dizziness
  2. Najbardziej zagrożone nim są dzieci, osoby starsze i chorujące przewlekle, ale odwodnienie jest niebezpieczne także dla zdrowych dorosłych
  3. Konsekwencje są bardzo groźne, to udar cieplny, drgawki oraz wstrząs hipowolemiczny
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Dehydration – causes

Very often, dehydration occurs for simple reasons: we just don’t drink enough fluids. Other potential causes of dehydration include:

  1. diarrhea and vomiting and severe acute diarrhea – diarrhea that occurs suddenly and violently – can cause huge loss of water and electrolytes in a short time; if you vomit along with diarrhea you lose even more fluids and minerals
  2. fever – in general, the higher your fever is, the more dehydrated you may be. The problem is made worse if diarrhea and vomiting are accompanied by a high fever.
  3. excessive sweating – you lose water when you sweat; If you do vigorous exercise and do not replace fluids during it, you can become dehydrated – hot and humid weather increases the amount of sweating and fluid loss,
  4. increased urination – this can be caused by undiagnosed or uncontrolled diabetes. Certain medications, such as diuretics and certain medications for high blood pressure, can also lead to dehydration, mainly because they cause you to urinate more often.

To replenish electrolytes and properly hydrate the body, it is worth using Litoxen Xenico, available in the form of water-soluble tablets. You can buy the supplement in a 1 + 1 set on Medonet Market.

Dehydration – Who Is Most At Risk?

Anyone can become dehydrated, but some people are at greater risk. In particular, these are:

  1. babies and children – infants and children are most likely to suffer from severe diarrhea and vomiting, and are therefore more likely to become dehydrated than other age groups. It is very important to replenish fluids, especially water in young children, as it often happens that they only drink when they feel thirsty. It is the elders who should offer the child water as often as possible,
  2. elder people – with age, the body’s fluid reserve decreases, the ability to save water also decreases and the feeling of thirst decreases. These problems are made worse by chronic diseases such as diabetes and dementia, and by the use of certain medications.
  3. people with chronic diseases – having uncontrolled or untreated diabetes poses a high risk of dehydration. Kidney disease also increases the risk, as do drugs that increase the frequency of urination. Even a cold or a sore throat makes you more prone to dehydration because you are less likely to feel like eating or drinking when you are sick.
  4. people who work or exercise outdoors – When it is hot and humid, the risk of dehydration and heat-related illnesses increases. This is because when the air is humid, sweat cannot evaporate and cool you down as quickly as normal, which can lead to an increase in body temperature and a need for more fluids.

Dehydration – symptoms

Objawy odwodnienia różnią się w zależności od tego, czy stan jest łagodny czy ciężki. Objawy odwodnienia mogą zacząć się pojawiać, zanim nastąpi całkowite odwodnienie.

Objawy łagodnego do umiarkowanego odwodnienia obejmują:

  1. general feeling of tiredness
  2. dry mouth
  3. increased thirst
  4. zmniejszone oddawanie moczu,
  5. zmniejszone wydzielanie łez,
  6. dry skin,
  7. constipation
  8. dizziness,
  9. headache.

To prevent dehydration, it is essential to drink water regularly. For this purpose, it is always worth having it with you, e.g. in the OstroVit water bottle in the Bottle, which you can buy at Medonet Market in the color of your choice and at a promotional price. To regulate hydration, use Isotonic powder to regulate the water and electrolyte balance OstroVit.

The rest of the text below the video.

W przypadku łagodnego odwodnienia ważne jest dostarczenie organizmowi odpowiedniej ilości płynów. Dodatkowo można stosować preparaty kosmetyczne nawadniające wysuszoną skórę. Polecamy Balsam do ciała do skóry suchej i odwodnionej EPTA CREME i Zestaw do oczyszczania i pielęgnacji skóry suchej i odwodnionej EPTA CREME, w którym znajdują się: Preparat oczyszczający do skóry suchej i odwodnionej EPTA CREME oraz Krem do twarzy do skóry suchej i odwodnionej EPTA CREME.

In the case of more severe dehydration of the body, in addition to the above symptoms, the following may appear:

  1. excessive thirst
  2. no sweat production
  3. low blood pressure,
  4. accelerated heart rate,
  5. rapid breathing,
  6. dark circles under eyes,
  7. wrinkled skin,
  8. dark urine.

Severe dehydration is a medical emergency. Get immediate medical help if you have any of these symptoms.


Children and the elderly should receive immediate treatment, even if they experience symptoms of mild dehydration.

If a person in any age group develops the following symptoms, they should seek emergency care:

  1. severe diarrhea
  2. blood in the stool
  3. diarrhea for 3 or more days
  4. inability to maintain fluids,
  5. confusion.

Remember to replenish your fluids regularly. For example, use OxeoORS electrolytes to help your body recover.

Odwodnienie — objawy u dzieci

The symptoms of dehydration in children are most often fatigue, lack of appetite, lack of thirst, tight skin, dry lips, less frequency of urination, apathy or high agitation. In infants, one of the symptoms of dehydration may be a collapsed fontanel.

It is worth knowing that a child has a smaller area of ​​skin that stores water than an adult. The child, on the other hand, has a much faster metabolism, which translates into faster water loss. That is why it is so important to prevent the child from becoming dehydrated.


Already a loss of about 10 percent. water from your baby’s body requires action in the hospital.

Dehydration – diagnosis

Before starting any tests to confirm dehydration, your doctor will discuss any symptoms to rule out other conditions. After collecting your medical history, your doctor will check vital signs including heart rate and blood pressure. Low blood pressure and a fast heart rate may indicate dehydration.

Additionally, you may have a test done to check your electrolyte levels, which can help pinpoint fluid loss. A blood test can also check your body’s creatinine levels. This helps the doctor determine how well your kidneys are functioning, which is an indicator of the degree of dehydration.

Urinalysis is a test that uses a urine sample to check for bacteria and for loss of electrolytes. The color of your urine may also indicate dehydration when combined with other symptoms. Dark urine alone cannot diagnose dehydration.

Test the level of electrolytes in the body – buy a blood test package. The offered tests can be performed in 1 of over 500 available download points of the Diagnostyka network.

Dehydration – health effects

Water is about 80 percent. the child’s body weight and about 60 percent. the weight of an adult. Not everyone is aware that the human brain consists of 80 percent. water, and muscles from 75 percent. Blood is about 98 percent. water, and in the bones 22 percent. Therefore, water is essential for the proper functioning of a human being.

Dehydration can lead to serious complications, including:

  1. udaru cieplnego — jeśli nie pijesz wystarczającej ilości płynów podczas energicznych ćwiczeń i intensywnego pocenia się, wykonywanych na dworze, przy wysokiej temperaturze, może dojść do udaru cieplnego. Stan ten może zagrażać naszemu życiu i zdrowiu,
  2. problemy z moczem i nerkami — długotrwałe lub powtarzające się napady odwodnienia mogą powodować infekcje dróg moczowych, kamienie nerkowe, a nawet niewydolność nerek,
  3. seizures – electrolytes such as potassium and sodium help carry electrical signals from cell to cell. If the electrolyte levels are abnormal, normal electrical messages can get mixed up, which can lead to involuntary muscle contractions and, sometimes, loss of consciousness.
  4. wstrząs spowodowany obniżoną objętością krwi (wstrząs hipowolemiczny) — jest to jedno z najpoważniejszych, a czasem zagrażających życiu, powikłań odwodnienia. Występuje, gdy mała objętość krwi powoduje spadek ciśnienia krwi i spadek ilości tlenu w organizmie.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to self-compassion – a trend that has developed very strongly in the United States, but is still in its infancy in Poland. What is it and how does it affect our daily functioning? You will hear about this and many other issues related to self-compassion in the latest episode of our podcast.

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