Degrees of disability

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According to the definition adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO), disability is defined as a limitation or inability to perform activities within the scope considered normal for a human being. The limitation of efficiency results from damage and impairment of the body’s functions. A person whose physical or mental fitness is permanently or temporarily limited and prevents normal professional and social functioning is considered to be disabled. Depending on the degree and scope of functional limitation, there are three degrees of disability: mild, moderate and severe.

Adjudication of disability lies within the scope of activities poviat teams for adjudication of disability. In order to obtain an appropriate decision, it is necessary to report to the institution concerned adjudication of disability in a given county. It can also be a social welfare center or a poviat family support center. You should download and fill in the appropriate forms, complete the medical documentation of the case, perform appropriate examinations determined by the commission and appear at the appointed time for the adjudicating panel meeting. If it is impossible to appear at the meeting of the adjudicating committee due to health condition, hospitalization or any other type of inability to move, certificate of disability and its degree it may be issued without the person applying for the judgment attending the session.

The adjudicating panel on the basis of the medical history, tests performed and an individual case assessment issues a decision on the award certificate of disability and its degree.

Degrees of disability

In the regulations of Fr. certifying disability are highlighted three degrees of disability, depending on the extent of limitation of the body’s efficiency: light, moderate and significant degree.

To the judgment of Fr. slight degree of disability Qualified are people with a disturbed body fitness, which causes a reduction in the efficiency of functioning, limitation of the ability to perform work compared to the work of a person with full physical, motor and mental fitness. Slight degree of disability also defines a situation in which the impaired fitness causes limitations in fulfilling social roles, and when a person with reduced fitness can compensate the limitations resulting from an injury, genetic or developmental defect with the use of technical, auxiliary or orthopedic devices.

O moderate degree of disability adjudicates in the event that the state of physical or mental health does not allow for the performance of work, allows work only in the conditions of sheltered employment, when temporary or partial assistance of other persons is required in the performance of basic social roles by a person with reduced ability.

Significant degree of disability it is found when the fitness of the organism is affected to such an extent that the person affected by the disability is unable to work (or can only work in sheltered employment conditions), and also requires constant or long-term (longer than 12 months) care and assistance of other people in order to fulfill social roles and self-service activities such as hygiene, movement, household management, communication and functioning in society.

Disability level it is adjudicated for a definite period if there is a risk of improvement in health, or permanently if (according to medical knowledge) there is no chance of improvement. In the event of a change in health, improvement or deterioration, the disabled person has certificate of disability or degree of disability may apply for a new decision with regard to the modification.

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Adjudication of children’s disability

Decisions on the degree of disability are awarded in Poland to persons over 16 years of age. In the earlier years of life, Fr. disability without determining its degree, based on an assessment of whether the physical or mental fitness is impaired for a period longer than 12 months and is caused by a congenital defect, long-term disease or damage to the body. If these circumstances are confirmed, there is an inability to meet basic life functions, such as independent movement, communication with the environment, and the need to provide complete care or assistance in functioning in excess of the support necessary for a person of a given age, and systematic medical treatments are required. and rehabilitation, then it declares a disability.

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