What is a periodontium?
Periodontitis – This is the most complex infectious disease of the periodontium, with such a disease, bleeding of the gums with the formation of abscesses and abscesses is observed. The consequence of the penetration of infection into the root system of the teeth is the expansion of the gaps between the teeth and their loss. Periodontitis is not an independent disease, as a rule, it appears due to malfunctions in the endocrine system. Therefore, periodontitis is treated comprehensively.
Patient and diligent treatment will certainly give good results: after recovery, normalization of thyroid hormones and the cure of chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis and other diseases, as a rule, a certain remission of periodontitis occurs. Together with therapeutic treatment, purely dental treatment of the disease is also used – such as gum massage.

Where does periodontitis come from and how to recognize it?
The main cause of periodontitis is considered to be bacterial plaque, which is constantly created on the teeth. If the plaque is not removed, then over time it hardens and turns into tartar. Next comes the destruction of the tissues that hold the tooth. As a result, a gap is formed between the tooth and the gum, into which plaque begins to clog. The root of the tooth, being under constant pressure from the destructive forces of caries, begins to move over time. The more advanced the disease, the more likely it is that the teeth will fall out. Therefore, never start dental treatment, even if you do not like dentists: there are completely painless and effective methods of treatment.
If plaque destroys only the mucous membrane, then the disease is called gingivitis. This is the first stage of periodontal disease. More advanced stages are already called dental periodontitis.
Periodontitis will most likely develop in people with problems such as:
Disturbances in the development of the dental system.
Weak immune system.
Acute deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
Presence of tartar.
Excessive dryness of the mouth.
Symptoms of periodontitis
Initial symptoms: you will experience itching, throbbing in the gums, bad breath, discomfort when chewing.
Moderate symptoms: the supporting apparatus of the tooth begins to loosen, the teeth are mobile, the sensitivity of the teeth increases. In this case, the gums often bleed, especially during brushing your teeth, they swell, become inflamed.
Symptoms of advanced disease: pronounced pain syndrome. There is an indisposition, body temperature increases, it becomes more and more difficult to chew. At the same time, the teeth are strongly displaced from their rows, and some begin to fall out.
Periodontitis grades
Degrees of periodontitis are usually determined by the depth of the periodontal pocket, the degree of bone resorption and tooth mobility.
mild periodontitis characterized by a lack of mobility in the teeth, the depth of the periodontal pocket is up to 3,5 mm. The height of the interdental septa is reduced by no more than 1/3 of their length.
Moderate periodontitis characterized by the presence of mobility in the teeth of the 1st or 2nd degree, as a result, the teeth can move, creating gaps. The depth of the periodontal pocket is up to 5 mm, pus begins to flow from it. The height of the interdental septa is reduced to 1/2 of their length.
Severe periodontitis characterized by the presence of 2-3 degrees of tooth mobility, which causes a complete defect in the dentition. There is a constant suppuration from the periodontal pocket, the depth of which is already 6 mm. The height of the interdental septa is reduced by more than 1/2 of their length.

Treatment of periodontitis: 7 effective procedures to fight the disease
It is impossible to completely get rid of periodontitis. However, the course of the disease should not be ignored. Therapeutic measures help improve the condition of the gums, reduce the inflammatory response, and preserve already loosened teeth. The sooner treatment is started, the more effective it will be.
In localized periodontitis, one or more teeth are affected. If a patient develops a generalized form of the disease, then a whole dentition may be involved in the pathological process.
To avoid the development of periodontitis, it is necessary to treat periodontitis in time. Below are 7 effective procedures that will help improve the condition of the gums.
Removal of plaque and calculus
When the first signs of periodontitis appear, you need to contact your dentist and undergo a professional cleaning of the oral cavity. The doctor will remove plaque and tartar. Their deposits lead to the development of inflammation. Professional cleaning should be repeated at least once every six months.
Ways to implement it:
ultrasonic cleaning. This is the most popular procedure. Through a special tip, the teeth are affected by a device that emits ultrasonic waves of a given frequency. In parallel, the doctor treats the dentition with a jet of water. Ultrasound destroys dental deposits, and water washes them out of the oral cavity. Cleaning is carried out using Vector or Varius devices. Their use sometimes allows you to do without surgical curettage of the gums.
Air Flow or sandblasting teeth. Removal of dental deposits is performed using sand, air and water. The procedure allows you to get rid of even those stones that are in hard-to-reach places. Often this technique is combined with ultrasonic cleaning.
Manual cleaning. It involves the processing of teeth with a special tool, which is equipped with a hook at the end. The doctor picks up the stone, located under the gums, and then removes it. This procedure is rarely used, as it is considered obsolete. For optimal results, it can be combined with ultrasonic cleaning.
Chemical cleaning. It is resorted to in the case when the patient is found to have hard and numerous dental deposits. The doctor uses special acids to dissolve them. You need to understand that this procedure is associated with certain risks. If the acid gets on the gums and tooth enamel, they will be destroyed. However, sometimes it is not possible to cope with tartar in other ways.
Laser cleaning. This is a modern and safe method of dealing with tartar. Its disadvantage is the high cost. The laser will help to cope with even the toughest deposits. Under its influence, all microbes die, and the enamel is strengthened.
Curettage right
Sometimes only with the help of professional cleaning of the dentition it is not possible to cope with the problem. In this case, doctors resort to an operation called gum curettage. It is required when the patient has formed large gingival pockets, if the plaque is located deep under the gums and it is not possible to remove it using the procedures described above. The specialist conducts the cleaning blindly, as he cannot visualize the depth of dental deposits.
Curettage helps to get rid of gum pockets. The gum will again be adjacent to the tooth, which will prevent infection of the tissues of the oral cavity. Before the procedure begins, the patient is given a local anesthetic.
It is carried out in two ways:
Open curettage. The doctor cuts the gum and peels it off the surface of the tooth. This allows you to see the underlying deposits. The doctor removes them, after which he polishes his teeth. If there is a need, then an artificial bone is implanted, which will fill the resulting void. Then the gum is returned to its place, and sutures are placed over it.
Closed curettage. In this case, the gum is not cut. The doctor removes dental deposits with the help of special hooks. This procedure is indicated for patients with gum pockets no larger than 3 mm.
During open curettage, the doctor may perform a flap operation. It is aimed at correcting the shape of the gums.
Medical correction
Taking medication helps to get rid of inflammation. Local therapy is reduced to the imposition of compresses and rinses. Sometimes the patient is shown systemic medication.
You need to rinse your mouth with solutions such as: Chlorhexidine and Miramistin. You can use a decoction of oak bark, chamomile or sage. If the gums bleed, then Metrogyl Denta ointment is applied to them. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs for oral administration are prescribed by the doctor on an individual basis.
Physiotherapeutic procedures
If the medical correction is supplemented with physiotherapy, then it will be possible to quickly cope with the problem. To reduce gum bleeding, to eliminate pain and inflammation, magnetic therapy, darsonvalization electrophoresis, and ultraviolet treatment are used. Good results bring gum massage. It is carried out not only in clinics using a vacuum, but also at home. You can massage the gums with your fingertips or with a soft-bristled toothbrush.
The most effective procedure for the treatment of periodontitis is ultrasound treatment. It is carried out on Vector and Varius devices. Such therapy allows you to get rid of dental deposits and improve the gums.
Tooth splinting
Splinting helps to strengthen overly mobile teeth and prevent them from falling out. Loose teeth are combined with healthy ones. For this, either a tire or a fiberglass thread is used. This device is applied to the inside of the teeth, for which a small groove is artificially created in them. On top of the structure is covered with a composite. It will be hard to notice. The tire does not cause any inconvenience to its owner.
When the integrity of the dentition is compromised, removable clasp dentures are used instead of a splint. They have a metal base and are attached with hooks. Such dentures are characterized by increased strength, so they can be used as a replacement for lost or to fix loose teeth.
Good oral hygiene
The most common reason for the development of periodontitis is poor-quality care of teeth and gums. To maintain the results of the therapy, careful oral hygiene is required.
You need to brush your teeth 2 times a day: in the morning before meals and in the evening before going to bed. Choose a brush with medium bristles. Even if the gum is inflamed, a soft brush should not be used. She just won’t clean up the plaque.
During the course of therapy, it is recommended to use therapeutic pastes. They will help eliminate the symptoms of gum disease. After a month, you can switch to regular cleaning products.
After each meal, rinse your mouth or use dental floss. If you do not do this, then the particles of food remaining between the teeth will soften and turn into plaque. Bacteria multiply very quickly in it.
For high-quality cleaning of teeth at home, you need to use an irrigator. It allows you to clean the gaps between the teeth and gently massage the gums. Thanks to this procedure, metabolic processes in tissues improve.
Platelet injections allow to activate the processes of regeneration of gingival and bone tissues, reduce the inflammatory reaction and speed up recovery. They are created on the basis of a person’s own blood.
Dental implantation
Completely get rid of periodontitis will not succeed. From time to time the disease will worsen. Eventually the teeth will fall out. With proper treatment, this will not happen soon – in 10-20 years or more.
Sometimes the damage is so strong that it is impossible to save the teeth, it is easier to remove them. In past years, prosthetics were not available to patients with periodontal disease. However, advances in modern dentistry have allowed people to acquire new artificial teeth. Implants are implanted deeply. They are injected into bone tissues that do not undergo an inflammatory reaction and destruction. The very next day after their installation, a person can chew food on his own.
Patients with periodontitis of the upper dentition can undergo zygomatic implantation. At the same time, implants are implanted not only in the spongy layer of the gums, but also in the cheekbones. They are very long, which ensures their secure fastening. Implants do not affect the sinuses, they are angled and fixed in the zygomatic bone. It is characterized by increased strength and does not undergo an inflammatory reaction. After the implants are installed, a fixed prosthesis is fixed on them, imitating your own dentition.
At home, patients with periodontitis need to treat the oral cavity with decoctions of medicinal herbs. However, rinsing cannot replace professional dental care. The inflammatory process will become less intense, but will not stop. The progression of the disease will inevitably lead to loss of teeth. Therefore, when the first signs of periodontitis appear, you need to visit a dentist.